update.cab: Update method for objects of class cab

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Author(s) See Also Examples

View source: R/update.cab.R


An update method for objects created by mcexact when method = 'cab'.


## S3 method for class 'cab'
update(object, ...)
    nosim = NULL,
    batchsize = NULL,
    savechain = FALSE,
    p = NULL,
    flush = FALSE)



Output from mcexact


Alternative arguments for the update


Output from mcexact


The number of simulations to be performed in the update


A new batchsize


Saves the chain of goodness-of-fit statistics


An updated proportion of simulated tables left fixed.


Should the previous information be discarded? flush should be set to true if the batchsize is changed.


The method update.cab calls the function cab, which is the engine for mcexact when method = 'cab'.


A list of the form outputted from mcexact


Brian S. Caffo

See Also



mcx <- mcexact(y ~ res.1985 + res.1980 + factor(sym.pair),
               data = residence.dat,
               method = "cab",
               p = .5,
               batchsize = 100) 
mcx <- update(mcx, nosim = 10 ^ 4)

Example output

      15       14       10 
294.8800 166.8939 238.3175 

  56.78443 -39.34468  36.79749
 -39.34468  51.14382 -39.59345
  36.79749 -39.59345  59.74533

function (y) 
sum(-lgamma(y + 1))
<environment: namespace:exactLoglinTest>

[1] 2.985962 2.981987

         15          14          10          16          13          12 
  294.87999   166.89392   238.31746 10192.00000    63.22609   261.12001 
         11           9           8           7           6           5 
17819.00000   167.56253   311.10608   501.68254 13677.00000    91.21138 
          4           3           2           1 
  123.77391   370.43747    95.78862 11607.00000 

[1] 16

[1] 3

[1] 1000

(Intercept)       55981
res.1985NE        11929
res.1985S         18986
res.1985W         10888
res.1980NE        12197
res.1980S         18486
res.1980W         10717
factor(sym.pair)2   187
factor(sym.pair)3   538
factor(sym.pair)4   187
factor(sym.pair)5 13677
factor(sym.pair)6   740
factor(sym.pair)8 17819

function (y = NULL, mu = NULL, rowlabels = FALSE) 
    if (rowlabels) 
        c("deviance", "Pearson")
    else {
        temp <- y != 0
        c(2 * sum(y[temp] * log(y[temp]/mu[temp])), sum((y - 
<environment: namespace:exactLoglinTest>

[1] 3

   (Intercept) res.1985NE res.1985S res.1985W res.1980NE res.1980S res.1980W
15           1          0         1         0          0         0         1
14           1          0         0         0          0         0         1
10           1          0         0         0          0         1         0
16           1          0         0         1          0         0         1
13           1          1         0         0          0         0         1
12           1          0         0         1          0         1         0
11           1          0         1         0          0         1         0
9            1          1         0         0          0         1         0
8            1          0         0         1          0         0         0
7            1          0         1         0          0         0         0
6            1          0         0         0          0         0         0
5            1          1         0         0          0         0         0
4            1          0         0         1          1         0         0
3            1          0         1         0          1         0         0
2            1          0         0         0          1         0         0
1            1          1         0         0          1         0         0
   factor(sym.pair)2 factor(sym.pair)3 factor(sym.pair)4 factor(sym.pair)5
15                 0                 0                 0                 0
14                 0                 0                 0                 0
10                 0                 0                 0                 0
16                 0                 0                 0                 0
13                 0                 0                 1                 0
12                 0                 0                 0                 0
11                 0                 0                 0                 0
9                  0                 1                 0                 0
8                  0                 0                 0                 0
7                  0                 0                 0                 0
6                  0                 0                 0                 1
5                  1                 0                 0                 0
4                  0                 0                 1                 0
3                  0                 1                 0                 0
2                  1                 0                 0                 0
1                  0                 0                 0                 0
   factor(sym.pair)6 factor(sym.pair)8
15                 0                 0
14                 0                 0
10                 1                 0
16                 0                 0
13                 0                 0
12                 0                 0
11                 0                 1
9                  0                 0
8                  0                 0
7                  1                 0
6                  0                 0
5                  0                 0
4                  0                 0
3                  0                 0
2                  0                 0
1                  0                 0

   (Intercept) res.1985NE res.1985S res.1985W res.1980NE res.1980S res.1980W
15           1          0         1         0          0         0         1
14           1          0         0         0          0         0         1
10           1          0         0         0          0         1         0
   factor(sym.pair)2 factor(sym.pair)3 factor(sym.pair)4 factor(sym.pair)5
15                 0                 0                 0                 0
14                 0                 0                 0                 0
10                 0                 0                 0                 0
   factor(sym.pair)6 factor(sym.pair)8
15                 0                 0
14                 0                 0
10                 1                 0

