hwmid<- function(yTref, Tref, yTemp, Temp) {
T30ymax <- NULL
Tref <- cut366thDay(yTref, (yTref + 31), Tref)
yendTemp <- (trunc(length(Temp) / 365) - 1)
Temp <- cut366thDay(yTemp, (yTemp + yendTemp), Temp)
###T30ymax calculation
threshold <- mvThreshold(yTref, (yTref+31), (yTref+1), (yTref+30), Tref, 90, 15)
for (ij in seq((365 + 1), (length(Tref)-365), 365)) {
#####################calculation of maximum of 30year daily maximum Temperature
Tymax <- max(Tref[ ij:(ij + 364) ],na.rm=TRUE)
T30ymax <- c(T30ymax,Tymax)
#####################calculation of minimum of 30year daily maximum Temperature
nyears <- as.integer(length(Temp) / 365)
hwmid <- hwmidFun(nyears, Temp,threshold,T30y25p,iqr30y)
return(list(hwmid = hwmid, thr = threshold[1:365],T30y25p=T30y25p,T30y75p=T30y75p))
} # end of 'hwmi' function.
cut366thDay <- function(t1, t2, Ti) {
timey <- c(t1:t2)
ltime <- length(timey)
t4 <- timey / 4
t4int <- as.integer(t4)
tdiff <- (t4 - t4int)
tindex <- which(tdiff == 0)
ltindex <- length(tindex)
if (ltindex > 0) {
dayindex <- NULL
dayi <- NULL
k <- 1
j <- 0
for (i in tindex) {
index <- (365 * i + k)
dayindex <- c(dayindex, index)
if (k == 1) dayi <- c(dayi, c(1:(dayindex[k] - 1)))
else if (k > 1) dayi <- c(dayi, c((dayindex[k - 1] + 1):(dayindex[k] - 1)))
k <- k + 1
} # end of for 'i' loop.
if (tindex[ ltindex ] < ltime) dayi <- c(dayi, c((dayindex[k - 1] + 1):length(Ti)))
T365 <- Ti[ dayi ]
} # end of if 'ltindex > 0' stmts.
if (ltindex == 0) T365 <- Ti
if ((as.integer(length(Ti) / 365) - length(Ti) / 365) == 0) T365 <- Ti
} # end of 'cut366thDay' function.
mvThreshold <- function(t1, t2, t1ref, t2ref, Ti, thresh.lev, nday) {
timey <- c(t1:t2)
lt <- length(timey) * 365
refper.ind <- which(timey == t1ref)
refper.ind1 <- ((refper.ind - 1) * 365 + 1)
refper.ind2 <- ((refper.ind + 29) * 365)
T2 <- Ti[(refper.ind1 - nday):(refper.ind2 + nday)]
timeyref <- c(t1ref:t2ref)
Thresh <- c(1:365)
for (i in (1 + nday):(365 + nday)) {
# si parte da 3 e si finisce a 367 perche' abbiamo aggiunto 2 giorni
# a destra e a sinistra nella serie di temperature T2 quindi T2 ha
# lunghezza 365*30+4 gg
i30 <- seq(i, (29 * 365 + i), 365)
for (j in 1:nday) t5days <- c(t5days, T2[i30 - j], T2[i30 + j])
a <- quantile(t5days, probs = seq(0, 1, 0.1), na.rm = TRUE, names = FALSE, type = 8)
b <- quantile(t5days, probs = seq(0, 1, 0.01), na.rm = TRUE, names = FALSE, type = 8)
if (thresh.lev == 10) Thresh[(i - nday)] <- a[2]
if (thresh.lev == 90) Thresh[(i - nday)] <- a[10]
if (thresh.lev == 5) Thresh[(i - nday)] <- b[6]
if (thresh.lev == 75) Thresh[(i - nday)] <- b[76]
if (thresh.lev == 50) Thresh[(i - nday)] <- b[51]
if (thresh.lev == 25) Thresh[(i - nday)] <- b[26]
if (thresh.lev == 95) Thresh[(i - nday)] <- b[96]
if (thresh.lev == 2) Thresh[(i - nday)] <- b[3]
if (thresh.lev == 98) Thresh[(i - nday)] <- b[99]
} # end of for 'i' loop.
