
# parse_idd_file() {{{
test_that("parse_idd_file()", {
    expect_silent(idd_parsed <- parse_idd_file(idftext("idd", "9.9.9")))

    # can parse Idd from string
        c("version", "build", "group", "class", "field", "reference")

    # can get Idd version
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$version, as.numeric_version("9.9.9"))

    # can get Idd build
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$build, "7c3bbe4830")

    # can parse group data
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$group$group_id, 1:2)
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$group$group_name, c("TestGroup1", "TestGroup2"))

    # can parse class index data
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$class$class_id, 1:2)
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$class$class_name, c("TestSimple", "TestSlash"))
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$class$group_id, 1:2)

    # can parse class property data
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$class$format, c("standard", "singleLine"))
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$class$min_fields, c(0, 3))
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$class$num_fields, c(1, 4))
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$class$last_required, c(0, 1))
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$class$has_name, c(TRUE, FALSE))
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$class$required_object, c(FALSE, TRUE))
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$class$unique_object, c(FALSE, TRUE))
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$class$num_extensible, c(0, 4))
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$class$first_extensible, c(0, 1))
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$class$num_extensible_group, c(0, 1))
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$class$memo, list(NULL, "This is just a test"))

    # can parse field index data
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$field$field_id, 1:5)
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$field$class_id, c(1, rep(2,4)))
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$field$field_index, c(1, 1:4))

    # can parse field property data
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$field$field_anid, c("A1", "A1", "N1", "N2", "A2"))
    nms <- c("Test Field",
             "Test Character Field 1",
             "Test Numeric Field 1",
             "Test Numeric Field 2",
             "Test Character Field 2")
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$field$units, c(NA_character_, NA_character_, "m", NA_character_, NA_character_))
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$field$ip_units, c(NA_character_, NA_character_, "in", NA_character_, NA_character_))
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$field$is_name, c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE))
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$field$required_field, c(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE))
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$field$extensible_group, c(0L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L))
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$field$type_enum, c(4L, 5L, 2L, 2L, 3L))
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$field$autosizable, c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE))
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$field$autocalculatable, c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE))
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$field$default_chr, c(NA_character_, NA_character_, "2", NA_character_, NA_character_))
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$field$default_num, c(NA_real_, NA_real_, 2, NA_real_, NA_real_))
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$field$choice, list(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, c("Key1", "Key2")))
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$field$note, list(NULL, "Test Note Parsing", NULL, NULL, NULL))
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$field$has_range, c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE))
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$field$maximum, c(NA, NA, 10, NA, NA))
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$field$minimum, c(NA, NA, 1, NA, NA))
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$field$lower_incbounds, c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE))
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$field$upper_incbounds, c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE))
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$field$src_enum, c(2L, 1L, 0L, 0L, 0L))

    # can parse field reference data
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$reference$field_id, 2L)
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$reference$src_field_id, 1L)
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$reference$src_enum, 2L)

    # can detect error of missing IDD version
    idd_wrong <- c(
        "\\group TestGroup

        A1 ; \\note something"
    expect_error(parse_idd_file(idd_wrong), "No IDD version", "eplusr_error_parse_idd")

    # can detect error of invalid IDD version
    idd_wrong <- c(
        "!IDD_Version a
        \\group TestGroup

        A1 ; \\note something"
    expect_error(parse_idd_file(idd_wrong), "Invalid IDD version", "eplusr_error_parse_idd")

    # can handle missing IDD build tag
    idd_wrong <- c(
        "!IDD_Version 9.9.9
         \\group TestGroup

         A1 ; \\note something"
    expect_equal(parse_idd_file(idd_wrong)$build, NA_character_)

    # can detect error of invalid line
    idd_wrong <- c(
        "!IDD_Version 9.9.9
         !IDD_BUILD 7c3bbe4830
         \\group TestGroup

         A1 ; \\note something

         Some Mess Here"
    expect_error(parse_idd_file(idd_wrong), "Invalid line", "eplusr_error_parse_idd")

    # can detect missing group lines
    idd_wrong <- c(
        "!IDD_Version 9.9.9
         !IDD_BUILD 7c3bbe4830

         A1 ; \\note something

         A1 ; \\note something
    expect_warning(idd_parsed <- parse_idd_file(idd_wrong), "Missing group name")
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$group$group_id, 1L)
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$group$group_name, "Default Group")
    idd_wrong <- c(
        "!IDD_Version 9.9.9
         !IDD_BUILD 7c3bbe4830

