Multivariate version of 'coda"s 'coda::geweke.diag()'.

View source: R/approx.hotelling.diff.test.R

geweke.diag.mvR Documentation

Multivariate version of coda's coda::geweke.diag().


Rather than comparing each mean independently, compares them jointly. Note that it returns an htest object, not a geweke.diag object.

Usage, frac1 = 0.1, frac2 = 0.5, split.mcmc.list = FALSE, ...)



an mcmc, mcmc.list, or just a matrix with observations in rows and variables in columns.

frac1, frac2

the fraction at the start and, respectively, at the end of the sample to compare.


when given an mcmc.list, whether to test each chain individually.


additional arguments, passed on to approx.hotelling.diff.test(), which passes them to spectrum0.mvar(), etc.; in particular, ⁠order.max=⁠ can be used to limit the order of the AR model used to estimate the effective sample size.


An object of class htest, inheriting from that returned by approx.hotelling.diff.test(), but with p-value considered to be 0 on insufficient sample size.


If approx.hotelling.diff.test() returns an error, then assume that burn-in is insufficient.

See Also

coda::geweke.diag(), approx.hotelling.diff.test()

ergm documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:15 a.m.