Man pages for embryogrowth
Tools to Analyze the Thermal Reaction Norm of Embryo Growth

calibrate.dataloggerCalibrate data loggers and correct time series of...
ChangeSSMGenerate set of parameters for different forms of thermal...
DatabaseNestingAreaDatabase of RMU for marine turtles
DatabaseTSDDatabase of TSD information for reptiles
DatabaseTSD.versionVersion of database of TSD information for reptiles
dydt.exponentialReturn the derivative of the exponential function
dydt.GompertzReturn the derivative of the Gompertz function
dydt.linearReturn the derivative of the linear function
embryogrowth-packageThe package embryogrowth
FormatNestsCreate a dataset of class Nests to be used with searchR
GenerateAnchorGenerate a set of anchored parameters
GenerateConstIncGenerate a data.frame with constant incubation temperature...
Generate_hatchling_metricGenerate a data.frame that can be used as hatchling.metric...
GRTRN_MHmcmcMetropolis-Hastings algorithm for Embryo Growth Rate Thermal...
HatchingSuccess.fitFit a hatching success model to data using maximum likelihood
HatchingSuccess.lnLReturn -log likelihood of the data and the parameters
HatchingSuccess.MHmcmcMetropolis-Hastings algorithm for hatching success
HatchingSuccess.MHmcmc_pGenerates set of parameters to be used with...
HatchingSuccess.modelReturn the hatching success according the set of parameters...
hist.NestsShow the histogram of temperatures with set of nests
hist.NestsResultShow the histogram of temperatures with set of nests
info.nestsCalculte statistics about nests
integral.exponentialReturn the derivative of the exponential function
integral.GompertzReturn the result of the Gompertz function
integral.linearReturn the linear function
likelihoodREstimate the likelihood of a set of parameters for nest...
logLik.HatchingSuccessReturn -log L of a fit
logLik.NestsResultReturn Log Likelihood of a fit generated by searchR
logLik.STRNReturn Log Likelihood of a fit generated by STRN
logLik.tsdReturn Log Likelihood of a fit generated by tsd
movementAnalyze movement recorded within a nest with an accelerometer...
MovingIncubationSimulate incubation of a nest with the beginning of...
nestTimeseries of temperatures for nests
nobs.HatchingSuccessReturn number of observations of a fit
nobs.NestsResultReturn number of observations of a fit
plot.HatchingSuccessPlot results of that best describe...
plot.NestsResultPlot the embryo growth
plotRPlot the fitted growth rate dependent on temperature and its...
plot_transitionShow fonction used for transition
plot.tsdPlot results of tsd() that best describe...
predict.HatchingSuccessReturn prediction based on a model fitted with...
predict.tsdEstimate sex ratio according to constant incubation...
P_TRTEstimate the transitional range of temperatures based on a...
resultNest_3p_DallwitzFit using the nest database
resultNest_3p_WeibullResult of the fit using the nest database using Weibull...
resultNest_4p_normalResult of the fit using the nest database using asymmetric...
resultNest_4p_SSMFit using the nest database
resultNest_4p_SSM_LinearFit using the nest database
resultNest_4p_transitionResult of the fit using the nest database using transition
resultNest_4p_trigoResult of the fit using the nest database using trigonometric...
resultNest_4p_weightFit using the nest database with weight
resultNest_5p_DallwitzFit using the nest database
resultNest_6p_SSMFit using the nest database
resultNest_mcmc_4p_SSMResult of the mcmc using the nest database
resultNest_mcmc_4p_SSM_LinearResult of the mcmc using the nest database
resultNest_mcmc_6p_SSMResult of the mcmc using the nest database
resultNest_mcmc_newpResult of the mcmc using the nest database with anchored...
resultNest_newpFit using the nest database with anchored parameters
ROSIEDatabase of TSD information for turtles
ROSIE.versionVersion of database of TSD information for reptiles
searchRFit the parameters that best represent nest incubation data.
stagesDatabase of of embryonic development and thermosensitive...
STRNEstimate the parameters that best describe the sexualisation...
STRN_MHmcmcMetropolis-Hastings algorithm for Sexualisation Thermal...
summary.NestsSummarize the information from a Nests object.
switch.transitionAdd a transition parameter on a set of parameters or remove...
tempConstTimeseries of constant temperatures for nests
test.parallelEstimate the likelihood of a set of parameters for nest...
TRN_MHmcmc_pGenerates set of parameters to be used with GRTRN_MHmcmc() or...
tsdEstimate the parameters that best describe...
tsd_MHmcmcMetropolis-Hastings algorithm for Sex ratio
tsd_MHmcmc_pGenerates set of parameters to be used with tsd_MHmcmc()
TSP.listDatabase of thermosensitive period of development for sex...
uncertainty.dataloggerUncertainty of average temperatures obtained using...
web.tsdRun a shiny application for basic functions of tsd function
weightmaxentropySearch for the weights of the nests which maximize the...
embryogrowth documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:16 p.m.