         A1 ; \\note something

         \\group TestGroup

         A1 ; \\note something
    expect_warning(idd_parsed <- parse_idd_file(idd_wrong), "Missing group name")
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$group$group_id, 1L:2L)
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$group$group_name, c("Default Group", "TestGroup"))

    # can detect duplicated class names
    idd_wrong <- c(
        "!IDD_Version 9.9.9
         !IDD_BUILD 7c3bbe4830

         \\group TestGroup

         A1 ; \\note something

         A1 ; \\note something
    expect_error(parse_idd_file(idd_wrong), "Duplicated class names found", class = "eplusr_error_parse_idd")

    # can detect incomplete class
    idd_wrong <- c(
        "!IDD_Version 9.9.9
         !IDD_BUILD 7c3bbe4830

         \\group TestGroup

         A1 ; \\note something
    expect_error(parse_idd_file(idd_wrong), "Missing class name", class = "eplusr_error_parse_idd")

    # can detect missing class names
    idd_wrong <- c(
        "!IDD_Version 9.9.9
         !IDD_BUILD 7c3bbe4830

         \\group TestGroup

    expect_error(parse_idd_file(idd_wrong), "Incomplete class", class = "eplusr_error_parse_idd")

    idd_wrong <- c(
        "!IDD_Version 9.9.9
         !IDD_BUILD 7c3bbe4830

         \\group TestGroup

         A1 ; \\note something

         A1 , \\note something
         A1 ; \\note something
    expect_error(parse_idd_file(idd_wrong), "Missing class name", class = "eplusr_error_parse_idd")

    # can manually insert class slash
    idd_cls <- c(
        "!IDD_Version 9.9.9
         !IDD_BUILD 7c3bbe4830

         \\group TestGroup

         A1 ; \\note something

         A1 , \\note something
         A1 ; \\note something

    # can detect error of invalid slash key
    idd_wrong <- c(
        "!IDD_Version 9.9.9
         !IDD_BUILD 7c3bbe4830
         \\group TestGroup

         A1 ; \\invalid-slash-key")
    expect_error(parse_idd_file(idd_wrong), "Invalid slash key", class = "eplusr_error_parse_idd")

    # can detect error of invalid type key
    idd_wrong <- c(
        "!IDD_Version 9.9.9
         !IDD_BUILD 7c3bbe4830
         \\group TestGroup

         A1 ; \\type invalid"
    expect_error(parse_idd_file(idd_wrong), "Invalid type value", class = "eplusr_error_parse_idd")

    # can detect error of invalid external list key
    idd_wrong <- c(
        "!IDD_Version 9.9.9
         !IDD_BUILD 7c3bbe4830
         \\group TestGroup

         A1 ; \\external-list invalid"
    expect_error(parse_idd_file(idd_wrong), "Invalid external list value", class = "eplusr_error_parse_idd")

    # can detect error of invalid format key
    idd_wrong <- c(
        "!IDD_Version 9.9.9
         !IDD_BUILD 7c3bbe4830
         \\group TestGroup

         A1 ; \\format invalid"
    expect_error(parse_idd_file(idd_wrong), "Invalid format value", class = "eplusr_error_parse_idd")

    # can detect error of mismatched object-list
    idd_wrong <- c(
        "!IDD_Version 9.9.9
         !IDD_BUILD 7c3bbe4830
         \\group TestGroup

         A1 ; \\format invalid
         \\object-list ref"
    expect_error(parse_idd_file(idd_wrong), "Invalid \\\\object-list value", class = "eplusr_error_parse_idd")

    # can fix ConnectorList references
    idd <- parse_idd_file(path_eplus(LATEST_EPLUS_VER, "Energy+.idd"))
    id <- idd$class[J("ConnectorList"), on = "class_name", class_id]
    expect_true(idd$reference[J(id), on = "class_id", .N > 0])
# }}}

# parse_idd_file("EPW.idd") {{{
test_that("parse_idd_file()", {
    expect_type(idd_parsed <- parse_idd_file(system.file("extdata/epw.idd", package = "eplusr"), epw = TRUE), "list")

