# familiarModel object ---------------------------------------------------------
#' Familiar model.
#' A familiarModel object is a self-contained model that can be applied to
#' generate predictions for a dataset. familiarModel objects form the parent
#' class of learner-specific child classes.
#' @slot name Name of the familiarModel object.
#' @slot model The actual model trained using a specific algorithm, e.g. a
#' random forest from the `ranger` package, or a LASSO model from `glmnet`.
#' @slot outcome_type Outcome type of the data used to create the object.
#' @slot outcome_info Outcome information object, which contains additional
#' information concerning the outcome, such as class levels.
#' @slot feature_info List of objects containing feature information, e.g.,
#' name, class levels, transformation, normalisation and clustering
#' parameters.
#' @slot data_column_info Data information object containing information
#' regarding identifier column names and outcome column names.
#' @slot hyperparameters Set of hyperparameters used to train the model.
#' @slot hyperparameter_data Information generated during hyperparameter
#' optimisation.
#' @slot calibration_model One or more models used to recalibrate the model
#' output. Currently only used by some models.
#' @slot novelty_detector A familiarNoveltyDetector object that can be used to
#' detect out-of-distribution samples.
#' @slot learner Learning algorithm used to create the model.
#' @slot fs_method Feature selection method used to determine variable
#' importance for the model.
#' @slot required_features The set of features required for complete
#' reproduction, i.e. with imputation.
#' @slot model_features The set of features that is used to train the model,
#' @slot novelty_features The set of features that is used to train all novelty
#' detectors in the ensemble.
#' @slot calibration_info Calibration information, e.g. baseline survival in the
#' development cohort.
#' @slot km_info Data concerning stratification into risk groups.
#' @slot run_table Run table for the data used to train the model. Used
#' internally.
#' @slot settings A copy of the evaluation configuration parameters used at
#' model creation. These are used as default parameters when evaluating the
#' model (technically, familiarEnsemble) to create a familiarData object.
#' @slot is_trimmed Flag that indicates whether the model, stored in the `model`
#' slot, has been trimmed.
#' @slot trimmed_function List of functions whose output has been captured prior
#' to trimming the model.
#' @slot messages List of warning and error messages generated during training.
#' @slot project_id Identifier of the project that generated the familiarModel
#' object.
#' @slot familiar_version Version of the familiar package.
#' @slot package Name of package(s) required to executed the model itself, e.g.
#' `ranger` or `glmnet`.
#' @slot package_version Version of the packages mentioned in the `package`
#' attribute.
#' @export
slots = list(
# Model name.
name = "character",
# Model container
model = "ANY",
# Outcome type
outcome_type = "character",
# Outcome info, such as class levels, mean values etc.
outcome_info = "ANY",
# Data required for feature pre-processing
feature_info = "ANY",
# Info related to the columns in the dataset.
data_column_info = "ANY",
# Hyper-parameters (typically stored in the model as well)
hyperparameters = "ANY",
# Hyperparameter data, e.g. for visualising the hyperparameter space.
hyperparameter_data = "ANY",
# Models used for recalibration
calibration_model = "ANY",
# Model used for novelty detection
novelty_detector = "ANY",
# Name of learner
learner = "character",
# Name of feature selection method
fs_method = "character",
# Required features for complete reconstruction, including imputation.
required_features = "ANY",
# Features that are required for the model.
model_features = "ANY",
# Features that are required for novelty detection.
novelty_features = "ANY",
# Run table for the current model
run_table = "ANY",
# Information required to assess model calibrations (e.g. baseline survival)
calibration_info = "ANY",
# Information required to do perform a Kaplan-Meier analysis using the model
km_info = "ANY",
# Evaluation settings. This allows default values for external use of
# existing models.
settings = "ANY",
# Flags trimming of the model
is_trimmed = "logical",
# Restores functions lost due to model trimming, such as coef or vcov.
trimmed_function = "list",
# List of warning and error messages encountered during training.
messages = "list",
# Project identifier for consistency tracking
project_id = "ANY",
# Package version for backward compatibility
familiar_version = "ANY",
# Name of the package required to train the learner.
package = "ANY",
# Version of the learner for reproducibility.
package_version = "ANY"),
prototype = list(
name = character(0),
model = NULL,
outcome_type = NA_character_,
outcome_info = NULL,
feature_info = NULL,
data_column_info = NULL,
hyperparameters = NULL,
hyperparameter_data = NULL,
calibration_model = NULL,
novelty_detector = NULL,
learner = NA_character_,
fs_method = NA_character_,
required_features = NULL,
model_features = NULL,
novelty_features = NULL,
calibration_info = NULL,
km_info = NULL,
run_table = NULL,
settings = NULL,
is_trimmed = FALSE,
trimmed_function = list(),
messages = list(),
project_id = NULL,
familiar_version = NULL,
package = NULL,
package_version = NULL)
# familiarEnsemble object ------------------------------------------------------
#' Ensemble of familiar models.
