
Defines functions write_sac

Documented in write_sac

#' Write seismic traces as sac file to disk.
#' This function converts seismic traces to sac files and writes them to disk.
#' For description of the sac file format see
#' https://ds.iris.edu/files/sac-manual/manual/file_format.html. Currently the 
#' following parameters are not supported when writing the sac file: 
#' @param data \code{eseis} object or \code{numeric} vector, data set to 
#' be processed. Most other arguments can be omitted if \code{data} is an
#' \code{eseis} object.
#' @param file \code{Character} scalar, sac file name with extension.
#' @param time \code{POSIXct} vector, time vector corresponding to the 
#' seismic trace. Alternatively, the start time stamp can be provided as
#' \code{POSIXct} value and a value for \code{dt} must be given.
#' @param component \code{Character} value, component ID, optional.
#' @param unit \code{Character} value, unit of the signal, optional. One out
#' of \code{"unknown"}, \code{"displacement"}, \code{"velocity"}, 
#' \code{"volts"}, \code{"acceleration"}. Default is \code{"unknown"}.
#' @param station \code{Character} value, station ID, optinal.
#' @param location \code{Character} vector of length four, station location 
#' data (latitude, longitude, elevation, depth), optional.
#' @param network \code{Character} value, network ID, optional.
#' @param dt \code{Numeric} value, sampling period. Only needed if no time
#' vector is provided.
#' @param autoname \code{Logical} value, option to let the function generate 
#' the file name automatically. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param parameters \code{Data frame} sac parameter list, as obtained from
#' \code{list_sacparameters}. Allows user-specific modifications. If this 
#' data frame is provided, it overrides all other arguments. 
#' @param biglong \code{Logical} value, biglong option, default is 
#' \code{FALSE}
#' @return A binary file written to disk.
#' @author Michael Dietze
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## load example data 
#' data("rockfall")
#' ## write as sac file
#' write_sac(data = rockfall_eseis)
#' }
#' @export write_sac
write_sac <- function(
  autoname = FALSE,
  biglong = FALSE
) {
  ## check/set biglong-dependent parameters
  if(biglong == TRUE) {
    ilong <- 8
    ifloat <- 4
  } else {
    ilong <- 4
    ifloat <- 4
  if(class(data)[1] != "eseis") {
    ## check/set station
    if(missing(station) == TRUE) {
      print("Station name missing! Value station set to NULL")
      station <- "NULL"
    ## check/set network
    if(missing(network) == TRUE) {
      print("Network name missing! Value network set to NULL")
      network <- "NULL"
    ## check/set component
    if(missing(component) == TRUE) {
      print("Component name missing! Value component set to p0")
      component <- "p0"
    ## check/set unit
    if(missing(unit) == TRUE) {
      print("Unit missing! Value unit set to 1 ('unknown')")
      unit <- "unknown"
    ## reassign unit ID
    if(unit == "unknown") {unit <- 1}
    if(unit == "displacement") {unit <- 2}
    if(unit == "velocity") {unit <- 3}
    if(unit == "volts") {unit <- 4}
    if(unit == "acceleration") {unit <- 5}
    ## check/set location
    if(missing(location) == TRUE) {
      print("Location information missing! Values set to -12345")
      location <- rep(x = -12345, times = 4)
    ## check/set time vector
    if(missing(time) == TRUE) {
      stop("No time information provided. Cannot generate sac-file.")