hwmidFun <- function(nyears, Ti,threshold,T30y25p,iqr30y) {
hw.scale <- matrix(-111, nyears, 3)
hw.scale[1:nyears,1:3] <- 0
k <- 0
for (year in 1:nyears) {
Ts <- Ti[(k * 365 + 1):((k + 1) * 365)]
indTs <- which(
Ts[ indTs ] <- -999.9
hw <- hwyear(Ts,threshold[1:365],3)
phw3 <- c(1:length(hw[,1]))
phw3[1:length(hw[,1]) ] <- 0
if (hw[1,1]>0) {
for (id in 1:length(hw[,1])) {
hwd <- hw[id, 1]
hwt <- hw[id, 5]
thw <- Ts[ hwt:(hwt + hwd - 1) ]
#abbiamo eliminato il sort di thw per calcolare il fattore di probabilita' su tre giorni consecutivi appartenenti alla hwave.
for (ik in 1:hwd) {
thwN <-(thw[ik]-T30y25p)
if (thwN>0) {
phw3[ id ] <- (phw3[ id ] + fvalue)
} ###end of if "thwN"
} # end of for 'ik' loop.
} # end of for 'id' loop.
} # end of if 'id in 1:length(hw[,1])' stmts.
if (max(phw3)>0) {
indtime <- which(phw3 == max(phw3))
if (length(indtime) > 1) indtime <- indtime[1]
hw.time <- hw[indtime, 5]
hw.duration <- hw[indtime, 1]
hw.scale[year, 1] <- max(phw3)
###duration in position 2
hw.scale[year, 2] <- hw.duration
###duration in position 3
hw.scale[year, 3] <- hw.time
} # end of if max phw3 stmts.
k <- k + 1
} # end of for 'year' loop.
} # end of 'hwmiFun' function.
hwyear <- function(Ti, threshold, nd) {
index <- Ti > threshold
temp.ind <- index * Ti
time <- c(1:length(Ti))
v <- time * index
z1 <- which(v == 0)
HWtime <- HWD <- HWI <- HWInd <- HWIndT <- HW <- NULL
if (sum(index) >= 365) {
HWD <- sum(index)
HWI <- sum(Ti - threshold)
HWsort <- sort((Ti - threshold), decreasing = TRUE)
HWInd <- sum(HWsort[ 1:nd ])
HWsortT <- sort(Ti, decreasing = TRUE)
HWIndT <- sum(HWsortT[ 1:nd ])
HWtime <- 1
} # end of if 'sum of index >= 122' stmts.
if (length(z1) == 1) {
if (z1[1]>nd) {
HWD0 <- sum(index[ 1:(z1[1] - 1) ])
HWF <- HWF + 1
HWtime[HWF] <- 1
HWD[ HWF ] <- HWD0
HWI[ HWF ] <- sum(Ti[ (HWtime[HWF]):(HWtime[HWF] + HWD[HWF] - 1) ] - threshold[ (HWtime[HWF]):(HWtime[HWF] + HWD[HWF] - 1) ])
HWsort <- sort((Ti[ (HWtime[HWF]):(HWtime[HWF] + HWD[HWF] - 1)] - threshold[ (HWtime[HWF]):(HWtime[HWF] + HWD[HWF] - 1) ]), decreasing = TRUE)
HWInd[ HWF ] <- sum(HWsort[ 1:nd ])
HWsortT <- sort(Ti[ (HWtime[HWF]):(HWtime[HWF] + HWD[HWF] - 1)], decreasing = TRUE)
HWIndT[ HWF ] <- sum(HWsortT[ 1:nd ])
} # end of if 'z1[1] == 1' stmts.
if (max(z1) < length(time) && sum(index[ max(z1):length(time) ]) >= nd) {
HWF <- HWF + 1
HWD[ HWF ] <- sum(index[ max(z1):length(time) ])
HWtime[ HWF ] <- max(z1) + 1
HWI[ HWF ] <- sum(Ti[ (HWtime[HWF]):(HWtime[HWF] + HWD[HWF] - 1) ] - threshold[ (HWtime[HWF]):(HWtime[HWF] + HWD[HWF] - 1) ])
HWsort <- sort(Ti[ (HWtime[HWF]):(HWtime[HWF] + HWD[HWF] - 1) ] - threshold[ (HWtime[HWF]):(HWtime[HWF] + HWD[HWF] - 1) ], decreasing = TRUE)
HWInd[ HWF ] <- sum(HWsort[ 1:nd ])
HWsortT <- sort(Ti[ (HWtime[HWF]):(HWtime[HWF] + HWD[HWF] - 1) ], decreasing = TRUE)
HWIndT[ HWF ] <- sum(HWsortT[ 1:nd ])
} # end of if 'length of z1 = 1' stmts.
