transitiveties-ergmTerm-3382c137: Transitive ties

transitiveties-ergmTermR Documentation

Transitive ties


This term adds one statistic, equal to the number of ties i\rightarrow j such that there exists a two-path from i to j . (Related to the ttriple term.)


# binary: transitiveties(attr=NULL, levels=NULL)



quantitative attribute (see Specifying Vertex attributes and Levels (?nodal_attributes) for details.) If set, all three nodes involved ( i , j , and the node on the two-path) must match on this attribute in order for i\rightarrow j to be counted.


TODO (See Specifying Vertex attributes and Levels (?nodal_attributes) for details.)

See Also

ergmTerm for index of model terms currently visible to the package.

\Sexpr[results=rd,stage=render]{ergm:::.formatTermKeywords("ergmTerm", "transitiveties", "subsection")}

ergm documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:15 a.m.