#' Helper function to get the relevant stats to print the summary table
#' @param x The 'survHE' object with the fitted model
#' @param mod A number identifying which of the models is to be used
#' @return \item{res}{The resulting stats}
#' @author Gianluca Baio
#' @seealso print.survHE
#' @references Baio (2020). survHE
#' @keywords MLE
#' @noRd
get_stats_mle <- function(x,mod) {
# Can use directly 'flexsurv' output to make the results table
#' Helper function to rescale the stats for the Exponential model
#' @param table The table with the relevant values for the model
#' parameters
#' @param x The original 'survHE' object
#' @return \item{res}{The resulting stats}
#' @author Gianluca Baio
#' @seealso print.survHE
#' @references Baio (2020). survHE
#' @keywords HMC Exponential
#' @noRd
rescale_stats_hmc_exp <- function(table,x) {
rate <- matrix(table[grep("rate",rownames(table)),],ncol=4)
rownames(rate) <- "rate"
res <- rbind(rate,effects)
if (is.null(dim(res))) {names(res) <- c("mean","se","L95%","U95%")} else {colnames(res) <- c("mean","se","L95%","U95%")}
#' Helper function to rescale the stats for the Weibull AFT model
#' @param table The table with the relevant values for the model
#' parameters
#' @param x The original 'survHE' object
#' @return \item{res}{The resulting stats}
#' @author Gianluca Baio
#' @seealso print.survHE
#' @references Baio (2020). survHE
#' @keywords HMC WeibullAFT
#' @noRd
rescale_stats_hmc_wei <- function(table,x) {
scale <- matrix(table[grep("scale",rownames(table)),],ncol=4)
rownames(scale) <- "scale"
shape <- matrix(table[grep("alpha",rownames(table)),],ncol=4)
rownames(shape) <- "shape"
res <- rbind(shape,scale,effects)
if (is.null(dim(res))) {names(res) <- c("mean","se","L95%","U95%")} else {colnames(res) <- c("mean","se","L95%","U95%")}
#' Helper function to rescale the stats for the Weibull PH model
#' @param table The table with the relevant values for the model
#' parameters
#' @param x The original 'survHE' object
#' @return \item{res}{The resulting stats}
#' @author Gianluca Baio
#' @seealso print.survHE
#' @references Baio (2020). survHE
#' @keywords HMC WeibullPH
#' @noRd
rescale_stats_hmc_wph <- function(table,x) {
scale <- matrix(table[grep("scale",rownames(table)),],ncol=4)
rownames(scale) <- "scale"
shape <- matrix(table[grep("alpha",rownames(table)),],ncol=4)
rownames(shape) <- "shape"
res <- rbind(shape,scale,effects)
if (is.null(dim(res))) {names(res) <- c("mean","se","L95%","U95%")} else {colnames(res) <- c("mean","se","L95%","U95%")}
#' Helper function to rescale the stats for the Gompertz model
#' @param table The table with the relevant values for the model
#' parameters
#' @param x The original 'survHE' object
#' @return \item{res}{The resulting stats}
#' @author Gianluca Baio
#' @seealso print.survHE
#' @references Baio (2020). survHE
#' @keywords HMC Gompertz
#' @noRd
rescale_stats_hmc_gom <- function(table,x) {
rate <- matrix(table[grep("rate",rownames(table)),],ncol=4)
rownames(rate) <- "rate"
shape <- matrix(table[grep("alpha",rownames(table)),],ncol=4)
rownames(shape) <- "shape"
res <- rbind(shape,rate,effects)
if (is.null(dim(res))) {names(res) <- c("mean","se","L95%","U95%")} else {colnames(res) <- c("mean","se","L95%","U95%")}
#' Helper function to rescale the stats for the logNormal model
#' @param table The table with the relevant values for the model
#' parameters
#' @param x The original 'survHE' object
#' @return \item{res}{The resulting stats}
#' @author Gianluca Baio
#' @seealso print.survHE
#' @references Baio (2020). survHE
#' @keywords HMC logNormal
#' @noRd
rescale_stats_hmc_lno <- function(table,x) {
meanlog <- matrix(table[grep("meanlog",rownames(table)),],ncol=4)
rownames(meanlog) <- "meanlog"
sdlog <- matrix(table[grep("alpha",rownames(table)),],ncol=4)
rownames(sdlog) <- "sdlog"
res <- rbind(meanlog,sdlog,effects)
if (is.null(dim(res))) {names(res) <- c("mean","se","L95%","U95%")} else {colnames(res) <- c("mean","se","L95%","U95%")}
#' Helper function to rescale the stats for the logLogistic model
#' @param table The table with the relevant values for the model
#' parameters
#' @param x The original 'survHE' object
#' @return \item{res}{The resulting stats}
#' @author Gianluca Baio
#' @seealso print.survHE
#' @references Baio (2020). survHE
#' @keywords HMC logLogistic
#' @noRd
rescale_stats_hmc_llo <- function(table,x) {
rate <- matrix(table[grep("rate",rownames(table)),],ncol=4)
rownames(rate) <- "scale"
shape <- matrix(table[grep("alpha",rownames(table)),],ncol=4)
