expss.options: Options for controlling behavior of the package

expss.optionsR Documentation

Options for controlling behavior of the package


All options can be set with options(option.name = option.value) or with special functions (see below). You can get value of option with getOption("option.name").

  • expss.digits Number of digits after decimal separator which will be shown for tables. This parameter is supported in the as.datatable_widget, htmlTable.etable and print methods. NULL is default and means one digit. NA means no rounding. There is a convenience function for this option: expss_digits.

  • expss.round_half_to_even Determines which rounding we will use. Default rounding is as with R round: "half to even". For rounding "half to largest" set this option to FALSE. This parameter is supported in the as.datatable_widget, htmlTable.etable, print and in significance testing methods. NULL is default and means R default rounding. NA means no rounding. Parameter does not affect calculations, only table representation. There is a convenience function for this option: expss_round_half_to_even.

  • expss.enable_value_labels_support By default, all labelled variables will use labels as labels for factor levels when factor is called. So, any function which calls factor/as.factor will use value labels. In details this option changes behavior of two methods for class labelled - as.character and unique - on which factor depends entirely. If you have compatibility problems set this option to zero: options(expss.enable_value_labels_support = 0). Additionally there is an option for extreme value labels support: options(expss.enable_value_labels_support = 2). With this value factor/as.factor will take into account empty levels. See example. It is recommended to turn off this option immediately after usage because unique.labelled will give weird result. Labels without values will be added to unique values. There are shortcuts for these options: expss_enable_value_labels_support(), expss_enable_value_labels_support_extreme() and expss_disable_value_labels_support().

  • expss.output By default tables are printed in the console. You can change this behavior by setting this option. There are five possible values: 'rnotebook', 'viewer', 'commented', 'raw' or 'huxtable'. First option is useful when you run your code in the R Notebook - output will be rendered to nice HTML. The second option will render tables to RStudio viewer. knitr is supported automatically via knit_print method. 'commented' prints default output to the console with comment symbol (#) at the beginning of the each line. With comment symbol you can easily copy and paste your output into the script. Option raw disables any formatting and all tables are printed as data.frames. Option huxtable print output via the huxtable library. Shortcuts for options: expss_output_default(), expss_output_raw(), expss_output_viewer(), expss_output_commented(), expss_output_rnotebook() and expss_output_huxtable().

  • expss_fix_encoding_on/expss_fix_encoding_off If you expreience problems with character encoding in RStudio Viewer/RNotebooks under Windows try expss_fix_encoding_on(). In some cases, it can help.


expss_digits(digits = NULL)


expss_round_half_to_even(round_half_to_even = TRUE)













  label = c("Count", "Valid percent", "Percent", "Responses, %",
    "Cumulative responses, %")



integer. Number of digits after decimal point. NULL is default and means 1 digit. NA means no rounding.


logical. Default is TRUE which means default R rounding: "half to even". For rounding "half to largest" set this option to FALSE.


list of parameters for huxtable::set_default_properties. See set_default_properties.


character vector of length 5. Default labels for fre.


# example of different levels of value labels support
my_scale = c(1, 2, 2, 2)
# note that we have label 'Hard to say' for which there are no values in 'my_scale'
val_lab(my_scale) = num_lab("
                            1 Yes
                            2 No
                            3 Hard to say
# disable labels support
table(my_scale) # there is no labels in the result
# default value labels support
# table with labels but there are no label "Hard to say"
# extreme value labels support
# now we see "Hard to say" with zero counts
# weird 'unique'! There is a value 3 which is absent in 'my_scale'
# return immediately to defaults to avoid issues

expss documentation built on July 26, 2023, 5:23 p.m.