
Defines functions make_exvadec

Documented in make_exvadec

#' Decomposition of value added in exports using different methodologies
#' Calculates the decomposition of value added in exports of a country
#' or a group of countries according to different methodologies.
#' @param wio_object An object of class `wio` (standardized world
#'   input-output table) obtained using [make_wio()].
#' @param exporter String with a country or a country group code
#'   (e.g., `"USA"`, `"NAFTA"`, etc.). The default `"all"`
#'   produces the decomposition of value added in exports for all
#'   available individual countries.
#' @param method A string specifying the export VA decomposition method:
#'   * `"bm_src"`: Borin and Mancini, source-based (2023) (default).
#'   * `"bm_snk"`: Borin and Mancini, sink-based (2023).
#'   * `"wwz"`: Wang et al. (2013).
#'   * `"kww"`: Koopman et al. (2014).
#'   * `"my"`: Miroudot and Ye (2021)
#'   * `"oecd"`: OECD (not properly a decomposition).
#' @param output Type of matrices in output:
#'   * `"standard"` (default): Shows the domestic content (`DC`),
#'     domestic value added (`DVA`), the domestic double counting
#'     (`DDC`), the foreign content (`FC`), the foreign value
#'     added (`FVA`) and the foreign double counting (`DDC`). The
#'     value added exported (`VAX`) is also produced in most cases, and
#'     additional indicators in some cases.
#'   * `"terms"`: Shows the basic decomposition terms, whose sum gives
#'     the value of gross exports. The number and specification of terms
#'     follows the standard in the economic literature: 12 in the Borin and
#'     Mancini (2019) decompositions (source and sink), 16 in the Wang et al.
#'     (2013) decomposition, 9 in the Koopman et al. (2014) decomposition
#'     and just 4 in the Miroudot and Ye (2021) decomposition (as the latter
#'     does not expand value added in terms of final absorption). \
#'  Additional outputs:
#'   * For the `"bm_src"` (Borin and Mancini, 2023, source-based) method
#'     there is an additional `"basic"` output, without `GVC` indicators. This
#'     output will replace `"standard"` if targeted perspectives (sector,
#'     bilateral or sector-bilateral) are selected.
#'   *  For the Miroudot and Ye (2021) method there is an additional
#'     `"terms2"` output, when world perspective is selected.
#'   * For the `"wwz"` (Wang et al. ,2013) decomposition there is an
#'     additional `"terms2"` option with an alternative arrangement of
#'     the 16 terms.
#'   * For the `"oecd"` decomposition there is an additional `"tiva"`
#'     output with several indicators of the OECD TiVA database.
#' @param quiet Boolean, if `TRUE`, suppresses all status messages. Default
#'   is `FALSE`, i.e., messages are shown.
#' @param ... Additional parameters for targeted value added perspectives.
#'   These are only available for the `"bm_src"` (Borin and Mancini, 2023,
#'   source-based) and the `"my"` (Miroudot and Ye, 2021) decomposition.
#'   methods. Specific perimeters can be:
#'   * `partner` String, for bilateral perspective. Default is `"WLD"`, but
#'     any country or country group code (e.g. `"USA"` or `"EU27"`) can be
#'     specified. In that case, all flows that cross the bilateral geographic
#'     perimeter more than once will be considered as double counting.
#'   * `sector` String, for sector perspective. Default is `"TOTAL"`, but
#'     any sector or sector group code (e.g. `"MANUF"`) can be specified. In
#'     that case, all flows that cross the sector perimeter more than
#'     once will be considered as double counting. \
#'     The bilateral and sector perspectives can be combined in a
#'     bilateral-sector perspective.
#'   * `perim` Boolean (only for `"my"`, and incompatible with sector or partner
#'     specifications). String, for general perimeter of value added.
#'     If `perim = "WLD"` (world) is specified (default is exporting country),
#'     then all flows that cross the border of *any* country
#'     more than once will be considered as double counting (unlike in the
#'     country perspective, where flows are considered as double counting
#'     only when they *exit* the border of *the exporting country*
#'     more than once). Please note that, when using the world perspective
#'     (`perim = "WLD"`) and the terms output (`output = "terms"`, the foreign
#'     double counting will be automatically divided into two
#'     elements (`"terms2"`).
#' @return A list object of class `exvadec` with several matrices
#'   plus metadata.
#' @references
#'    * Borin, A., & Mancini, M. (2023). Measuring What Matters in Value-Added
#'      Trade. Economic Systems Research, 1-25.
#'    * Koopman, R., Wang, Z., & Wei, S.-J. (2014). Tracing Value-Added and
#'      Double Counting in Gross Exports. American Economic Review, 104(2),
#'      459–494.
#'    * Miroudot, S., & Ye, M. (2021). Decomposing Value Added in Gross
#'      Exports. Economic Systems Research, 33(1), 67–87.
#'    * Wang, Z., Wei, S.-J., & Zhu, K. (2013). Quantifying International
#'      Production Sharing at the Bilateral and Sector Levels (NBER Working
#'      Paper No. 19677). National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Create a test wio
#' wio <- make_wio("iciotest")
#' # Make Borin and Mancini (2023) source decomposition for Spain
#' exvadec <- make_exvadec(wio, exporter = "ESP", method = "bm_src")
#' # Make Wang et al. (2013) decomposition for all countries
#' # expressed in the traditional 16 terms
#' exvadec <- make_exvadec(wio, method = "wwz", output = "terms")
make_exvadec <- function(wio_object, exporter = "all",
                         method = "bm_src", output = "standard",
                         quiet = FALSE, ...){

  # Check wio
  wio <- check_object(wio_object, "wio")

  # Check ordinary arguments
  list_args <- c(as.list(environment()))
  # Check potential targeted perspective
  my_args <- list(...)
  # Returns TRUE if ok
  checked_args <- check_exvadec_args(list_args, my_args)
  # If output = "standard", change to "basic", as DAVAX and GVC indicators
  # are not compatible with sector or partner
  if (all(length(my_args) > 0, method == "bm_src", output == "standard")) {
    output <- "basic"

  # Select method, exporter and output----
  if (method == "bm_src") {
    exvadec <- make_exvadec_bm_src(wio, exporter = exporter,
                                   output = output, quiet = quiet, ...)
  } else if (method == "bm_snk") {
    exvadec <- make_exvadec_bm_snk(wio, exporter = exporter,
                                   output = output, quiet = quiet)
  } else if (method == "wwz") {
    exvadec <- make_exvadec_wwz(wio, exporter = exporter,
                                output = output, quiet = quiet)
  } else if (method == "kww") {
    exvadec <- make_exvadec_kww(wio, exporter = exporter,
                                output = output, quiet = quiet)
  } else if (method == "my") {
    exvadec <- make_exvadec_my(wio, exporter = exporter,
                               output = output, quiet = quiet, ...)
  } else if (method == "oecd") {
    exvadec <- make_exvadec_oecd(wio, exporter = exporter,
                                 output = output, quiet = quiet)

  # Output----


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