
Defines functions autobuild_linkFromTimes

Documented in autobuild_linkFromTimes

##' Autobuild links between two levels using their time information
##' Autobuild links between two time levels. This is typically done when converting from 
##' a database / annotation format that allows parallel time tiers / levels but does 
##' not permit annotational units to be linked to each other, except by 
##' matching time information (such as Praat's TextGrid format). The super-level has to be of the 
##' type SEGMENT and the sub-level either of type EVENT or of type SEGMENT. If
##' this is the case and a according link definition is defined for the emuDB,
##' this function automatically links the events or segments of the sub-level which occur
##' within (startSample to (startSample + sampleDur)) the segments of the super-level to those segments.
##' The type of link definition (ONE_TO_MANY, MANY_TO_MANY, ONE_TO_ONE) is relevant whether a link
##' is generated or not (e.g. overlapping segments are linked in a MANY_TO_MANY relationship 
##' but not in a ONE_TO_MANY relationship). For more information on the structural 
##' elements of an emuDB see \code{vignette(emuDB)}.
##' @param emuDBhandle emuDB handle as returned by \code{\link{load_emuDB}}
##' @param superlevelName name of level to link from (link definition required in emuDB)
##' @param sublevelName name of level to link to (link definition required in emuDB)
##' @param rewriteAllAnnots should changes be written to file system (_annot.json files) after 
##' completing autobuild process (intended for expert use only)
##' @param convertSuperlevel if set to TRUE a backup of the superlevel will be created and the actual
##' superlevel will be converted to a level of type ITEM
##' @param backupLevelAppendStr string appended to level name for backup level
##' @param newLinkDefType type of new linkDefinition (either \code{"ONE_TO_MANY"}, 
##' \code{"MANY_TO_MANY"} or \code{"ONE_TO_ONE"}) which is passed to 
##' \code{\link{add_linkDefinition}}. If NULL (the default) \code{\link{add_linkDefinition}} 
##' isn't called and a linkDefintion is expected to be present.
##' @param verbose show progress bars and further information
##' @export
##' @keywords emuR autobuild
##' @seealso add_linkDefinition
##' @examples 
##' \dontrun{
##' ##################################
##' # prerequisite: loaded myTGcolDB emuDB 
##' # (see ?create_emuRdemoData, ?convert_TextGridCollection, 
##' #  and vignette(emuR_intro) for more information)
##' # add linkDefinition as one has to be present for
##' # the autobuild function to work
##' add_linkDefinition(emuDBhandle = myTGcolDB, 
##'                    type = "ONE_TO_MANY",
##'                    superlevelName = "Syllable",
##'                    sublevelName = "Phoneme")
##' # envoke autobuild function to build hierarchy for converted TextGridCollection
##' autobuild_linkFromTimes(emuDBhandle = myTGcolDB, 
##'                         superlevelName = "Syllable",
##'                         sublevelName = "Phoneme",
##'                         convertSuperlevel = TRUE)
##' }
autobuild_linkFromTimes <- function(emuDBhandle, 
                                    rewriteAllAnnots = TRUE, 
                                    convertSuperlevel = FALSE, 
                                    backupLevelAppendStr = '-autobuildBackup', 
                                    newLinkDefType = NULL, 
                                    verbose = TRUE){
  # add linkDefintions if newLinkDefType is present
                       type = newLinkDefType, 
                       superlevelName = superlevelName,
                       sublevelName = sublevelName)
  dbConfig = load_DBconfig(emuDBhandle)
  foundSuperLevelDev = NULL
  foundSubLevelDev = NULL
  foundLinkDef = NULL
  # check if linkDefinition exists and levelDefinitions (LD) of superlevelName 
  # is of type SEGMENT and LD of subleveName is of type EVENT | SEGMENT 
  found = FALSE
  for(ld in dbConfig$linkDefinitions){
    if (ld$superlevelName == superlevelName && ld$sublevelName == sublevelName){
      levDefSuper = get_levelDefinition(emuDBhandle, ld$superlevelName)
      levDefSub = get_levelDefinition(emuDBhandle, ld$sublevelName)
      if(levDefSuper$type == "ITEM" | levDefSub$type == "ITEM"){
          # remove link again if it was added
                                superlevelName = superlevelName,
                                sublevelName = sublevelName)
        stop(paste0("The super level type and sub level type can not be of type 'ITEM'. ",
                    "The super level type is: '", levDefSuper$type, "' and the sub level",
                    " type is '", levDefSub$type, "'."))
