Man pages for emax.glm
General Tools for Building GLM Expectation-Maximization Models

AIC.em.glmCalculate the AIC of the em.glm model
BIC.em.glmCalculate the BIC of the em.glm model
data.1Simulated data set
deviance.em.glmModel deviance (calculated from deviance residuals)
dispersionPearson-based dispersion measurements of an 'em.glm' model.
dprob.listList of distribution functions accessed by family name...
emax.glmGeneral linear regression via Expectation-Maximization.
em.fit_numericCarry our the Newton-Raphson optimization of the parameters...
em.fit_pracmaCarry our the Newton-Raphson optimization of the parameters...
em.glmExpectation Maximization glm.
em.glm_numeric_fitNumeric approximation routine
em.glm_pracma_fitHessian routine
IC.em.glmGeneral Information Criteria function
init.fitMethod to initialize EM parameters. Carries out a single GLM...
init.randomMethod to initialize EM parameters. Purely standard normal...
logLik.em.glmCalculate log-likelihood of the EM model.
make.dbinomBuild a Binomial log likelihood
make.dpoisBuild a Poisson log likelihood
make.logLikeConstruct a log-likelihood function in the parameters b, for...
make_param_errorsCalculate parameter errors via inversion of the Hessian...
plot.em.glmPlot fit-parameters and errors
plot.em.glm.summaryError bar plot of coefficients and errors to inspect class...
plot_probabilitiesProbability plots for the K classes fit
plot_probabilities.em.glmTest Plot em.glm
plot_probabilities.matrixPlot the class probabilities, both compared to data set index...
predict.em.glmPredict values from an 'em.glm' model.
residuals.em.glmDeviance residuals for an 'em.glm' object.
results_k25_n1000Simulated data set
results_k25_n1000_e05Simulated data set
results_simpleSimulated data set
select_bestSelect the best parameters from a set of results
sim.1Simulated data set
sim.2Simulated data set
sim.3Simulated data set
small.emCarry out several short EM fits to test for optimal starting...
summary.em.glmSummarize EM glm coefficients.
summary.small.emSummarize a small.em class
update_probabilitiesConstruct normalized class properties for a given set of...
emax.glm documentation built on July 4, 2019, 5:04 p.m.