Man pages for facebook.S4
Access to Facebook API V2 via a Set of S4 Classes a data frame from a Facebook collection
as.listReturns a list from a Facebook collection
FacebookAlbumsCollectionBuild a collection of Facebook albums
FacebookAlbumsCollection-classClass for representing a collection of Facebook albums
FacebookCommentsCollectionBuild a collection of Facebook comments to posts
FacebookCommentsCollection-classClass for representing a collection of Facebook comments
FacebookConversationsCollectionBuild a collection of Facebook inbox conversations
FacebookConversationsCollection-classClass for representing a collection of Facebook inbox...
facebook.current.accountsGet the pages the current user currently manages.
FacebookEventsCollectionBuild a collection of Facebook events
FacebookEventsCollection-classClass for representing a collection of Facebook events
facebook.formatFbDateConvert a Facebook datetime string into a valid R datetime
FacebookGenericCollectionBuild a generic Collection of Facebook data
FacebookGenericCollection-classA generic collection of Facebook elements
FacebookGroupsCollectionBuild a collection of Facebook groups
FacebookGroupsCollection-classClass for representing a collection of Facebook groups
facebook.image.formatsPull the list of image formats available from a set of photos
FacebookLikesCollectionBuild a collection of Facebook likes to posts and comments
FacebookLikesCollection-classClass for representing a Collection of Facebook likes
FacebookMessagesCollectionBuild a collection of Facebook inbox messages
FacebookMessagesCollection-classClass for representing a collection of Facebook messages...
FacebookMixedCollection-classA generic collection of Facebook elements
facebook.object.likesPull all the public likes of Facebook users or pages
FacebookPagesCollectionBuild a collection of Facebook pages
FacebookPagesCollection-classClass for representing a collection of Facebook pages
facebook.participantsPull the list of participants from a set of inbox...
facebook.permissionsExtract information about the permissions for the current...
FacebookPhotosCollectionBuild a collection of Facebook photos to posts
FacebookPhotosCollection-classClass for representing a collection of Facebook photos
FacebookPostsCollectionBuild a collection of Facebook posts
FacebookPostsCollection-classClass for representing a collection of Facebook posts
FacebookReactionsCollectionBuild a collection of Facebook reactions to posts and...
FacebookReactionsCollection-classClass for representing a Collection of Facebook reactions
facebook.S4Access to Facebook API v2 via R
facebook.searchPerform a search on Facebook
facebook.sendersPull the list of senders from a set of inbox conversations
FacebookUsersCollectionBuild a collection of Facebook users
FacebookUsersCollection-classClass for representing a collection of Facebook users the list of video formats available from a set of photos
FacebookVideosCollectionBuild a collection of Facebook videos to posts
FacebookVideosCollection-classClass for representing a collection of Facebook videos
fbOAuthCreate OAuth token to Facebook R session
generic-cCombine two or more Facebook collections
generic-characterReturn a comma-separated string of all the IDs of the given...
generic-lengthReturn the number of items in a given Facebook collection
pipePipe an object forward into a function call/expression.
square-methodsReturn parts of a Facebook collection
summary-methodsReturns a summary of a Facebook collection
facebook.S4 documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4 a.m.