if (length(z1)>1) {
if (z1[1]>nd) {
HWD0 <- sum(index[ 1:(z1[1] - 1) ])
HWF <- HWF + 1
HWtime[ HWF ] <- 1
HWD[ HWF ] <- HWD0
HWI[ HWF ] <- sum(Ti[ (HWtime[HWF]):(HWtime[HWF] + HWD[HWF] - 1) ] - threshold[ (HWtime[HWF]):(HWtime[HWF] + HWD[HWF] - 1) ])
HWsort <- sort((Ti[ (HWtime[HWF]):(HWtime[HWF] + HWD[HWF] - 1) ] - threshold[ (HWtime[HWF]):(HWtime[HWF] + HWD[HWF] - 1) ]), decreasing = TRUE)
HWInd[ HWF ] <- sum(HWsort[ 1:nd ])
HWsortT <- sort(Ti[ (HWtime[HWF]):(HWtime[HWF] + HWD[HWF] - 1) ], decreasing = TRUE)
HWIndT[ HWF ] <-sum(HWsortT[ 1:nd ])
} # end of if 'z1[1] > nd' stmts.
for (i in 1:(length(z1)-1)) {
HWD0 <- sum(index[ (z1[i] + 1):(z1[i + 1] - 1) ])
if (HWD0>=nd) {
HWF <- HWF + 1
HWtime[ HWF ] <- (z1[i] + 1)
HWD[ HWF ] <- HWD0
HWI[ HWF ] <- sum(Ti[ (HWtime[HWF]):(HWtime[HWF] + HWD[HWF] - 1) ] - threshold[ (HWtime[HWF]):(HWtime[HWF] + HWD[HWF] - 1) ])
HWsort <- sort(Ti[ (HWtime[HWF]):(HWtime[HWF] + HWD[HWF] - 1) ] - threshold[ (HWtime[HWF]):(HWtime[HWF] + HWD[HWF] - 1)], decreasing = TRUE)
HWInd[ HWF ] <- sum(HWsort[ 1:nd ])
HWsortT <- sort(Ti[ (HWtime[HWF]):(HWtime[HWF] + HWD[HWF] - 1) ], decreasing = TRUE)
HWIndT[ HWF ] <- sum(HWsortT[ 1:nd ])
} # end of if 'HWD0 >= nd' stmts.
} # end of for 'i' loop.
if (max(z1) < length(time) && sum(index[ max(z1):length(time) ]) >= nd) {
HWD[ HWF ] <- sum(index[ max(z1):length(time) ])
HWtime[ HWF ] <- max(z1) + 1
HWI[ HWF ] <- sum(Ti[ (HWtime[HWF]):(HWtime[HWF] + HWD[HWF] - 1) ] - threshold[ (HWtime[HWF]):(HWtime[HWF] + HWD[HWF] - 1) ])
HWsort <- sort(Ti[ (HWtime[HWF]):(HWtime[HWF] + HWD[HWF] - 1) ] - threshold[ (HWtime[HWF]):(HWtime[HWF] + HWD[HWF] - 1) ], decreasing = TRUE)
HWInd[ HWF ] <- sum(HWsort[ 1:nd ])
HWsortT <- sort(Ti[ (HWtime[HWF]):(HWtime[HWF] + HWD[HWF] - 1) ], decreasing = TRUE)
HWIndT[ HWF ] <- sum(HWsortT[ 1:nd ])
} # end of if length of z > 1 stmts.
HW <- c(HWD, HWI, HWInd, HWIndT, HWtime)
if (length(HWD)>0) dim(HW)<-c(length(HWD),5)
else if (length(HWD)==0) {
} # end of if else 'length of HWD' stmts.
} # end of 'hwyear' function.
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