
Defines functions print.elo.colley elo.colley

Documented in elo.colley

#' Compute a Colley matrix model for a matchup.
#' @inheritParams elo.glm
#' @param weights A vector of weights. Note that these weights are used in the Colley matrix creation,
#'   but not the regression.
#' @param k The fraction of a win to be assigned to the winning team. See "details".
#' @examples
#' elo.colley(score(points.Home, points.Visitor) ~ team.Home + team.Visitor, data = tournament,
#'   subset = points.Home != points.Visitor)
#' @details
#'   See the vignette for details on this method.
#'   The differences in assigned scores (from the coefficients of the Colley matrix regression) are fed into a logistic
#'   regression model to predict wins or (usually) a linear model to predict margin of victory.
#'   In this setting, 'k' indicates the fraction of a win to be assigned to the winning team
#'   (and the fraction of a loss to be assigned to the losing team); setting \code{k = 1} (the default)
#'   emits the "Bias Free" ranking method presented by Colley.
#'   It is also possible to adjust the regression by setting the second argument of
#'    \code{\link{adjust}()}. As in \code{\link{elo.glm}},
#'   the intercept represents the home-field advantage. Neutral fields can be indicated
#'   using the \code{\link{neutral}()} function, which sets the intercept to 0.
#' @references Colley W.N. Colley's Bias Free College Football Ranking Method: The Colley Matrix Explained. 2002.
#' @seealso \code{\link[stats]{glm}}, \code{\link{summary.elo.colley}}, \code{\link{score}},
#'   \code{\link{mov}}, \code{\link{elo.model.frame}}
#' @name elo.colley

#' @rdname elo.colley
#' @export
elo.colley <- function(formula, data, family = "binomial", weights, na.action, subset, k = 1, ..., running = FALSE, skip = 0)
  Call <- match.call()
  Call <- Call[c(1, match(c("formula", "data", "weights", "subset", "na.action", "k"), names(Call), nomatch = 0))]
  Call[[1L]] <- quote(elo::elo.model.frame)
  Call$required.vars <- c("wins", "elos", "group", "neutral", "weights", "k")
  if(is.null(Call$k)) Call$k <- 1
  Call$warn.k <- FALSE
  Call$ncol.k <- 2
  mf <- eval(Call, parent.frame())
  if(nrow(mf) == 0) stop("No (non-missing) observations")
  Terms <- stats::terms(mf)

  dat <- check_elo_markovchain_vars(mf)
  all.teams <- attr(dat, "teams")
  grp <- mf$group

  # we use the convention Ax = x
  colley <- do.call(eloColley, dat)
  ## come back to this
  # if(any(abs(colSums(out[[1]]) - 1) > sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))) warning("colSums(transition matrix) may not be 1")

  vec <- stats::.lm.fit(colley[[1]], colley[[2]])$coefficients
  vec <- stats::setNames(vec / sum(vec), all.teams)
  difference <- mean_vec_subset_matrix(vec, dat$teamA+1) - mean_vec_subset_matrix(vec, dat$teamB+1)
  mc.dat <- data.frame(wins.A = mf$wins.A, home.field = mf$home.field, difference = difference)
  if(!all(mf$adj.A == 0)) mc.dat$adj.A <- mf$adj.A
  if(!all(mf$adj.B == 0)) mc.dat$adj.B <- mf$adj.B
  mc.glm <- stats::glm(wins.A ~ . - 1, family = family, data = mc.dat)
  out <- list(
    fit = mc.glm,
    weights = mf$weights,
    matrix = colley[[1]],
    response = colley[[2]],
    pi = vec,
    y = mc.glm$y,
    fitted.values = mc.glm$fitted.values,
    teams = all.teams,
    group = grp,
    elo.terms = Terms,
    na.action = stats::na.action(mf),
    outcome = attr(mf, "outcome")

    ftd <- rep(0, times = nrow(mc.dat))
    grp2 <- group_to_int(grp, skip)
    y <- dat$winsA
    adj <- cbind(mf$home.field, mf$adj.A, mf$adj.B)

    for(i in setdiff(seq_len(max(grp2)), seq_len(skip)))
      if(i == 0) next
      sbst <- grp2 %in% 0:(i-1)
      dat.tmp <- dat
      dat.tmp$winsA <- dat.tmp$winsA[sbst]
      dat.tmp$k <- dat.tmp$k[sbst, , drop = FALSE]
      dat.tmp$weights <- dat.tmp$weights[sbst]
      dat.tmp$teamA <- dat.tmp$teamA[sbst, , drop = FALSE]
      dat.tmp$teamB <- dat.tmp$teamB[sbst, , drop = FALSE]

      colley <- do.call(eloColley, dat.tmp)
      vec <- stats::.lm.fit(colley[[1]], colley[[2]])$coefficients
      vec <- stats::setNames(vec / sum(vec), all.teams)
      vec[colley[[3]] == 0] <- NA
      difference <- mean_vec_subset_matrix(vec, dat$teamA+1) - mean_vec_subset_matrix(vec, dat$teamB+1)

      # tmpfit <- stats::glm(dat$winsA ~ difference, subset = sbst, family = "binomial")
      # ftd[grp2 == i] <- predict(tmpfit, newdata = data.frame(difference = difference[grp2 == i]), type = "link")

      coeff <- stats::glm.fit(cbind(difference, adj)[sbst, , drop=FALSE],
                              dat.tmp$winsA, family = mc.glm$family, control = mc.glm$control)$coefficients
      ftd[grp2 == i] <- apply(cbind(difference, adj)[grp2 == i, , drop=FALSE], 1, mult_na_coef, coeff = coeff)
    out$running.values <- mc.glm$family$linkinv(ftd)
    attr(out$running.values, "group") <- grp2

  structure(out, class = c(if(running) "elo.running", "elo.colley"))

#' @export
print.elo.colley <- function(x, ...)
  cat("\nAn object of class 'elo.colley', containing information on ", length(x$teams),
      " teams and ", sum(x$weights), " matches.\n\n", sep = "")

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elo documentation built on Aug. 23, 2023, 5:10 p.m.