    } else if(length(time) == 1) {
      if(missing(dt) == TRUE) {
        stop("No sampling period (dt) provided. Cannot generate sac-file.")
      time <- seq(from = time, by = dt, length.out = length(data))
    ## check/set dt
    if(missing(dt) == TRUE) {
      dt <- as.numeric(mean(diff(time)))
    ## round dt
    dt <- signif(x = dt, digits = 10)
    ## get first time entry
    start <- time[1]
    ## add sensor keyword
    sensor <- -12345

    ## add logger keyword
    logger <- -12345
    ## add gain keyword
    gain <- -12345
} else {
    ## extract meta information from eseis object
    ## station name
    station <- data$meta$station
    ## network ID
    network <- data$meta$network
    ## get raw component
    component <- data$meta$component
    ## try to convert component to keyword
    # component <- c("p1", "p2", "p0")[match(x = component, 
    #                                            table = c("BHE", 
    #                                                      "BHN", 
    #                                                      "BHZ"), 
    #                                            nomatch = NA)]
    ## account for missing information
    if(is.na(component) == TRUE) {
      print("Component name missing! Value component set to p0")
      component <- "p0"
    ## check/set unit
    if(missing(unit) == TRUE) {
      print("Unit missing! Value unit set to 1 ('unknown')")
      unit <- "unknown"
    ## reassign unit ID
    if(unit == "unknown") {unit <- 1}
    if(unit == "displacement") {unit <- 2}
    if(unit == "velocity") {unit <- 3}
    if(unit == "volts") {unit <- 4}
    if(unit == "acceleration") {unit <- 5}
    ## location information
    location <- try(c(data$meta$latitude,
                      data$meta$depth), silent = TRUE)
    ## account for missing location slot
    if(class(location)[1] == "try-error" | 
       is.null(location) | 
       length(location) != 4) {
      location <- rep(x = -12345, times = 4)
    ## sampling period 
    dt <- data$meta$dt
    ## extract instrument data
    sensor <- try(data$meta$sensor, silent = TRUE)
    logger <- try(data$meta$logger, silent = TRUE)
    gain <- try(data$meta$gain, silent = TRUE)
    ## account for missing sensor data
    if(class(sensor)[1] == "try-error" | is.null(sensor)) {
      sensor <- -12345
    ## account for missing logger data
    if(class(logger)[1] == "try-error" | is.null(logger)) {
      logger <- -12345
    ## account for missing gain data
    if(class(gain)[1] == "try-error" | is.null(gain)) {
      gain <- -12345
    ## start time
    start <- data$meta$starttime
    ## extract signal
    data <- data$signal
  ## create time data
  yr <- as.numeric(format(start, "%Y"))
  jd <- as.numeric(format(start, "%j"))
  mo <- as.numeric(format(start, "%m"))
  dom <- as.numeric(format(start, "%d"))
  hr <- as.numeric(format(start, "%H"))
  mi <- as.numeric(format(start, "%M"))
  sec   <- as.numeric(format(start, "%S"))
  msec <- as.numeric(format(start, "%OS")) - sec
  t1 <- 0
  t2 <- length(data) * dt
  off <- 0
  ## pad values with zeros
  jd_3 <- ifelse(nchar(jd) < 2, paste("00", jd, sep = ""), jd)
  jd_3 <- ifelse(nchar(jd_3) < 3, paste("0", jd_3, sep = ""), jd_3)
  hr_2 <- ifelse(nchar(hr) < 2, paste("0", hr, sep = ""), hr)
  mi_2 <- ifelse(nchar(mi) < 2, paste("0", mi, sep = ""), mi)
  sec_2 <- ifelse(nchar(sec) < 2, paste("0", sec, sep = ""), sec)
  ## check/set file names
  if(missing(file) == TRUE & autoname == TRUE) {
    print("No file name provided. File name will be generated automatically.")
    output_dir <- file.path(tempdir(), "output")
    print(paste("Output will be written to", output_dir))
    file <- paste(output_dir, "/",
                  station, "_",
                  yr, "_",
                  jd_3, "_",
                  hr_2, "_",
                  mi_2, "_",
                  sec_2, "_", 
                  ".sac", sep = "")
  } else if(missing(file) == TRUE) {
    stop("Either provide file name or toggle autoname option!")