      if(levDefSuper$type == 'SEGMENT' && (levDefSub$type == 'SEGMENT' || levDefSub$type == 'EVENT')){
        found = TRUE
        foundSuperLevelDev = levDefSuper
        foundSubLevelDev = levDefSub
        foundLinkDef = ld
    stop('Did not find linkDefintion for: ', superlevelName, '->', sublevelName, 
         '. Defined linkDefinitions are: ', 
         sapply(dbConfig$linkDefinitions, function(x){paste0(x$superlevelName, '->', x$sublevelName, '; ')}))
    # check if backup links exist
    res = DBI::dbGetQuery(emuDBhandle$connection, paste0("SELECT * ",
                                                         "FROM items ", 
                                                         "WHERE db_uuid ='", emuDBhandle$UUID, "' ",
                                                         " AND level = '", paste0(superlevelName, backupLevelAppendStr), "'"))
    if(dim(res)[1] !=0){
      stop("Can not backup level! Items table already has entries belonging to level: ", 
           paste0(superlevelName, backupLevelAppendStr))
    if(length(foundSuperLevelDev$attributeDefinitions) > 1){
      stop("Backup of parellel labels not implemented yet!")
    # create temp tables
    DBI::dbExecute(emuDBhandle$connection, "CREATE TEMP TABLE IF NOT EXISTS bndl_max_item_id_tmp (
                    db_uuid VARCHAR(36),
                    session TEXT,
                    bundle TEXT,
                    bndl_max_item_id INTEGER,
                    PRIMARY KEY (db_uuid, session, bundle)
    # create bndl_max_item_id_tmp table
    DBI::dbExecute(emuDBhandle$connection, paste0("INSERT INTO bndl_max_item_id_tmp ",
                                                  "SELECT db_uuid, ",
                                                  " session, ",
                                                  " bundle, ",
                                                  " max(item_id) AS bndl_max_item_id ",
                                                  "FROM items ",
                                                  "WHERE db_uuid = '", emuDBhandle$UUID, "' ",
                                                  "GROUP BY ",
                                                  " db_uuid, ",
                                                  " session, ",
                                                  " bundle"))
    # backup labels belonging to superlevel (labels have to be backed up before 
    # items to avoid maxID problem (maybe should rewrite query to avoid this in
    # future versions using labels table to determin maxID))
    DBI::dbExecute(emuDBhandle$connection, paste0("INSERT INTO labels ",
                                                  "SELECT ",
                                                  " l.db_uuid, ",
                                                  " l.session, ",
                                                  " l.bundle, ",
                                                  " (l.item_id + mid.bndl_max_item_id) AS item_id, ",
                                                  " l.label_idx, ",
                                                  " l.name || '", backupLevelAppendStr, "' AS name, ",
                                                  " l.label ",
                                                  "FROM items AS it, ",
                                                  " labels AS l, ",
                                                  " bndl_max_item_id_tmp AS mid ",
                                                  "WHERE it.db_uuid = '", emuDBhandle$UUID, "'",
                                                  " AND it.db_uuid = l.db_uuid ",
                                                  " AND it.session = l.session ",
                                                  " AND it.bundle = l.bundle ",
                                                  " AND it.item_id = l.item_id ",
                                                  " AND it.db_uuid = mid.db_uuid ",
                                                  " AND it.session = mid.session ",
                                                  " AND it.bundle = mid.bundle ",
                                                  " AND it.level = '", superlevelName, "'"))
    # backup items belonging to superlevel (=duplicate level with new ids)    
    DBI::dbExecute(emuDBhandle$connection, paste0("INSERT INTO items ",
                                                  "SELECT ",
                                                  " items.db_uuid, ",
                                                  " items.session, ",
                                                  " items.bundle, ",
                                                  " (item_id + bndl_max_item_id) AS item_id, ",
                                                  " items.level || '", backupLevelAppendStr, "' AS level, ",
                                                  " type, ",
                                                  " seq_idx, ",
                                                  " sample_rate, ",
                                                  " sample_point, ",
                                                  " sample_start, ",
                                                  " sample_dur ",
                                                  "FROM items, ",
                                                  " bndl_max_item_id_tmp ", 
                                                  "WHERE items.db_uuid = bndl_max_item_id_tmp.db_uuid ",
                                                  " AND items.session = bndl_max_item_id_tmp.session ",
                                                  " AND items.bundle = bndl_max_item_id_tmp.bundle ",
                                                  " AND items.level = '", superlevelName, "'"))
    # drop temp tables
    DBI::dbExecute(emuDBhandle$connection, paste0("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ", "bndl_max_item_id_tmp"))