    # can get Idd version
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$version, as.numeric_version("2.0.0"))

    # can get Idd build
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$build, "2023-07-04")

    # can parse group data
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$group$group_id, 1:2)
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$group$group_name, c("Header", "Data"))

    # can parse class index data
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$class$class_id, 1:9)
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$class$class_name, c(
        "LOCATION",                 "DESIGN CONDITIONS",
        "COMMENTS 2",               "DATA PERIODS",
        "WEATHER DATA"
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$class$group_id, c(rep(1, 8), 2))

    # can parse class property data
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$class$format, rep("standard", 9))
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$class$min_fields, c(9, 1, 1, 1, 4, 0, 0, 6, 35))
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$class$num_fields, c(9, 70, 5, 17, 6, 1, 1, 6, 35))
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$class$last_required, c(9, 1, 1, 1, 4, 0, 0, 6, 35))
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$class$has_name, rep(FALSE, 9))
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$class$required_object, c(rep(TRUE, 8), FALSE))
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$class$unique_object, c(rep(TRUE, 8), FALSE))
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$class$num_extensible, c(0, 66, 4, 16, 2, 1, 1, 4, 0))
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$class$first_extensible, c(0, 4, 2, 2, 5, 1, 1, 3, 0))
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$class$num_extensible_group, c(0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0))

    # can parse field index data
    expect_equal(idd_parsed$field$field_id, 1:150)

    # can parse field property data
    expect_s3_class(fld <- idd_parsed$field[class_id == 9L & field_name == "Data Source"], "data.table")
    expect_equal(fld$units, NA_character_)
    expect_equal(fld$ip_units, NA_character_)
    expect_equal(fld$is_name, FALSE)
    expect_equal(fld$required_field, TRUE)
    expect_equal(fld$extensible_group, 0L)
    expect_equal(fld$type_enum, 4L)
    expect_equal(fld$autosizable, FALSE)
    expect_equal(fld$autocalculatable, FALSE)
    expect_equal(fld$default_chr, NA_character_)
    expect_equal(fld$default_num, NA_real_)
    expect_equal(fld$choice, list(NULL))
    expect_equal(fld$has_range, FALSE)
    expect_equal(fld$maximum, NA_real_)
    expect_equal(fld$minimum, NA_real_)
    expect_equal(fld$lower_incbounds, FALSE)
    expect_equal(fld$upper_incbounds, FALSE)
    expect_equal(fld$src_enum, 0L)
    expect_equal(fld$has_exist, FALSE)
    expect_equal(fld$exist_maximum, NA_real_)
    expect_equal(fld$exist_minimum, NA_real_)
    expect_equal(fld$exist_lower_incbounds, FALSE)
    expect_equal(fld$exist_upper_incbounds, FALSE)
    expect_equal(fld$missing_chr, NA_character_)
    expect_equal(fld$missing_num, NA_real_)

    # can parse field property data
    expect_s3_class(fld <- idd_parsed$field[field_name == "Liquid Precip Depth"], "data.table")
    expect_equal(fld$units, "mm")
    expect_equal(fld$ip_units, NA_character_)
    expect_equal(fld$is_name, FALSE)
    expect_equal(fld$required_field, TRUE)
    expect_equal(fld$extensible_group, 0L)
    expect_equal(fld$type_enum, 2L)
    expect_equal(fld$autosizable, FALSE)
    expect_equal(fld$autocalculatable, FALSE)
    expect_equal(fld$default_chr, "0.0")
    expect_equal(fld$default_num, 0.0)
    expect_equal(fld$choice, list(NULL))
    expect_equal(fld$has_range, TRUE)
    expect_equal(fld$maximum, NA_real_)
    expect_equal(fld$minimum, 0.0)
    expect_equal(fld$lower_incbounds, TRUE)
    expect_equal(fld$upper_incbounds, FALSE)
    expect_equal(fld$src_enum, 0L)
    expect_equal(fld$has_exist, TRUE)
    expect_equal(fld$exist_maximum, 999)
    expect_equal(fld$exist_minimum, 0)
    expect_equal(fld$exist_lower_incbounds, TRUE)
    expect_equal(fld$exist_upper_incbounds, FALSE)
    expect_equal(fld$missing_chr, "999")
    expect_equal(fld$missing_num, 999)