#' A familiarEnsemble object contains one or more familiarModel objects.
#' @slot name Name of the familiarEnsemble object.
#' @slot model_list List of attached familiarModel objects, or paths to these
#' objects. Familiar attaches familiarModel objects when required.
#' @slot outcome_type Outcome type of the data used to create the object.
#' @slot outcome_info Outcome information object, which contains additional
#' information concerning the outcome, such as class levels.
#' @slot data_column_info Data information object containing information
#' regarding identifier column names and outcome column names.
#' @slot learner Learning algorithm used to create the models in the ensemble.
#' @slot fs_method Feature selection method used to determine variable
#' importance for the models in the ensemble.
#' @slot feature_info List of objects containing feature information, e.g.,
#' name, class levels, transformation, normalisation and clustering
#' parameters.
#' @slot required_features The set of features required for complete
#' reproduction, i.e. with imputation.
#' @slot model_features The combined set of features that is used to train the
#' models in the ensemble,
#' @slot novelty_features The combined set of features that is used to train all
#' novelty detectors in the ensemble.
#' @slot run_table Run table for the data used to train the ensemble. Used
#' internally.
#' @slot calibration_info Calibration information, e.g. baseline survival in the
#' development cohort.
#' @slot model_dir_path Path to folder containing the familiarModel objects. Can
#' be updated using the `update_model_dir_path` method.
#' @slot auto_detach Flag used to determine whether models should be detached
#' from the model after use, or not. Used internally.
#' @slot settings A copy of the evaluation configuration parameters used at
#' model creation. These are used as default parameters when evaluating the
#' ensemble to create a familiarData object.
#' @slot project_id Identifier of the project that generated the underlying
#' familiarModel object(s).
#' @slot familiar_version Version of the familiar package.
#' @export
slots = list(
# Ensemble name
name = "character",
# Model container.
model_list = "ANY",
# Model outcome type.
outcome_type = "character",
# Outcome info, such as class levels, mean values etc.
outcome_info = "ANY",
# Info related to the columns in the dataset.
data_column_info = "ANY",
# Name of learner.
learner = "character",
# Name of feature selection method.
fs_method = "character",
# Data required for feature pre-processing.
feature_info = "ANY",
# Required features for complete reconstruction, including imputation.
required_features = "ANY",
# Features that are required for reconstruction, without imputation (i.e.
# features that are in the signature directly or as part of a cluster)
model_features = "ANY",
# Features that are required for novelty detection.
novelty_features = "ANY",
# Set of run tables for the current ensemble. This is only required for
# processing internal data.
run_table = "ANY",
# Information required to assess model calibrations (e.g. baseline survival)
calibration_info = "ANY",
# Path to the model directory. Required for auto-detaching.
model_dir_path = "character",
# Flag that signals auto-detaching. This means that models are loaded and
# discarded one-by-one. This saves memory, but comes at the cost of IO
# overhead. Moreover, its not possible if the models are not stored on drive
# in the first place.
auto_detach = "logical",
# Evaluation settings. This allows default values for external use of
# existing models.
settings = "ANY",
# Project identifier for consistency tracking.
project_id = "ANY",
# Package version for backward compatibility checks.
familiar_version = "ANY"),
prototype = list(
name = character(0),
model_list = NULL,
outcome_type = NA_character_,
outcome_info = NULL,
data_column_info = NULL,
learner = NA_character_,
fs_method = NA_character_,
feature_info = NULL,
required_features = NULL,
model_features = NULL,
novelty_features = NULL,
run_table = NULL,
calibration_info = NULL,
model_dir_path = NA_character_,
auto_detach = FALSE,
settings = NULL,
project_id = NULL,
familiar_version = NULL)
# familiarData object ----------------------------------------------------------
#' Dataset obtained after evaluating models on a dataset.
#' A familiarData object is created by evaluating familiarEnsemble or
#' familiarModel objects on a dataset. Multiple familiarData objects are
#' aggregated in a familiarCollection object.
#' @slot name Name of the dataset, e.g. training or internal validation.
#' @slot outcome_type Outcome type of the data used to create the object.