   (Intercept) res.1985NE res.1985S res.1985W res.1980NE res.1980S res.1980W
16          -1        0.5         0         1        0.5         0         1
13           1       -0.5         0        -1       -0.5         0         0
12           0        0.0         1         0        0.0         1         0
11           0        0.0         0         0        0.0         0         0
9            0        0.0        -1         0        0.0         0         0
8            2       -1.0        -1        -1       -1.0        -1        -1
7            0        0.0         0         0        0.0         0         0
6            0        0.0         0         0        0.0         0         0
5           -1        1.0         1         1        0.0         0         0
4           -1        0.5         0         1        0.5         0         0
3            0        0.0         1         0        0.0         0         0
2            1       -1.0        -1        -1        0.0         0         0
1            0        0.5         0         0        0.5         0         0
   factor(sym.pair)2 factor(sym.pair)3 factor(sym.pair)4 factor(sym.pair)5
16               0.5               0.5              -0.5                 1
13              -0.5              -0.5               0.5                -1
12               0.0              -1.0               0.0                 0
11               0.0               0.0               0.0                 0
9                0.0               1.0               0.0                 0
8               -1.0               0.0               0.0                -2
7                0.0               0.0               0.0                 0
6                0.0               0.0               0.0                 1
5                1.0               0.0               0.0                 1
4                0.5               0.5               0.5                 1
3                0.0               0.0               0.0                 0
2                0.0               0.0               0.0                -1
1               -0.5              -0.5              -0.5                 0
   factor(sym.pair)6 factor(sym.pair)8
16                 1                 1
13                -1                -1
12                -1                -2
11                 0                 1
9                  1                 1
8                 -1                 0
7                  1                 0
6                  0                 0
5                  0                 0
4                  1                 1
3                 -1                -1
2                  0                 0
1                  0                 0

   15    14    10    16    13    12    11     9     8     7     6     5     4 
  286   176   225 10192    63   270 17819   172   302   515 13677    87   124 
    3     2     1 
  366   100 11607 

 [1] 15 14 10 16 13 12 11  9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1


Call:  glm(formula = formula, family = poisson, data = data, x = TRUE, 
    y = TRUE)

       (Intercept)          res.1985NE           res.1985S           res.1985W  
            1.6281              3.8411              0.5692              4.1120  
        res.1980NE           res.1980S           res.1980W   factor(sym.pair)2  
            3.8901             -0.1752              3.4892             -0.9561  
 factor(sym.pair)3   factor(sym.pair)4   factor(sym.pair)5   factor(sym.pair)6  
           -0.1728             -4.8118              7.8953              4.0206  
 factor(sym.pair)7   factor(sym.pair)8   factor(sym.pair)9  factor(sym.pair)10  
                NA              7.7658                  NA                  NA  

Degrees of Freedom: 15 Total (i.e. Null);  3 Residual
Null Deviance:	    131000 
Residual Deviance: 2.986 	AIC: 159.2

[1] 0.5

[1] 100

[1] 1001

[1] 529

[1] 1 1

[1] 2.0717 2.0584

[1] 10

[1] 0.440 0.439

[1] 0.03683748 0.03622016

[1] 289 182 228

[1] 0.996

[1] "cabSummary"
      15       14       10 
294.8800 166.8939 238.3175 

  56.78443 -39.34468  36.79749
 -39.34468  51.14382 -39.59345
  36.79749 -39.59345  59.74533

function (y) 
sum(-lgamma(y + 1))
<environment: namespace:exactLoglinTest>

[1] 2.985962 2.981987

         15          14          10          16          13          12 
  294.87999   166.89392   238.31746 10192.00000    63.22609   261.12001 
         11           9           8           7           6           5 
17819.00000   167.56253   311.10608   501.68254 13677.00000    91.21138 
          4           3           2           1 
  123.77391   370.43747    95.78862 11607.00000 

[1] 16

[1] 3

[1] 10000

(Intercept)       55981
res.1985NE        11929
res.1985S         18986
res.1985W         10888
res.1980NE        12197
res.1980S         18486
res.1980W         10717
factor(sym.pair)2   187
factor(sym.pair)3   538
factor(sym.pair)4   187
factor(sym.pair)5 13677
factor(sym.pair)6   740
factor(sym.pair)8 17819

function (y = NULL, mu = NULL, rowlabels = FALSE) 
    if (rowlabels) 
        c("deviance", "Pearson")
    else {
        temp <- y != 0
        c(2 * sum(y[temp] * log(y[temp]/mu[temp])), sum((y - 
<environment: namespace:exactLoglinTest>