  # create temp table to store all links in. Duplicates will be removed in a sep. query -> performance improvement!
  DBI::dbExecute(emuDBhandle$connection, paste0("CREATE TEMP TABLE IF NOT EXISTS autob_all_links_tmp (",
                                                "db_uuid VARCHAR(36),",
                                                "session TEXT,",
                                                "bundle TEXT,",
                                                "from_id INTEGER,",
                                                "to_id INTEGER)"))
  # query DB depending on type of sublevelDefinition 
  if(foundSubLevelDev$type == 'EVENT'){
    # get all links and store in temp table
    DBI::dbExecute(emuDBhandle$connection, paste0("INSERT INTO autob_all_links_tmp (db_uuid, session, bundle, from_id, to_id) ",
                                                  "SELECT ",
                                                  " super.db_uuid, ",
                                                  " super.session, ",
                                                  " super.bundle, ",
                                                  " super.item_id AS 'from_id', ",
                                                  " sub.item_id AS 'to_id' ", 
                                                  "FROM items AS 'super', ",
                                                  " items AS 'sub' ",
                                                  "WHERE super.level = '", superlevelName, "' ", 
                                                  " AND sub.level = '", sublevelName, "' ", 
                                                  " AND super.db_uuid = '", emuDBhandle$UUID, "' ",
                                                  " AND sub.db_uuid = '", emuDBhandle$UUID, "' ",
                                                  " AND super.session = sub.session", 
                                                  " AND super.bundle = sub.bundle ",
                                                  " AND (sub.sample_point + 0 >= super.sample_start + 0) ",
                                                  " AND sub.sample_point <= (super.sample_start + super.sample_dur)"))
    if(ld$type == "ONE_TO_MANY"){
      # get all links and store in temp table
      DBI::dbExecute(emuDBhandle$connection, paste0("INSERT INTO autob_all_links_tmp (db_uuid, session, bundle, from_id, to_id) ",
                                                    "SELECT ",
                                                    " super.db_uuid, ",
                                                    " super.session, ",
                                                    " super.bundle, ",
                                                    " super.item_id AS 'from_id', ",
                                                    " sub.item_id AS 'to_id' ", 
                                                    "FROM items as super JOIN items as sub ",
                                                    "WHERE (super.level = '", superlevelName, "'", 
                                                    " AND sub.level = '", sublevelName, "' ", 
                                                    " AND super.db_uuid = '", emuDBhandle$UUID, "' ",
                                                    " AND sub.db_uuid = '", emuDBhandle$UUID, "' ",
                                                    " AND super.session = sub.session ",
                                                    " AND super.bundle = sub.bundle ",
                                                    " AND (sub.sample_start + 0 >= super.sample_start + 0)) ", # + 0 added to ensure numeric comparison
                                                    " AND ((sub.sample_start + sub.sample_dur) <= (super.sample_start + super.sample_dur))")) 
    }else if(ld$type == "MANY_TO_MANY"){
      # get all links and store in temp table
      DBI::dbExecute(emuDBhandle$connection, paste0("INSERT INTO autob_all_links_tmp (db_uuid, session, bundle, from_id, to_id) ",
                                                    "SELECT ",
                                                    " super.db_uuid, ",
                                                    " super.session, ",
                                                    " super.bundle, ",
                                                    " super.item_id AS 'from_id', ",
                                                    " sub.item_id AS 'to_id' ", 
                                                    "FROM items as super ",
                                                    " JOIN items as sub ",
                                                    "WHERE super.level = '", superlevelName, "'", 
                                                    " AND sub.level = '", sublevelName, "' ", 
                                                    " AND super.db_uuid = '", emuDBhandle$UUID, "' ",
                                                    " AND sub.db_uuid = '", emuDBhandle$UUID, "' ",
                                                    " AND super.session = sub.session ",
                                                    " AND super.bundle = sub.bundle ",
                                                    " AND (((sub.sample_start + 0 >= super.sample_start + 0) ",
                                                    " AND ((sub.sample_start + sub.sample_dur) <= (super.sample_start + super.sample_dur))) ", # within
