
Defines functions is.inCH san.ergm newnw.extract standardize.network as.network.uncompressed as.edgelist.compressed ergm.getglobalstats ergm.getmodel network.update remove.offset.formula ergm.update.formula ergm.mcmcslave ergm.ConstraintImplications ergm.init.methods MHproposal.formula MHproposal.ergm MHproposal.character MHproposal ergm.MHP.table ergm.getMCMCsample summary.gof ergm.checkdirected ergm.checkbipartite ergm.checkargs summary.statistics plot.ergm plot.mcmc.list.ergm ergm.getterms plot.network.ergm

Documented in as.edgelist.compressed as.network.uncompressed ergm.checkargs ergm.checkbipartite ergm.checkdirected ergm.ConstraintImplications ergm.getglobalstats ergm.getMCMCsample ergm.getmodel ergm.getterms ergm.init.methods ergm.mcmcslave ergm.MHP.table ergm.update.formula is.inCH MHproposal MHproposal.character MHproposal.ergm MHproposal.formula network.update newnw.extract plot.ergm plot.mcmc.list.ergm plot.network.ergm remove.offset.formula san.ergm standardize.network summary.gof summary.statistics

#  File R/ergm-defunct.R in package ergm, part of the
#  Statnet suite of packages for network analysis, https://statnet.org .
#  This software is distributed under the GPL-3 license.  It is free,
#  open source, and has the attribution requirements (GPL Section 7) at
#  https://statnet.org/attribution .
#  Copyright 2003-2023 Statnet Commons
# The last home for functions to removed from ergm.

#' @name ergm-defunct
#' @usage sociality(object, ...)
#' @title Functions that have been removed from this package
#' @description Functions that have been removed after a period of deprecation.
#' @param ... Arguments to defunct functions.
#' @keywords internal


# The following were defunct-ed on 2018-04-07.

#' @rdname ergm-defunct
robust.inverse <- function (...) .Defunct("MASS::ginv")

# The following were defunct-ed on 2019-03-07.
#' @rdname ergm-defunct
plot.network.ergm <- function(...) .Defunct("latentnet::plot.ergmm()")

#' @rdname ergm-defunct
ergm.getterms<-function(...) .Defunct("statnet.common::list_rhs.formula() and statnet.common::eval_lhs.formula()")

#' @rdname ergm-defunct
plot.mcmc.list.ergm <- function(...) .Defunct("ergm_plot.mcmc.list()")

#' @rdname ergm-defunct
plot.ergm <- function(...) .Defunct("mcmc.diagnostics(x,...)")

#' @rdname ergm-defunct
summary.statistics <- function(...) .Defunct("summary_formula()")

#' @rdname ergm-defunct
ergm.checkargs <- function(...) .Defunct("check.ErgmTerm")

#' @rdname ergm-defunct
ergm.checkbipartite <- function(...) .Defunct("check.ErgmTerm")

#' @rdname ergm-defunct
ergm.checkdirected <- function(...) .Defunct("check.ErgmTerm")

#' @rdname ergm-defunct
summary.gof <- function(...) .Defunct("print.gof")

#' @rdname ergm-defunct
ergm.getMCMCsample <- function(...) .Defunct("ergm_MCMC_sample")

#' @rdname ergm-defunct
ergm.MHP.table <- function(...) .Defunct("ergm_proposal_table()")

#' @rdname ergm-defunct
MHproposal <- function(...) .Defunct("ergm_proposal()")

#' @rdname ergm-defunct
MHproposal.character <- function(...) .Defunct("ergm_proposal()")

#' @rdname ergm-defunct
MHproposal.ergm <- function(...) .Defunct("ergm_proposal()")

#' @rdname ergm-defunct
MHproposal.formula <- function(...) .Defunct("ergm_proposal()")

#' @rdname ergm-defunct
ergm.init.methods <- function(...) .Defunct(msg="Function ergm.init.methods() has been deprecated in favor of specifying init_methods in InitErgmReference.*() functions, and has no effect.")

#' @rdname ergm-defunct
ergm.ConstraintImplications <- function(...) .Defunct(msg="Function ergm.ConstraintImplications() has been deprecated in favor of specifying the implications in the InitErgmConstraint.*() functions, and has no effect.")

#' @rdname ergm-defunct
ergm.mcmcslave <- function(...) .Defunct("ergm_MCMC_slave")

# The following were defunct-ed on 2019-08-21.

#' @rdname ergm-defunct
ergm.update.formula <- function(...) .Defunct("statnet.common::nonsimp_update.formula")

#' @rdname ergm-defunct
remove.offset.formula <- function(...) .Defunct("statnet.common::filter_rhs.formula")

#' @rdname ergm-defunct
network.update<-function(...) .Defunct("update.network")

#' @rdname ergm-defunct
ergm.getmodel <- function(...) .Defunct("ergm_model")

#' @rdname ergm-defunct
ergm.getglobalstats <- function(...) .Defunct("summary.ergm_model")

#' @rdname ergm-defunct
as.edgelist.compressed<-function(...) .Defunct(msg="No longer used.")

#' @rdname ergm-defunct
as.network.uncompressed<-function(...) .Defunct(msg="No longer used.")

# The following were defunct-ed 2020-09-25.

#' @rdname ergm-defunct
standardize.network <- function(...) .Defunct(msg=paste0("Obviated by improvements to ", sQuote("network"), " package."))

#' @rdname ergm-defunct
newnw.extract<-function(...) .Defunct('ergm_state "API"')

# The following were defunct-ed 2022-06-21.

#' @rdname ergm-defunct
san.ergm <- function(...) .Defunct(msg="Removed due to no meaningful use case.")

# The following were defunct-ed 2022-09-10.
#' @rdname ergm-defunct
is.inCH <- function(...) .Defunct("shrink_into_CH")

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ergm documentation built on May 31, 2023, 8:04 p.m.