# This does bootstrap inference for the difference in the
# average "car" between t1 and t2 (both in event time).
# es.w is a zoo object, where rows are in event time
# and columns are units of observation.
# Sampling with replacement is done within the units of
# observation. Each time, the Ecar(t1) and Ecar(t2) is
# computed.
# By default, the statistic of interest is the ratio
# Ecar(t2)/Ecar(t1)
# But if operator="difference" is sent in, then the
# statistic of interest shifts to Ecar(t2)-Ecar(t1).
## Bootstrap
inference.change.boot <- function(es.w, t1, t2, operator = "ratio",
conf = .95) {
stopifnot(operator %in% c("ratio","difference"))
tmp <- t(as.matrix(es.w[c(t1,t2),]))
if (operator == "ratio") {
change <- tmp[,2]/tmp[,1]
if (operator == "difference") {
change <- tmp[,2]-tmp[,1]
mymean <- function(x,d) {mean(x[d], na.rm = TRUE)}
b <- boot(change, mymean, R=1000)
ci <-, type = "bca", conf = conf)
list(est = b$t0, lo = ci$bca[1,4], hi = ci$bca[1,5])
# es.w is a zoo object with certain rows (e.g. from -10 to 10)
# that define the event window, and columns with data for units.
# This function does bootstrap inference for the entire
# Ecar, i.e. main graph of the event study.
inference.bootstrap <- function(es.w, to.plot = TRUE,,
xlab = "Event time",
ylab = "Cumulative returns of response series",
main = "Event study plot") {
if(NCOL(es.w) == 1){
stop("More than one series is required for inference.")
Ecar <- function(transposed, d) {
colMeans(transposed[d, , drop=FALSE], na.rm = TRUE)
tmp <- t(as.matrix(es.w))
b <- boot(tmp, Ecar, R =
result <- NULL
for (i in 1:ncol(b$t)) {
result <- rbind(result, quantile(b$t[,i], prob = c(.025,.975),
na.rm = TRUE))
result <- cbind(result[,1], b$t0, result[,2])
rownames(result) <- rownames(es.w)
colnames(result) <- c("2.5%","Mean","97.5%")
if(to.plot == TRUE){
plot.inference(result, xlab = "Event time", ylab = ylab,
main = "", col = "blue")
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