                                                    " OR ((sub.sample_start + 0 <= super.sample_start + 0) ",
                                                    " AND ((sub.sample_start + sub.sample_dur) >= (super.sample_start + 0)) ",
                                                    " AND ((sub.sample_start + sub.sample_dur) <= (super.sample_start + super.sample_dur))) ", # left overlap
                                                    " OR ((sub.sample_start + 0 >= super.sample_start + 0) ",
                                                    " AND ((sub.sample_start + 0) <= (super.sample_start + super.sample_dur)) ",
                                                    " AND ((sub.sample_start + sub.sample_dur) >= (super.sample_start + super.sample_dur))) ", # right overlap
                                                    " OR ((sub.sample_start + 0 <= super.sample_start + 0) ",
                                                    " AND ((sub.sample_start + sub.sample_dur) >= (super.sample_start + super.sample_dur))))")) # left and right overlap
    }else if(ld$type == "ONE_TO_ONE"){
      # get all links and store in temp table
      DBI::dbExecute(emuDBhandle$connection, paste0("INSERT INTO autob_all_links_tmp (db_uuid, session, bundle, from_id, to_id) ",
                                                    "SELECT ", 
                                                    " super.db_uuid, ",
                                                    " super.session, ",
                                                    " super.bundle, ",
                                                    " super.item_id AS 'from_id', ",
                                                    " sub.item_id AS 'to_id' ", 
                                                    "FROM items as super ",
                                                    "JOIN items as sub ",
                                                    "WHERE (super.level = '", superlevelName, "' ", 
                                                    " AND sub.level = '", sublevelName, "' ", 
                                                    " AND super.db_uuid = '", emuDBhandle$UUID, "' ",
                                                    " AND sub.db_uuid = '", emuDBhandle$UUID, "' ",
                                                    " AND super.session = sub.session ",
                                                    " AND super.bundle = sub.bundle ",
                                                    " AND (sub.sample_start + 0 = super.sample_start + 0)) ",
                                                    " AND ((sub.sample_start + sub.sample_dur) = (super.sample_start + super.sample_dur)) ")) # are exatly the same
  # remove duplicates with left join and insert into links table
  DBI::dbExecute(emuDBhandle$connection, paste0("INSERT INTO links ",
                                                "SELECT * ",
                                                "FROM autob_all_links_tmp ",
                                                "LEFT JOIN links ",
                                                "USING(db_uuid, session, bundle, from_id, to_id) ",
                                                "WHERE links.from_id IS NULL"))
  # drop temp tables
  DBI::dbExecute(emuDBhandle$connection, paste0("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ", "autob_all_links_tmp"))
    # change levelDefinition type
    for(i in 1:length(dbConfig$levelDefinitions)){
      if(dbConfig$levelDefinitions[[i]]$name == superlevelName){
        dbConfig$levelDefinitions[[i]]$type = 'ITEM'
    # generate levelDefinition for backup level
    foundSuperLevelDev$name = paste0(foundSuperLevelDev$name, backupLevelAppendStr)
    for(i in 1:length(foundSuperLevelDev$attributeDefinitions)){
      foundSuperLevelDev$attributeDefinitions[[i]]$name = paste0(foundSuperLevelDev$attributeDefinitions[[i]]$name, backupLevelAppendStr)
    dbConfig$levelDefinitions[[length(dbConfig$levelDefinitions) + 1]] = foundSuperLevelDev
    # convert superlevel to ITEM level
    DBI::dbExecute(emuDBhandle$connection, paste0("UPDATE items ",
                                                  "SET type = 'ITEM', ",
                                                  " sample_point = null, ",
                                                  " sample_start = null, ",
                                                  " sample_dur = null ",
                                                  "WHERE db_uuid='", emuDBhandle$UUID, "' ",
                                                  " AND level ='", superlevelName,"'"))
  # write DBconfig to disc
  store_DBconfig(emuDBhandle, dbConfig)
  # remove super from levelCanvasOrder
    psp = list_perspectives(emuDBhandle)
    if(nrow(psp) > 0){
      for(i in 1:nrow(psp)){
        curPsp = psp[1,]
        lco = get_levelCanvasesOrder(emuDBhandle, curPsp$name)
        if(superlevelName %in% lco){
          set_levelCanvasesOrder(emuDBhandle, curPsp$name, lco[!lco %in% superlevelName])
    rewrite_annots(emuDBhandle, verbose=verbose)

# library('testthat')
# test_file('tests/testthat/test_aaa_initData.R')
# test_file('tests/testthat/test_emuR-autobuild.R')

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emuR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:33 a.m.