    # can parse field property data
    expect_s3_class(fld <- idd_parsed$field[field_name == "Dry Bulb Temperature"], "data.table")
    expect_equal(fld$has_exist, TRUE)
    expect_equal(fld$exist_maximum, 99.9)
    expect_equal(fld$exist_minimum, -Inf)
    expect_equal(fld$exist_lower_incbounds, FALSE)
    expect_equal(fld$exist_upper_incbounds, FALSE)
    expect_equal(fld$missing_chr, "99.9")
    expect_equal(fld$missing_num, 99.9)

    # can ignore reference data
    expect_equal(nrow(idd_parsed$reference), 0L)
# }}}

# parse_idf_file() {{{
test_that("parse_idf_file()", {
    LATEST_IDF_VER <- stri_sub(LATEST_EPLUS_VER, to = -3L)

    # get version {{{
    # Normal formatted
        ignore_attr = TRUE,
        get_idf_ver(data.table(string = c("Version,", sprintf("%s;", LATEST_IDF_VER)), line = 1:2)),
    # One line formatted
        ignore_attr = TRUE,
        get_idf_ver(data.table(string = sprintf("Version, %s;", LATEST_IDF_VER), line = 1)),
        ignore_attr = TRUE,
        get_idf_ver(data.table(string = sprintf("Version, %s; !- Version", LATEST_IDF_VER), line = 1)),
    # }}}

    expect_warning(idf_parsed <- parse_idf_file(idftext("idf", NULL), LATEST_IDF_VER), "Missing version field in input IDF")
    idd_parsed <- get_priv_env(get_idd_from_ver(idf_parsed$version))$idd_env()

    # can parse Idf stored in strings
        c("version", "options", "object", "value", "reference"))

    # can add version according to input Idd object
    expect_equal(idf_parsed$version, as.numeric_version(LATEST_EPLUS_VER))

    # can parse options data
        list(idf_editor = FALSE, special_format = FALSE, view_in_ip = FALSE, save_format = "sorted")

        parse_idf_file(idd = LATEST_IDF_VER,
            sprintf("!-Option OriginalOrderTop UseSpecialFormat
             Version, %s;
            ", LATEST_IDF_VER
        list(idf_editor = FALSE, special_format = TRUE, view_in_ip = FALSE, save_format = "new_top")

    # can parse object data
    expect_equal(idf_parsed$object$object_id, 1:5)
    cls_id <- idd_parsed$class[
        J(c("Material", "Construction", "BuildingSurface:Detailed", "Material", "Version")),
        on = "class_name", class_id
    expect_equal(idf_parsed$object$class_id, cls_id)

    # can parse value reference data
    expect_equal(idf_parsed$reference$src_value_id, c(1, NA, NA, NA, 10, NA))
    expect_equal(idf_parsed$reference$value_id, c(11:14, 17:18))

    # can parse comment data
    expect_equal(idf_parsed$object$comment, list(" this is a test comment for WD01", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL))

    # can detect EpMacro lines
    expect_warning(parse_idf_file(sprintf("Version, %s;\n##include abc", LATEST_IDF_VER)), "IMF is not fully supported")

    # can parse value data
    text_object <- c(
            WD01,                    !- Name
            MediumSmooth,            !- Roughness
            0.2000000,               !- Thickness {m}
            0.1150000,               !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
            513.0000,                !- Density {kg/m3}
            1381.000,                !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
            0.9000000,               !- Thermal Absorptance
            0.7800000,               !- Solar Absorptance
            0.7800000;               !- Visible Absorptance
    val <- c("WD01", "MediumSmooth", "0.2", "0.115", "513", "1381", "0.9",
        "0.78", "0.78", LATEST_IDF_VER)
    num <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(val))
    num[10] <- NA_real_

