# The function that plots the adjacency matrix in 3D w/ brain, utilizes the Gordon atlas
#' 3D network plot of an adjacency matrix between pairs of change points
#' @description This function takes an adjacency matrix of a brain network and returns a 3D plot of it.
#' @importFrom rgl par3d mfrow3d plot3d lines3d legend3d text3d
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @param A An adjacency matrix to be plotted (in numerical matrix format).
#' @param ROIs Either a vector of character strings specifying the communities to plot, or a vector of integers specifying which ROIs to plot by their ID. By
#' default it is set to NULL, and all communities and ROIs are plotted. Communities available for the Gordon atlas are: "Default", "SMhand", "SMmouth",
#' "Visual", "FrontoParietal", "Auditory", "None", "CinguloParietal", "RetrosplenialTemporal", "CinguloOperc", "VentralAttn", "Salience", and "DorsalAttn".
#' @param colors A vector of character strings specifying the hex codes for node colors to distinguish each community. By default, each community is given
#' a predefined, unique color.
#' @param coordROIs A dataframe of community tags and Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) coordinates for regions of interest (ROIs) to plot, which is by
#' default set to \code{NULL} and uses the Gordon atlas. See ?gordon.atlas for an example using the Gordon atlas. Format of the dataframe is as follows: first column
#' is a string of community labels, then the subsequent three columns are the x, y, and z coordinates, respectively. See \code{AALatlas} and \code{gordatlas}
#' for examples.
#' @param labels A boolean value denoting whether to add labels to nodes; if set to TRUE, this will add node labels to the plot, and if set to FALSE, will not.
#' By default this is set to FALSE.
#' @return A 3D network plot of an adjacency matrix between pairs of change points, or for data without change points.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' ## Plotting a 333 * 333 adjacency matrix "adjmatrix" with red, blue, and green
#' ## nodes to denote the "Default", "SMhand", and "Visual" communities
#' comms = c("Default", "SMhand", "Visual")
#' colrs = c("#FF0000", "#00FF00", "#0000FF")
#' net.3dplot(adjmatrix, ROIs = comms, colors = colrs)
#' }
#' @author Martin Ondrus, \email{}, Ivor Cribben, \email{}
#' @references "Factorized Binary Search: a novel technique for change point detection in multivariate high-dimensional time series networks", Ondrus et al.
#' (2021), <arXiv:2103.06347>.
net.3dplot = function(A, ROIs = NULL, colors = NULL, coordROIs = NULL, labels = FALSE){
# If not running interactively
return(print("Must be running session interactively to visualize with RGL plots"))
# If colors are null, define a color palette
colors = c("#D32F2F",
# Get coordinates for the main brain frame
coord = rbind(lcoord, rcoord)
# Plot the main brain frame
par3d(windowRect = c(0, 0, 800, 800),zoom=0.7)
mfrow3d(1,1,sharedMouse = T)
# If input coordinates is not available, assume Gordon atlas
coordROIs = sys.gordatlas
# If ROIs is null, plot all ROIs
ROIs = coordROIs
} else if (is.character(ROIs)){
ROIs = coordROIs[coordROIs[,1] %in% ROIs, ]
} else if (is.numeric(ROIs)){
ROIs = coordROIs[1:nrow(coordROIs) %in% ROIs, ]
# Prepare the adjacency matrix for plotting
colnames(A) = rownames(A) = NULL
A[!lower.tri(A)] = NA
ma3d = melt(A, na.rm = TRUE)
# Remove any edges which connect nodes to themselves, keep only entries where there is a connection
ma3d = ma3d[!ma3d[,1] == ma3d[,2],]
ma3d = ma3d[ma3d[,3] == 1,]
# Loop through and plot specified communities
for(i in 1:length(unique(ROIs[,1]))){
# Define the current community
curr.comm = unique(ROIs[,1])[i]
# Find the coordinates of this community and the relevant nodes
coord.comm = ROIs[,2:4]
} else if (!{
coord.comm = ROIs[ROIs[,1] == curr.comm, 2:4]
# Plot these coordinates as nodes
plot3d(coord.comm, col = colors[i], radius = 2, add = T, type = "s")
# Narrow down ma3d to only include the edges for nodes that were specified
ROI.vals = as.numeric(rownames(ROIs))
ma3d = ma3d[ma3d[,1] %in% ROI.vals & ma3d[,2] %in% ROI.vals,]
# Add a legend to the plot to denote the node communities, if communities exist
if(length(unique(ROIs[,1])) > 1){
communities = cbind(as.vector(unique(ROIs[,1])), colors[1:length(unique(ROIs[,1]))])
legend3d("topright", pch = 16, legend = communities[,1], col = communities[,2], cex=1, inset=c(0.02))
# Plot the edges in ma3d
for(i in 1:dim(ma3d)[1]) {
lines3d(coordROIs[unlist(ma3d[i,1:2]), 2:4],
# Add node labels if labels == TRUE
if(labels == TRUE){
# Add the text labels
text3d(ROIs[,2:4], texts = rownames(ROIs), pos = 4, offset = 0.7)
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