Residual Theory"

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The 'residuals.em.glm' method returns two types of residuals, the deviance and pearson. The residuals are defined using standard GLM theory where the log-likelihood of an observation is expressed in the form:

$$ l(y_i) = \frac{w_i(y_i\theta_i - b(\theta_i))}{\phi} + c(y_i, \phi) $$

Where $y_i$ is the observed value, $w_i$ are the observed weights, $\phi$ is the dispersion parameter (currently assumed to be 1 for the models implemented), and $b$ and $c$ are distribution-dependent functions. The function $b$ is related to $y_i$ such that $\mu_i = E(y_i) = b'(\theta_i)$.

The deviance residuals, $d_i$, are defined as:

$$d_i = sign(y_i - \mu_i) \sqrt{2 \left( l_{sat.}(y_i) - l_{model}(y_i) \right) }$$

where $l_{sat.}$ is the 'saturated model' such that each value of $\mu_i = y_i$ and $l_{model}$ is the likelihood of $y_i$ for the predicted value of $\mu_i$. We will not go into the relationship between $\mu_i$, the covariates $X$, and the fit parameters $B$ here.

The deviance residuals are implemented as:

``` {r, eval = FALSE} rho <- x %*% B mu <- family()$linkinv(rho)

Poisson deviance

abs(y - w * mu) * sqrt(2 * (dpois(y, y, log = TRUE) - dpois(y, w * mu, log = TRUE)))

Binomial deviance

abs(y - w * mu) * sqrt(2 * (dbinom(y, w, y / w, log = TRUE) - dbinom(y, w, mu, log = TRUE))) ```

where r 'x' is the input data, r 'B' is the optimal parameters, r 'w' is the weights, r 'y' is the target values and r 'family' is (currently) either r 'poisson' or r 'binom'.

The Pearson's residuals, $r_i$, when the weights all equal 1 are defined as:

$$ r_i = \frac{y_i - \mu_i}{\sqrt{Var(y_i)}} = \frac{y_i - \mu_i}{\sqrt{V(\mu_i)}}$$

where $V(\mu)$ is the variance function of the GLM and depends on the underlying distribution.

Where the models are weighted (either if we look at rate of successes for a binomial process or have an exposure for a Poisson process) the Pearson residuals become:

$$ r_i = \frac{y_i / w_i -\mu_i}{\sqrt{Var(y_i)}} = \frac{y_i/w_i - \mu_i}{\sqrt{V(\mu_i)/w_i}} = \frac{y - w_i \mu_i}{\sqrt{w_i V(\mu_i)}}$$

The relationship between $Var(y_i)$ and $V(\mu_i)$ arises from taking the differentials of $l$ wrt. $\theta$. The first differential gives rise to the score vector $u$:

$$ \frac{d l}{d \theta} = u = \frac{w_i (y_i - b'(\theta))}{\phi}$$

and second differential:

$$ \frac{d^2 l}{d \theta^2} = -\frac{w_i b''(\theta)}{\phi} $$

Combining these two results with Bartlett's second identity:

$$ Var_\theta\left[ \frac{d l}{d\theta} \right] = - E_\theta\left[ \frac{d^2 l}{d\theta^2} \right] $$

We can deduce that:

$$ Var_\theta\left[ \frac{w_i (y_i - b'(\theta))}{\phi} \right] = - E_\theta\left[ -\frac{w_i b''(\theta)}{\phi} \right] $$

$$ \frac{w_i^2 Var(y_i) }{\phi^2} = \frac{w_i b''(\theta)}{\phi} $$

$$ Var(y_i) = \frac{\phi b''(\theta)}{w_i} = \frac{\phi V(\theta)}{w_i} $$

In the stats package each distribution family carries its own variance function defined relative to $\mu$ not $\theta$, $V(\mu) = b''(b'^{-1}(\mu))$. Hence we use:

$$ Var(y_i) = \frac{\phi V(\mu)} {w_i} $$

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emax.glm documentation built on July 4, 2019, 5:04 p.m.