    # can parse one-line empty object
    expect_silent(idf_parsed <- parse_idf_file(sprintf("Version,%s;\nOutput:Surfaces:List,,;", LATEST_IDF_VER)))
    cls_id <- idd_parsed$class[J(c("Version", "Output:Surfaces:List")), on = "class_name", class_id]
    fld_id <- idd_parsed$field[J(cls_id), on = "class_id", field_id]
        ignore_attr = TRUE,
        data.table(object_id = 1:2, object_name = rep(NA_character_, 2),
        object_name_lower = rep(NA_character_, 2), comment = list(), class_id = cls_id)
        ignore_attr = TRUE,
        data.table(value_id = 1:3, value_chr = c(LATEST_IDF_VER, NA_character_, NA_character_),
        value_num = rep(NA_real_, 3), object_id = c(1L, 2L, 2L), field_id = fld_id)

    expect_silent(parse_idf_file(sprintf("Version,%s;\nOutput:Surfaces:List,,;", LATEST_IDF_VER)))
    expect_warning(idf_value <- parse_idf_file(text_object, LATEST_IDF_VER))
        c("value_id", "value_chr", "value_num", "object_id", "field_id"))
    expect_equal(idf_value$value$value_id, 1:10)
    expect_equal(idf_value$value$value_num, num)
    expect_equal(idf_value$value$object_id, c(rep(1, 9), 2))

    # can detect invalid lines
    idf_wrong <- sprintf(
            WD01,                    !- Name
            MediumSmooth,            !- Roughness
            1.9099999E-02,           !- Thickness {m}
            0.1150000,               !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
            513.0000,                !- Density {kg/m3}
            1381.000,                !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
            0.9000000,               !- Thermal Absorptance
            0.7800000,               !- Solar Absorptance
            0.7800000;               !- Visible Absorptance
        ", LATEST_IDF_VER)
    expect_error(parse_idf_file(idf_wrong, LATEST_IDF_VER), class = "eplusr_error_parse_idf_line")
    expect_error(parse_idf_file("Construction, const1, mat; Construction, const2;\nVersion, 9.9;"))

    # can detect incomplete object
    idf_wrong <- sprintf(
            WD01,                    !- Name
            MediumSmooth,            !- Roughness
            1.9099999E-02,           !- Thickness {m}
            0.1150000,               !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
            513.0000,                !- Density {kg/m3}
            1381.000,                !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
            0.9000000,               !- Thermal Absorptance
            0.7800000,               !- Solar Absorptance
            0.7800000,               !- Visible Absorptance
        ", LATEST_IDF_VER)
    expect_error(parse_idf_file(idf_wrong, LATEST_IDF_VER), class = "eplusr_error_parse_idf_object")

    # can detect error of invalid class name
    idf_wrong <- sprintf(
        ! comment
            WD01;                    !- Name
        ! comment
            WD01;                    !- Name
        ", LATEST_IDF_VER)
    expect_error(parse_idf_file(idf_wrong, LATEST_IDF_VER), class = "eplusr_error_parse_idf_class")
    idf_wrong <- sprintf(
         WrongClass, WD01;
        ", LATEST_IDF_VER)
    expect_error(parse_idf_file(idf_wrong, LATEST_IDF_VER), class = "eplusr_error_parse_idf_class")

    # can detect error of multiple version
    idf_wrong <- sprintf("Version, %s;\nVersion, %s;", LATEST_IDF_VER, LATEST_IDF_VER)
    expect_error(parse_idf_file(idf_wrong, LATEST_IDF_VER), class = "eplusr_error_parse_idf_ver")

    # can detect error of invalid field number
    idf_wrong <- sprintf("
        Version, %s;
            Simple, !- Algorithm
            Simple, !- Algorithm
            TARP; !- Algorithm", LATEST_IDF_VER)
    expect_error(parse_idf_file(idf_wrong, LATEST_IDF_VER), class = "eplusr_error_parse_idf_field")

    # can optional discard reference parsing
    expect_equal(nrow(parse_idf_file(idftext(), LATEST_IDF_VER, ref = FALSE)$reference), 0L)

    # can handle DDY without giving unnecessary warning
    ddy <- tempfile(fileext = ".ddy")
    expect_silent(idf_parsed <- parse_idf_file(ddy, LATEST_IDF_VER))

    # can handle trailing spaces after class names
    idf_str <- sprintf("
        Version , %s ;
        SurfaceConvectionAlgorithm:Inside   ,
            Simple  ; !- Algorithm
    expect_type(idf_parsed <- parse_idf_file(idf_str, LATEST_IDF_VER), "list")
# }}}

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