rownames(shape) <- "shape"
res <- rbind(shape,rate,effects)
if (is.null(dim(res))) {names(res) <- c("mean","se","L95%","U95%")} else {colnames(res) <- c("mean","se","L95%","U95%")}
#' Helper function to rescale the stats for the Gen F model
#' @param table The table with the relevant values for the model
#' parameters
#' @param x The original 'survHE' object
#' @return \item{res}{The resulting stats}
#' @author Gianluca Baio
#' @seealso print.survHE
#' @references Baio (2020). survHE
#' @keywords HMC GenF
#' @noRd
rescale_stats_hmc_gef <- function(table,x) {
mu <- matrix(table[grep("beta",rownames(table)),],ncol=4,nrow=1)
rownames(mu) <- "mu"
sigma <- matrix(table[grep("sigma",rownames(table)),],ncol=4)
rownames(sigma) <- "sigma"
Q <- matrix(table[grep("Q",rownames(table)),],ncol=4)
rownames(Q) <- "Q"
P <- matrix(table[match("P",rownames(table)),],ncol=4)
rownames(P) <- "P"
res <- rbind(mu,sigma,Q,P,effects)
if (is.null(dim(res))) {names(res) <- c("mean","se","L95%","U95%")} else {colnames(res) <- c("mean","se","L95%","U95%")}
#' Helper function to rescale the stats for the Gen Gamma model
#' @param table The table with the relevant values for the model
#' parameters
#' @param x The original 'survHE' object
#' @return \item{res}{The resulting stats}
#' @author Gianluca Baio
#' @seealso print.survHE
#' @references Baio (2020). survHE
#' @keywords HMC GenGamma
#' @noRd
rescale_stats_hmc_gga <- function(table,x) {
mu <- matrix(table[grep("beta",rownames(table)),,drop=FALSE][1,],ncol=4,nrow=1)
rownames(mu) <- "mu"
sigma <- matrix(table[grep("sigma",rownames(table)),],ncol=4)
rownames(sigma) <- "sigma"
Q <- matrix(table[grep("Q",rownames(table)),],ncol=4)
rownames(Q) <- "Q"
res <- rbind(mu,sigma,Q,effects)
if (is.null(dim(res))) {names(res) <- c("mean","se","L95%","U95%")} else {colnames(res) <- c("mean","se","L95%","U95%")}
#' Helper function to rescale the stats for the RPS model
#' @param table The table with the relevant values for the model
#' parameters
#' @param x The original 'survHE' object
#' @return \item{res}{The resulting stats}
#' @author Gianluca Baio
#' @seealso print.survHE
#' @references Baio (2020). survHE
#' @keywords HMC Royston-Parmar splines
#' @noRd
rescale_stats_hmc_rps <- function(table,x) {
gamma <- matrix(table[grep("gamma",rownames(table)),],ncol=4)
rownames(gamma) <- paste0("gamma",0:(nrow(gamma)-1))
# If there covariates adds their effects
if(length(grep("beta",rownames(table)))>0) {
effects <- matrix(table[grep("beta",rownames(table)),],ncol=4)
rownames(effects) <- cn[-grep("Intercept",cn),drop=FALSE]
} else {
effects <- matrix(NA,nrow=0,ncol=4)
res <- rbind(gamma,effects)
if (is.null(dim(res))) {names(res) <- c("mean","se","L95%","U95%")} else {colnames(res) <- c("mean","se","L95%","U95%")}
#' Helper function to rescale the stats for the Poly-Weibull model
#' @param table The table with the relevant values for the model
#' parameters
#' @param x The original 'survHE' object
#' @return \item{res}{The resulting stats}
#' @author Gianluca Baio
#' @seealso print.survHE
#' @references Baio (2020). survHE
#' @keywords HMC Poly-Weibull
#' @noRd
rescale_stats_hmc_pow <- function(table,x) {
# Figures out which beta coefficients should be removed (because they are multiplied by a covariate that is constantly 0)
to.rm=matrix(unlist(lapply(1:length(x$misc$formula),function(m) apply(x$misc$data.stan[[1]]$X[m,,],2,function(x) all(x==0)))),
nmatch <- length(which(to.rm==T))
idx <- matrix(unlist(lapply(1:nmatch,function(i) {
} else {idx=NULL}
if (!is.null(nrow(idx))) {
take.out <- match(paste0("beta[",idx,"]"),rownames(table))
} else {take.out=NULL}
if(all(!is.null(take.out))) {table=table[-take.out,]}
rownames(effects) <- unlist(lapply(1:x$misc$data.stan[[1]]$M,function(m) {
res <- rbind(table[grep("shape",rownames(table)),],effects)
if (is.null(dim(res))) {names(res) <- c("mean","se","L95%","U95%")} else {colnames(res) <- c("mean","se","L95%","U95%")}
#' Helper function to create summary stats
#' @param x A vector of simulations
#' @return \item{tab}{The resulting stats}
#' @author Gianluca Baio
#' @seealso print.survHE
#' @references Baio (2020). survHE
#' @keywords Summaries Print
#' @noRd
make_stats <- function(x) {
tab=c(mean(x), stats::sd(x), stats::quantile(x, 0.025), stats::quantile(x,0.975))
#' Helper function to for Stan, which needs to first print the output of
#' the model before you can access the elements in the object
#' '@.MISC$summary', so can use this function to print quietly...
