
Defines functions rgl2png rgl2bitmap

Documented in rgl2bitmap rgl2png

#' Save currently active rgl 3D graph to bitmap format
#' Save currently active rgl 3D graph to bitmap format in current orientation
#' @importFrom rgl rgl.cur
#' @importFrom rgl rgl.snapshot
#' @aliases rgl2bitmap rgl2png
#' @param file name of output file. Any extension is ignored and added
#' according to the requested output type. If file already exists it is overwritten.
#' @param type desired output type - currently only \code{PNG} is supported.
#' @param \dots passing the \code{rgl2png} arguments to \code{rgl2bitmap}
#' @return No return value
#' @author Tom Wenseleers
#' @example examples/rgl2bitmap.R
#' @export
rgl2bitmap = function(file = "Rplot", type = c("PNG")) {
  type = toupper(type)
  type = match.arg(type)
  ext = paste0(".", tolower(type))
  file = sub("^(.*)[.].*", "\\1", file)  # remove extension if given
  file = paste0(file, ext)  # add extension
  if (rgl.cur()==0) stop("No rgl device open to capture plot from")

  rgl.snapshot(file, fmt="png", top=TRUE)
  message(paste0("Exported rgl graph as ",file))

#' @describeIn rgl2bitmap
#' Save currently active rgl 3D graph to PNG format
#' @export
rgl2png = function(...) rgl2bitmap(type = "PNG", ...)

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export documentation built on Dec. 7, 2022, 5:13 p.m.