[1] 3

   (Intercept) res.1985NE res.1985S res.1985W res.1980NE res.1980S res.1980W
15           1          0         1         0          0         0         1
14           1          0         0         0          0         0         1
10           1          0         0         0          0         1         0
16           1          0         0         1          0         0         1
13           1          1         0         0          0         0         1
12           1          0         0         1          0         1         0
11           1          0         1         0          0         1         0
9            1          1         0         0          0         1         0
8            1          0         0         1          0         0         0
7            1          0         1         0          0         0         0
6            1          0         0         0          0         0         0
5            1          1         0         0          0         0         0
4            1          0         0         1          1         0         0
3            1          0         1         0          1         0         0
2            1          0         0         0          1         0         0
1            1          1         0         0          1         0         0
   factor(sym.pair)2 factor(sym.pair)3 factor(sym.pair)4 factor(sym.pair)5
15                 0                 0                 0                 0
14                 0                 0                 0                 0
10                 0                 0                 0                 0
16                 0                 0                 0                 0
13                 0                 0                 1                 0
12                 0                 0                 0                 0
11                 0                 0                 0                 0
9                  0                 1                 0                 0
8                  0                 0                 0                 0
7                  0                 0                 0                 0
6                  0                 0                 0                 1
5                  1                 0                 0                 0
4                  0                 0                 1                 0
3                  0                 1                 0                 0
2                  1                 0                 0                 0
1                  0                 0                 0                 0
   factor(sym.pair)6 factor(sym.pair)8
15                 0                 0
14                 0                 0
10                 1                 0
16                 0                 0
13                 0                 0
12                 0                 0
11                 0                 1
9                  0                 0
8                  0                 0
7                  1                 0
6                  0                 0
5                  0                 0
4                  0                 0
3                  0                 0
2                  0                 0
1                  0                 0

   (Intercept) res.1985NE res.1985S res.1985W res.1980NE res.1980S res.1980W
15           1          0         1         0          0         0         1
14           1          0         0         0          0         0         1
10           1          0         0         0          0         1         0
   factor(sym.pair)2 factor(sym.pair)3 factor(sym.pair)4 factor(sym.pair)5
15                 0                 0                 0                 0
14                 0                 0                 0                 0
10                 0                 0                 0                 0
   factor(sym.pair)6 factor(sym.pair)8
15                 0                 0
14                 0                 0
10                 1                 0

   (Intercept) res.1985NE res.1985S res.1985W res.1980NE res.1980S res.1980W
16          -1        0.5         0         1        0.5         0         1
13           1       -0.5         0        -1       -0.5         0         0
12           0        0.0         1         0        0.0         1         0
11           0        0.0         0         0        0.0         0         0
9            0        0.0        -1         0        0.0         0         0
8            2       -1.0        -1        -1       -1.0        -1        -1
7            0        0.0         0         0        0.0         0         0
6            0        0.0         0         0        0.0         0         0
5           -1        1.0         1         1        0.0         0         0
4           -1        0.5         0         1        0.5         0         0
3            0        0.0         1         0        0.0         0         0
2            1       -1.0        -1        -1        0.0         0         0
1            0        0.5         0         0        0.5         0         0
   factor(sym.pair)2 factor(sym.pair)3 factor(sym.pair)4 factor(sym.pair)5
16               0.5               0.5              -0.5                 1
13              -0.5              -0.5               0.5                -1
12               0.0              -1.0               0.0                 0
11               0.0               0.0               0.0                 0
9                0.0               1.0               0.0                 0
8               -1.0               0.0               0.0                -2
7                0.0               0.0               0.0                 0
6                0.0               0.0               0.0                 1
5                1.0               0.0               0.0                 1
4                0.5               0.5               0.5                 1
3                0.0               0.0               0.0                 0
2                0.0               0.0               0.0                -1
1               -0.5              -0.5              -0.5                 0
   factor(sym.pair)6 factor(sym.pair)8
16                 1                 1
13                -1                -1
12                -1                -2
11                 0                 1
9                  1                 1
8                 -1                 0
7                  1                 0
6                  0                 0
5                  0                 0
4                  1                 1
3                 -1                -1
2                  0                 0
1                  0                 0

   15    14    10    16    13    12    11     9     8     7     6     5     4 
  286   176   225 10192    63   270 17819   172   302   515 13677    87   124 
    3     2     1 
  366   100 11607 

 [1] 15 14 10 16 13 12 11  9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1


Call:  glm(formula = formula, family = poisson, data = data, x = TRUE, 
    y = TRUE)

       (Intercept)          res.1985NE           res.1985S           res.1985W  
            1.6281              3.8411              0.5692              4.1120  
        res.1980NE           res.1980S           res.1980W   factor(sym.pair)2  
            3.8901             -0.1752              3.4892             -0.9561  
 factor(sym.pair)3   factor(sym.pair)4   factor(sym.pair)5   factor(sym.pair)6  
           -0.1728             -4.8118              7.8953              4.0206  
 factor(sym.pair)7   factor(sym.pair)8   factor(sym.pair)9  factor(sym.pair)10  
                NA              7.7658                  NA                  NA  

Degrees of Freedom: 15 Total (i.e. Null);  3 Residual
Null Deviance:	    131000 
Residual Deviance: 2.986 	AIC: 159.2

[1] 0.5

[1] 100

[1] 11001

[1] 5744

[1] 1 1

[1] 18.8783 18.8835

[1] 110

[1] 0.3956364 0.3958182

[1] 0.01171354 0.01167598

[1] 312 149 240

[1] 0.9983

[1] "cabSummary"

exactLoglinTest documentation built on May 1, 2019, 9:58 p.m.