
Defines functions msxSection2df getID getTitle

#  (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2015
#  Author: Bradley J Eck

msxSection2df <- function( sect ){
 # make a section into it's own data frame

  imax <- length(sect)
   # Take column headings from labels. 
   headerRow1 <- unlist(strsplit( gsub("^\\s+", "", sect[3] ), "\\s+"))
   columnNames <-  headerRow1

  # set colClasses, everything is numeric execpt fist 
	# and last column
	lcn <- length( columnNames)
  cc <- rep("numeric", lcn )
  cc[1] <- "character"  # for ID column 
  # make the section a data frame 
  df <- utils::read.table( text = sect[6:imax], 
		  colClasses = cc, 
		  strip.white = TRUE, fill = TRUE, header = FALSE )

  # put an id column
   df$ID <- getID(sect[1])
   # move it to the first col 
   df <- df[ , c('ID', columnNames)]	
  # convert that stamp into sections 
  time_secs <-  sapply(df$Time, .timeStampToSeconds )
  df$timeInSeconds <- time_secs
   # Make a new column "ID" rather than
   # "Node" or "Link"  to be consistent with inp objects

	return( df ) 

# get the element ID from the
# marker  <<< Node/Link ID >>> 
# that starts the msx results tables 
getID <-function( marker ){

    # gradually take out the unwanted parts
	m1 <- gsub("<<<", "", marker)
	m2 <- gsub(">>>", "", m1 )
	m3 <- gsub("Node", "", m2 )
	m4 <- gsub("Link", "", m3 )
	ID <- gsub("\\s", "", m4)

getTitle <-function( allLines ) {

# it's between ********   and <<<< 
  stars <- grep("\\*{3,}", allLines) 
  i <- max(stars) + 2 
  title <- allLines[i] 
  hasTitle <- grepl("[A-Za-z]", title)
  if( hasTitle == FALSE){
	  title <- NULL


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epanetReader documentation built on May 2, 2019, 2:08 p.m.