
Defines functions modal_settings

#' @importFrom htmltools tags tagList
#' @importFrom shiny getDefaultReactiveDomain modalDialog
#' @importFrom shinyWidgets alert prettyCheckboxGroup prettyRadioButtons
modal_settings <- function(aesthetics = NULL, session = shiny::getDefaultReactiveDomain()) {
  ns <- session$ns
    title = tagList(
      i18n("Esquisse settings"),
      i18n("Select aesthetics to be used to build a graph:"),
      `for` = ns("aesthetics"),
      class = "control-label"
      i18n("Aesthetic mappings describe how variables in the data are mapped to visual properties (aesthetics) of geoms."),
      status = "info"
      inputId = ns("aesthetics"),
      label = NULL,
      choiceNames = list(
        tagList(tags$b("fill:"), i18n("fill color for shapes")),
        tagList(tags$b("color:"), i18n("color points and lines")),
        tagList(tags$b("size:"), i18n("size of the points")),
        tagList(tags$b("shape:"), i18n("shape of the points")),
        tagList(tags$b("weight:"), i18n("frequency weights")),
        tagList(tags$b("alpha:"), i18n("alpha transparency")),
        tagList(tags$b("label:"), i18n("text to use as label on plot")),
        tagList(tags$b("group:"), i18n("identifies series of points with a grouping variable")),
        tagList(tags$b("ymin:"), tags$span(i18n("used in ribbons charts with ymax to display an interval between two lines"))),
        tagList(tags$b("ymax:"), i18n("used in ribbons charts with ymin to display an interval between two lines")),
        tagList(tags$b("facet:"), i18n("create small multiples")),
        tagList(tags$b("facet row:"), i18n("create small multiples by rows")),
        tagList(tags$b("facet col:"), i18n("create small multiples by columns"))
      choiceValues = c("fill", "color", "size", "shape", "weight", "alpha", "label", "group", "ymin", "ymax", "facet", "facet_row", "facet_col"),
      selected = aesthetics %||% c("fill", "color", "size", "facet"),
      status = "primary",
      outline = TRUE
      inputId = ns("notify_warnings"),
      label = i18n("Show notifications when the plot generate a warning:"),
      choiceNames = c(
        i18n("Once per warning"),
      choiceValues = c("always", "once", "never"),
      selected = "once",
      status = "primary",
      inline = TRUE,
      outline = TRUE
    easyClose = TRUE,
    footer = NULL,
    size = "l"

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esquisse documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:23 a.m.