  if(missing(parameters) == TRUE) {
    ## get default sac parameter definition
    sac_parameters <- list_sacparameters()
    class(sac_parameters$value)[1] <- "character"
    ## update sac parameters
    sac_parameters$value[1] <- as.character(dt)
    sac_parameters$value[2] <-  min(data, na.rm = TRUE)
    sac_parameters$value[3] <-  max(data, na.rm = TRUE)
    sac_parameters$value[4] <-  1
    sac_parameters$value[5] <-  "-12345"
    sac_parameters$value[6] <- t1
    sac_parameters$value[7] <- t2
    sac_parameters$value[8:31] <- rep(x = "-12345", times = 24)
    sac_parameters$value[32:35] <- location
    sac_parameters$value[36] <- "0"
    sac_parameters$value[37] <- "0"
    sac_parameters$value[38:50] <- rep(x = "-12345", times = 13)
    sac_parameters$value[51] <- "0"
    sac_parameters$value[52:56] <- rep(x = "-12345", times = 5)
    sac_parameters$value[57] <- mean(x = data, na.rm = TRUE)
    sac_parameters$value[58] <- "0"
    sac_parameters$value[59] <- "0"
    sac_parameters$value[60:70] <- rep(x = "-12345", times = 11)
    sac_parameters$value[71] <- yr
    sac_parameters$value[72] <- jd
    sac_parameters$value[73] <- hr
    sac_parameters$value[74] <- mi
    sac_parameters$value[75] <- sec
    sac_parameters$value[76] <- msec
    sac_parameters$value[77] <- "6"
    sac_parameters$value[78] <- "-12345"
    sac_parameters$value[79] <- "-12345"
    sac_parameters$value[80] <- length(data)
    sac_parameters$value[81:85] <- rep(x = "-12345", times = 5)
    sac_parameters$value[86] <- 1
    sac_parameters$value[87] <- unit
    sac_parameters$value[88] <- 9
    sac_parameters$value[89:105] <- rep(x = "-12345", times = 17)
    sac_parameters$value[106] <- 1
    sac_parameters$value[107] <- 1
    sac_parameters$value[108] <- 1
    sac_parameters$value[109] <- 0
    sac_parameters$value[110] <- "-12345"
    sac_parameters$value[111] <- station
    sac_parameters$value[112] <- "-12345"
    sac_parameters$value[113] <- "XX"
    sac_parameters$value[114:129] <- rep(x = "-12345", times = 16)
    sac_parameters$value[127] <- sensor
    sac_parameters$value[128] <- logger
    sac_parameters$value[129] <- gain
    sac_parameters$value[130] <- component
    sac_parameters$value[131] <- network
    sac_parameters$value[132] <- "-12345"
    sac_parameters$value[133] <- "-12345"
  } else {
    sac_parameters <- parameters
  ## open binary file
  SAC <- file(description = file, 
              open = "wb")
  ## write float part to sac-file
  writeBin(object = as.numeric(sac_parameters$value[1:70]), 
           con = SAC, 
           size = ifloat, 
           endian = .Platform$endian)
  ## write long part to sac-file
  writeBin(object = as.integer(sac_parameters$value[71:110]),
           con = SAC, 
           size = ilong, 
           endian = .Platform$endian)
  ## write character part to sac-file
  writeChar(object = format(as.character(sac_parameters$value[111]), 
                            width = 8, 
                            justify = "left"), 
            con = SAC, 
            nchars = 8, 
            eos = NULL)
  writeChar(object = format(as.character(sac_parameters$value[112]), 
                            width = 16, 
                            justify = "left"), 
            con = SAC, 
            nchars = 16, 
            eos = NULL)
  for(j in 113:133) {
    writeChar(object = format(as.character(sac_parameters$value[j]), 
                              width = 8, 
                              justify = "left"), 
              con = SAC, 
              nchars = 8, 
              eos = NULL)
  ## write signal part to sac-file
  writeBin(object = data, 
           con = SAC, 
           size = ifloat, 
           endian = .Platform$endian)
  ## close connection

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eseis documentation built on Aug. 10, 2023, 5:08 p.m.