#' @slot outcome_info Outcome information object, which contains additional
#' information concerning the outcome, such as class levels.
#' @slot fs_vimp Variable importance data collected from feature selection
#' methods.
#' @slot model_vimp Variable importance data collected from model-specific
#' algorithms implemented by models created by familiar.
#' @slot permutation_vimp Data collected for permutation variable importance.
#' @slot hyperparameters Hyperparameters collected from created models.
#' @slot hyperparameter_data Additional data concerning hyperparameters. This is
#' currently not used yet.
#' @slot required_features The set of features required for complete
#' reproduction, i.e. with imputation.
#' @slot model_features The set of features that are required for using the
#' model or ensemble of models, but without imputation.
#' @slot learner Learning algorithm used to create the model or ensemble of
#' models.
#' @slot fs_method Feature selection method used to determine variable
#' importance for the model or ensemble of models.
#' @slot pooling_table Run table for the data underlying the familiarData
#' object. Used internally.
#' @slot prediction_data Model predictions for a model or ensemble of models for
#' the underlying dataset.
#' @slot confusion_matrix Confusion matrix for a model or ensemble of models,
#' based on the underlying dataset.
#' @slot decision_curve_data Decision curve analysis data for a model or
#' ensemble of models, based on the underlying dataset.
#' @slot calibration_info Calibration information, e.g. baseline survival in the
#' development cohort.
#' @slot calibration_data Calibration data for a model or ensemble of models,
#' based on the underlying dataset.
#' @slot model_performance Model performance data for a model or ensemble of
#' models, based on the underlying dataset.
#' @slot km_info Information concerning risk-stratification cut-off values..
#' @slot km_data Kaplan-Meier survival data for a model or ensemble of models,
#' based on the underlying dataset.
#' @slot auc_data AUC-ROC and AUC-PR data for a model or ensemble of models,
#' based on the underlying dataset.
#' @slot ice_data Individual conditional expectation data for features included
#' in a model or ensemble of models, based on the underlying dataset. Partial
#' dependence data are computed on the fly from these data.
#' @slot univariate_analysis Univariate analysis of the underlying dataset.
#' @slot feature_expressions Feature expression values of the underlying
#' dataset.
#' @slot feature_similarity Feature similarity information of the underlying
#' dataset.
#' @slot sample_similarity Sample similarity information of the underlying
#' dataset.
#' @slot is_validation Signifies whether the underlying data forms a validation
#' dataset. Used internally.
#' @slot generating_ensemble Name of the ensemble that was used to generate the
#' familiarData object.
#' @slot project_id Identifier of the project that generated the familiarData
#' object.
#' @slot familiar_version Version of the familiar package.
#' familiarData objects contain information obtained by evaluating a single
#' model or single ensemble of models on a dataset.
