
Defines functions sign_splits

# Finds significant splits using the permutation distribution
# The p-value of the statistical test is adjusted for multiple comparisons

sign_splits = function(orig.splits, refit.splits, perm.distr, alpha, testtype){

  # orig.splits  = original splits
  # refit.splits = refitted splits
  # perm.distr   = permutation distribution for all splits
  # alpha        = level of significance
  # testtype     = type of statistical test to use

  # Find the splits where the loss metric is reduced, define the final.splits dataframe
  reduced.splits = sort(orig.splits[orig.splits$chg.loss < 0, ]$T.split)
  final.splits   = c()

  for (ji in 1:length(refit.splits)){

    # Perform the statistical test, depending on whatever test was chosen
    if (testtype == "t-test"){
      stat.result = t.test(refit.splits[[ji]], perm.distr[[ji]], alternative = "less")$p.value
    } else if (testtype == "wilcox"){
      stat.result = wilcox.test(refit.splits[[ji]], perm.distr[[ji]], alternative = "less")$p.value
    } else if (testtype == "ks"){
      stat.result = ks.test(refit.splits[[ji]], perm.distr[[ji]], alternative = "greater")$p.value

    # Adjust for multiple comparisons
    stat.result = p.adjust(stat.result, method = "BH", n = length(refit.splits))

    # Determine if the refitted value of loss is outside of the bounds of the distribution
    if (is.numeric(alpha)){
      final.splits = rbind(final.splits, data.frame(reduced.splits[ji], stat.result < alpha))
    } else if (is.null(alpha)){
      final.splits = rbind(final.splits, data.frame(reduced.splits[ji], stat.result))
  # Rename column
  colnames(final.splits) = c("T", "stat_test")
  rownames(final.splits) = NULL


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fabisearch documentation built on Jan. 12, 2023, 5:08 p.m.