#' @param x A 'survHE' object
#' @author Gianluca Baio
#' @seealso print.survHE
#' @references Baio (2020). survHE
#' @keywords HMC Stan
#' @noRd
quiet <- function(x) {
#' Helper function to checks whether covariates effects should be
#' included in the 'res' table for HMC
#' @param table The table with the summary statistics
#' @param x The original 'survHE' object
#' @return \item{effects}{The effects}
#' @author Gianluca Baio
#' @seealso print.survHE
#' @references Baio (2020). survHE
#' @keywords HMC Stan
#' @noRd
add_effects_hmc <- function(table,x) {
# If there's more than one beta, then there are "effects" (otherwise it's only intercept)
if(length(grep("beta",rownames(table)))>1) {
effects <- matrix(table[grep("beta",rownames(table)),],ncol=4)
rownames(effects) <- colnames(stats::model.matrix(x$misc$formula,x$misc$data))
# Now removes the line with the intercept (which is already rescaled to the shape/rate/mean parameter)
} else {
effects <- matrix(NA,nrow=0,ncol=4)
#' Helper function to create the original summary table
#' @param x The 'survHE' model
#' @param mod Which of the models to be used
#' @param digits The number of digits to print
#' @author Gianluca Baio
#' @seealso print.survHE
#' @references Baio (2020). survHE
#' @keywords MLE
#' @noRd
original_table_mle <- function(x,mod,digits) {
#' Helper function to create the original summary table
#' @param x The 'survHE' model
#' @param mod Which of the models to be used
#' @param digits The number of digits to print
#' @author Gianluca Baio
#' @seealso print.survHE
#' @references Baio (2020). survHE
#' @keywords HMC
#' @noRd
original_table_hmc <- function(x,mod,digits) {
#' Helper function to format the summary table with the model parameters
#' @param x The 'survHE' model
#' @param mod Which of the models to be used
#' @param res The output table
#' @param digits The number of digits to print
#' @author Gianluca Baio
#' @seealso print.survHE
#' @references Baio (2020). survHE
#' @keywords Table formatting Print
#' @noRd
format_table <- function(x,mod,res,digits){
# First re-format some of the labels (eg model names)
if(x$misc$model_name[mod]=="exp") {label <- "Exponential"}
if(x$misc$model_name[mod]=="gam") {label <- "Gamma"}
if(x$misc$model_name[mod]=="lno") {label <- "log-Normal"}
if(x$misc$model_name[mod]=="llo") {label <-"log-Logistic"}
if(x$misc$model_name[mod]=="gga") {label <- "Generalised Gamma"}
if(x$misc$model_name[mod]=="wei") {label <- "Weibull AF"}
if(x$misc$model_name[mod]=="wph") {label <- "Weibull PH"}
if(x$misc$model_name[mod]=="gef") {label <- "Generalised F"}
if(x$misc$model_name[mod]=="gom") {label <- "Gompertz"}
if(x$misc$model_name[mod]=="rps") {label <- "Royston & Parmar splines"}
if(x$misc$model_name[mod]=="pow") {label <- "Poly-Weibull"}
# Creates label of the method used
label.met <- ifelse(
x$method=="mle","Flexsurvreg \n(Maximum Likelihood Estimate)",
ifelse(x$method=="inla","INLA (Bayesian inference via \nIntegrated Nested Laplace Approximation)",
"(Bayesian inference via \nHamiltonian or Markov Monte Carlo)")
# Finally prints the formatted table
cat(paste0("Model fit for the ",label," model, obtained using ",label.met,". Running time: ",
format(x$misc$time2run[[mod]],digits=5,nsmall=3)," seconds"))
cat("Model fitting summaries\n")
cat(paste0("Akaike Information Criterion (AIC)....: ",format(x$model.fitting$aic[[mod]],digits=6,nsmall=3)))
cat(paste0("Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC)..: ",format(x$model.fitting$bic[[mod]],digits=6,nsmall=3)))
if(x$method=="inla" | x$method=="hmc") {
cat(paste0("Deviance Information Criterion (DIC)..: ",format(x$model.fitting$dic[[mod]],digits=6,nsmall=3)))
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