The EM GLM algorithm - Proof of predicted values"

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The EM algorithm treats the observed data as arising from one of several competing random processes. Each process has some underpinning probability distribution:

$$P(y_i | x_i, B_i)$$

and likelihood of all observations:

$$ L(Y | X, B_1 ... B_k) = \prod_{i=1}^N \prod_{j=1}^k P(y_i | x_i, B_j )^{I(Z_i = j)} $$

where each observation has a hidden variable, $Z_i$ (indicating which of the competing random processes gives rise to the observation) and the function $I(Z_i = j)$ is an indicator function (i.e. it equals 1 when true and 0 otherwise). If $Z_i$ were known the observations could be grouped and $k$ models fit so as to maximize the log-likelihood:

$$ l(Y | X, B_1 ... B_k) = \sum_{i=1}^N \sum_{j=1}^k I(Z_i = j) \ln(P(y_i | x_i, B_j )) $$

Given that $Z_i$ is not known, we instead substitute $Z_i$ for a probability $T_{j}$. $T_{j}$ is the probability of a given observation arising from one of the $k$ competing models (assuming the proposed parameters are true) normalized across all models. Making this substitution, the likelihood of the $i^{th}$ observation, $l_i$ is:

$$ l_i(y | x, B_1 ... B_k, T_1 ... T_k) = \sum_{j=1}^k T_{j} \ln(P(y | x, B_j)) $$

with $\sum_{j=1}^k T_{i,j} = 1$. For proposed parameters, $B_1 ... B_k$, $T_j$ has values:

$$ T_{j} = \frac{P(y | x, B_j)}{\sum_{j=1}^k P(y | x, B_k) } $$

Using this replacement of $I(Z_i = j)$ with $T_{j}$ each observation becomes a mixed distribution:

$$P(y| x, B_1 .. B_K, T_1 ... T_k) = \alpha \prod_{j=1}^k P(y | x, B_j) ^ {T_{j}}$$

with $\alpha$ being some additional normalization term.

Binomial example:

For the Binomial distribution the mixed probability mass function is:

$$ P(y | p_1 ... p_k, T_1 ..T_k) = f_{norm.}(n, p1 ... p_k) \prod_{i=1}^k \left({n \choose y} p_i^y(1-p)^{n-y}\right)^{T_i} $$

where $f_{norm.}$ is a normalization coefficient to be found.

Re-arranging the powers we can re-write the equation as:

$$ P(y | p_1 ... p_k, T_1 ..T_k) = f_{norm.}(n, p_1.. p_n, T_1 ... T_n) {n \choose y} \left( \prod_{i=1}^k p_i^{T_i} \right)^y \left(\prod_{i=1}^k (1-p_i)^{T_i}\right)^{n - y} $$

Which suddenly resembles the standard binomial process. Using the binomial theorem we know that:

$$\sum_{y=0}^n {n \choose y} \left( \prod_{i=1}^k p_i^{T_i} \right)^y \left(\prod_{i=1}^k (1-p_i)^{T_i}\right)^{n - y} = (\prod_{i=1}^k p_i^{T_i} + \prod_{i=1}^k (1-p_i)^{T_i})^n $$

and hence we have the normalization term:

$$f_{norm.}(n, p_1.. p_n, T_1 ... T_n) = (\prod_{i=1}^k p_i^{T_i} + \prod_{i=1}^k (1-p_i)^{T_i})^{-n}$$

And our original expression for $P(y)$ can be rewritten as:

$$ P(y | p_1 ... p_k, T_1 ..T_k) = {n \choose y} \frac{\left( \prod_{i=1}^k p_i^{T_i} \right)^y \left(\prod_{i=1}^k (1-p_i)^{T_i}\right)^{n - y}}{(\prod_{i=1}^k p_i^{T_i} + \prod_{i=1}^k (1-p_i)^{T_i})^{n}}$$

From here we can re-write in terms of $p_{pooled}$ where:

$$p_{pooled} = \frac{\prod_{i=1}^k p_i^{T_i} }{\prod_{i=1}^k p_i^{T_i} + \prod_{i=1}^k (1-p_i)^{T_i}} $$

$$(1 - p_{pooled}) = \frac{\prod_{i=1}^k (1 - p_i)^{T_i} }{\prod_{i=1}^k p_i^{T_i} + \prod_{i=1}^k (1-p_i)^{T_i}}$$

$$ P(y| p_{pooled}) = {n \choose y} p_{pooled}^y (1- p_{pooled})^{n - y} $$

now - if we use the canonical link function (such that $\theta = xB$) we have:

$$\theta_{pooled} = log\left(\frac{p_{pooled}}{1 - p_{pooled}}\right) = log\left(\frac{\prod_{i=1}^k p_i^{T_i} }{\prod_{i=1}^k ( 1- p_i)^{T_i} }\right) = log\left( \prod_{i=1}^k \left( \frac{p_i}{1-p_i}\right)^{T_i} \right) = \sum_{i=1}^k T_i \theta_i = \sum_{i=1}^k T_i x B_i $$

From here the standard rules of GLMs can be applied, with $\mu = b'(\theta_{pooled}).$

Poisson derivation

For the Poisson distribution the mixed probability mass function is:

$$ P(y |\lambda_1 ... \lambda_k, T_1 ..T_k) = f_{norm.}(n, \lambda_1 ... \lambda_k) \prod_{i=1}^k \left(\frac{\lambda_i^y}{y!}\right)^{T_i} $$

where $f$ is again the normalization function. Following the same approach as above, we can re-arrange the powers:

$$ P(y |\lambda_1 ... \lambda_k, T_1 ..T_k) = f_{norm.}(n,\lambda_1 ... \lambda_k) \frac{\left( \prod_{i=1}^k \lambda_i^{T_i} \right)^y }{y!} $$

which follows the same form as the typical Poisson dist. with a value of:

$$ \lambda_{pooled} = \prod_{i=1}^k \lambda_i^{T_i} $$

$$ P(y | \lambda_1 ... \lambda_k, T_1 ..T_k) = \frac{e^{-\lambda_{pooled}} \lambda_{pooled}}{y!} $$

Now, we can again apply the canonical link function, $\theta_i = log(\lambda_i)$ and $\lambda_i = e^{\theta_i}$ with $\theta_i = xB_i$:

$$\theta_{pooled} = \log(\lambda_{pooled}) = \log \left(\prod_{i=1}^k \lambda_i^{T_i} \right) = \sum_{i=1}^k T_i \log(\lambda_i) =\sum_{i=1}^k T_i x B_i $$


By using the canonical link both the Poisson and Binomial distribution result in the same link between $\theta_{pooled}$ and the EM_GLM parameters $B_i$.

With this proof, we can then assume that the standard GLM results from $b(\theta)$ will hold, simplifying prediction and residuals.

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emax.glm documentation built on July 4, 2019, 5:04 p.m.