
Defines functions gamma_log_likelihood gamma_mucv2shapescale gamma_shapescale2mucv

Documented in gamma_log_likelihood gamma_mucv2shapescale gamma_shapescale2mucv

#' Reparameterise Gamma distributions
#' These functions permit to use alternate parametrisations for Gamma
#' distributions, from 'shape and scale' to 'mean (mu) and coefficient of
#' variation (cv), and back. \code{gamma_shapescale2mucv} does the first
#' conversion, while \code{gamma_mucv2shapescale} does the second. The function
#' \code{gamma_log_likelihood} is a shortcut for computing Gamma log-likelihood
#' with the alternative parametrisation (mean, cv). See 'details' for a guide of
#' which parametrisation to use.
#' @export
#' @param shape The shape parameter of the Gamma distribution.
#' @param scale The scale parameter of the Gamma distribution.
#' @details The gamma distribution is described in \code{?dgamma} is
#' parametrised using shape and scale (or rate). However, these parameters are
#' naturally correlated, which make them poor choices whenever trying to fit
#' data to a Gamma distribution. Their interpretation is also less clear than
#' the traditional mean and variance. When fitting the data, or reporting
#' results, it is best to use the alternative parametrisation using the mean
#' (\code{mu}) and the coefficient of variation (\code{cv}), i.e. the standard
#' deviation divided by the mean.
#' @author Code by Anne Cori \email{a.cori@@imperial.ac.uk}, packaging by
#' Thibaut Jombart \email{thibautjombart@@gmail.com}
#' @rdname gamma_tools
#' @aliases gamma_shapescale2mucv
#' @return A named list containing 'shape' and 'scale', or mean ('mean') and
#' coefficient of variation ('cv').
#' @examples
#' ## set up some parameters
#' mu <- 10
#' cv <- 1
#' ## transform into shape scale
#' tmp <- gamma_mucv2shapescale (mu, cv)
#' shape <- tmp$shape
#' scale <- tmp$scale
#' ## recover original parameters when applying the revert function
#' gamma_shapescale2mucv(shape, scale) # compare with mu, cv
#' ## empirical validation:
#' ## check mean / cv of a sample derived using rgamma with
#' ## shape and scale computed from mu and cv
#' gamma_sample <- rgamma(n = 10000, shape = shape, scale = scale)
#' mean(gamma_sample) # compare to mu
#' sd(gamma_sample) / mean(gamma_sample) # compare to cv

gamma_shapescale2mucv <- function(shape, scale) {
    mu <- shape * scale
    cv <- 1 / sqrt(shape)
    return(list(mu = mu, cv = cv))

#' @export
#' @rdname gamma_tools
#' @aliases gamma_mucv2shapescale
#' @param mu The mean of the Gamma distribution.
#' @param cv The coefficient of variation of the Gamma distribution, i.e. the
#' standard deviation divided by the mean.

gamma_mucv2shapescale <- function(mu, cv) {
    shape <- 1 / (cv^2)
    scale <- mu * cv^2
    return(list(shape = shape, scale = scale))

#' @export
#' @rdname gamma_tools
#' @aliases gamma_log_likelihood
#' @param x A vector of data treated as observations drawn from a Gamma
#'   distribution, for which the likelihood is to be computed.
#' @param discrete A logical indicating if the distribution should be
#'   discretised; TRUE by default.
#' @param interval The interval used for discretisation; see
#'   \code{\link{distcrete}}.
#' @param w The centering of the interval used for discretisation, defaulting to
#'   0; see \code{\link{distcrete}}.
#' @param anchor The anchor used for discretisation, i.e. starting point of the
#'   discretisation process; defaults to 0; see \code{\link{distcrete}}.

gamma_log_likelihood <- function(x, mu, cv, discrete = TRUE,
                                 interval = 1, w = 0, anchor = 0.5) {
    tmp <- gamma_mucv2shapescale(mu, cv)

    if (discrete) {
        d <- distcrete::distcrete("gamma", interval = interval, w = w,
                                  shape = tmp$shape, scale = tmp$scale)$d
        log_dens <- d(x, log = TRUE)
    } else {
        log_dens <- stats::dgamma(x,
                                  shape = tmp$shape,
                                  scale = tmp$scale,
                                  log = TRUE)

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