
#' Find errors in data
#' Find out which fields in a data.frame are "faulty" using validation rules
#' This method returns found errors, according to the specified method `x`.
#' Use method [replace_errors()], to automatically remove these errors.
#' `
#' Use an `Inf` `weight` specification to fixate variables that can not be changed.
#' See [expand_weights()] for more details.
#' `locate_errors` uses lpSolveAPI to formulate and solves a mixed integer problem.
#' For details see the vignettes.
#' This solver has many options:  [lpSolveAPI::lp.control.options]. Noteworthy
#' options to be used are:
#' - `timeout`: restricts the time the solver spends on a record (seconds)
#' - `break.at.value`: set this to minimum weight + 1 to improve speed.
#' - `presolve`: default for errorlocate is "rows". Set to "none" when you have
#' solutions where all variables are deemed wrong.
#' `locate_errors` can be run on multiple cores using R package `parallel`.
#'  - The easiest way to use the parallel option is to set `Ncpus` to the number of
#' desired cores, @seealso [parallel::detectCores()].
#' - Alternatively one can create a cluster object ([parallel::makeCluster()])
#' and use `cl` to pass the cluster object.
#' - Or set `cl` to an integer which results in [parallel::mclapply()], which only works
#' on non-windows.
#' @param data data to be checked
#' @param x validation rules or errorlocalizer object to be used for finding
#' possible errors.
#' @param ref `data.frame` optional reference data to be used in the rules checking
#' @param weight `numeric` optional weight specification to be used in the
#' error localization (see [expand_weights()]).
#' @param ... optional parameters that are passed to [lpSolveAPI::lp.control()] (see details)
#' @param cl optional parallel / cluster.
#' @param Ncpus number of nodes to use. See details
#' @param timeout maximum number of seconds that the localizer should use per record.
#' @return [errorlocation-class()] object describing the errors found.
#' @example examples/locate_errors.R
#' @family error finding
#' @export
setGeneric("locate_errors", function( data, x, ..., cl = NULL
                                    , Ncpus = getOption("Ncpus", 1), timeout = 60

#' @export
#' @rdname locate_errors
setMethod('locate_errors', signature = c("data.frame", "validator")
        , function(data, x, weight=NULL, ref=NULL, ..., cl = NULL
                   , Ncpus = getOption("Ncpus", 1), timeout=60){
  fh <- fh_localizer(x)
  locate_errors(data=data, fh, ref=ref, weight=weight, ..., cl = cl, Ncpus = Ncpus, timeout = timeout)

#' @export
#' @rdname locate_errors
setMethod('locate_errors', signature = c("data.frame", "ErrorLocalizer")
        , function(data, x, weight=NULL, ref=NULL, ..., cl = NULL
                  , Ncpus = getOption("Ncpus", 1), timeout=60){
  x$locate(data=data, weight=weight, ..., cl = cl, Ncpus = Ncpus, timeout=timeout)

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errorlocate documentation built on Oct. 1, 2023, 1:08 a.m.