#' @export
slots = list(
# Name of the familiar data set
name = "character",
# Model outcome type
outcome_type = "character",
# Outcome info, such as class levels, mean values etc.
outcome_info = "ANY",
# Feature selection variable importance
fs_vimp = "ANY",
# Model variable importance
model_vimp = "ANY",
# Permutation variable importance
permutation_vimp = "ANY",
# Hyper-parameters
hyperparameters = "ANY",
# Hyperparameter data, e.g. for visualising the hyperparameter space.
hyperparameter_data = "ANY",
# Required features to update the data
required_features = "ANY",
# Features that are required for reconstruction, without imputation (i.e.
# features that are in the signature directly or as part of a cluster)
model_features = "ANY",
# Name of learner
learner = "character",
# Name of feature selection method
fs_method = "character",
# Run table for the current data
pooling_table = "ANY",
# Model predictions for later reference
prediction_data = "ANY",
# Confusion matrix for categorical outcomes
confusion_matrix = "ANY",
# Data for decision curve analysis
decision_curve_data = "ANY",
# Calibration information, e.g. baseline survival
calibration_info = "ANY",
# Calibration test information
calibration_data = "ANY",
# Model performance metrics
model_performance = "ANY",
# Kaplan-Meier cut-offs
km_info = "ANY",
# Kaplan-Meier data
km_data = "ANY",
# AUC data (for plotting)
auc_data = "ANY",
# Information concerning the univariate importance of features
univariate_analysis = "ANY",
# Information concerning feature expression for individual samples
feature_expressions = "ANY",
# Information concerning mutual correlations between features
feature_similarity = "ANY",
# Information concerning similarity between samples.
sample_similarity = "ANY",
# Information on individual conditional expectation
ice_data = "ANY",
# Flag to signal whether the data concerns validation data (TRUE) or
# development data (FALSE)
is_validation = "logical",
# Name of the model ensemble used to generate this data
generating_ensemble = "character",
# Project identifier
project_id = "ANY",
# Package version for backward compatibility
familiar_version = "ANY"),
prototype = list(
name = character(0),
outcome_type = NA_character_,
outcome_info = NULL,
fs_vimp = NULL,
model_vimp = NULL,
permutation_vimp = NULL,
hyperparameters = NULL,
hyperparameter_data = NULL,
required_features = NULL,
model_features = NULL,
learner = NA_character_,
fs_method = NA_character_,
pooling_table = NULL,
prediction_data = NULL,
confusion_matrix = NULL,
decision_curve_data = NULL,
calibration_info = NULL,
calibration_data = NULL,
model_performance = NULL,
km_info = NULL,
km_data = NULL,
auc_data = NULL,
univariate_analysis = NULL,
feature_expressions = NULL,
feature_similarity = NULL,
sample_similarity = NULL,
ice_data = NULL,
is_validation = FALSE,
generating_ensemble = character(0),
project_id = NULL,
familiar_version = NULL)
# familiarCollection object ----------------------------------------------------
#' Collection of familiar data.
#' A familiarCollection object aggregates data from one or more familiarData
#' objects.
#' @slot name Name of the collection.
#' @slot data_sets Name of the individual underlying datasets.
#' @slot outcome_type Outcome type for which the collection was created.
#' @slot outcome_info Outcome information object, which contains information
#' concerning the outcome, such as class levels.
#' @slot fs_vimp Variable importance data collected by feature selection
#' methods.
#' @slot model_vimp Variable importance data collected from model-specific
#' algorithms implemented by models created by familiar.
#' @slot permutation_vimp Data collected for permutation variable importance.
#' @slot hyperparameters Hyperparameters collected from created models.
#' @slot hyperparameter_data Additional data concerning hyperparameters. This is
#' currently not used yet.
#' @slot required_features The set of features required for complete
#' reproduction, i.e. with imputation.
#' @slot model_features The set of features that are required for using the
#' model, but without imputation.
#' @slot learner Learning algorithm(s) used for data in the collection.
#' @slot fs_method Feature selection method(s) used for data in the collection.
#' @slot prediction_data Model predictions for the data in the collection.
#' @slot confusion_matrix Confusion matrix information for the data in the
#' collection.
#' @slot decision_curve_data Decision curve analysis data for the data in the
#' collection.
#' @slot calibration_info Calibration information, e.g. baseline survival in the
#' development cohort.
#' @slot calibration_data Model calibration data collected from data in the
#' collection.
#' @slot model_performance Collection of model performance data for data in the
#' collection.
#' @slot km_info Information concerning risk-stratification cut-off values for
#' data in the collection.
#' @slot km_data Kaplan-Meier survival data for data in the collection.
#' @slot auc_data AUC-ROC and AUC-PR data for data in the collection.
#' @slot ice_data Individual conditional expectation data for data in the
#' collection. Partial dependence data are computed on the fly from these
#' data.
#' @slot univariate_analysis Univariate analysis results of data in the
#' collection.
#' @slot feature_expressions Feature expression values for data in the
#' collection.
#' @slot feature_similarity Feature similarity information for data in the
#' collection.
#' @slot sample_similarity Sample similarity information for data in the
#' collection.
#' @slot data_set_labels Labels for the different datasets in the collection.
#' See `get_data_set_names` and `set_data_set_names`.
#' @slot learner_labels Labels for the different learning algorithms used to
#' create the collection. See `get_learner_names` and `set_learner_names`.
#' @slot fs_method_labels Labels for the different feature selection methods
#' used to create the collection. See `get_fs_method_names` and
#' `set_fs_method_names`.
#' @slot feature_labels Labels for the features in this collection. See
#' `get_feature_names` and `set_feature_names`.
#' @slot km_group_labels Labels for the risk strata in this collection. See
#' `get_risk_group_names` and `set_risk_group_names`.
#' @slot class_labels Labels of the response variable. See `get_class_names` and
#' `set_class_names`.
#' @slot project_id Identifier of the project that generated this collection.
#' @slot familiar_version Version of the familiar package.
#' familiarCollection objects collect data from one or more familiarData
#' objects. This objects are important, as all plotting and export functions
#' use it. The fact that one can supply familiarModel, familiarEnsemble and
#' familiarData objects as arguments for these methods, is because familiar
#' internally converts these into familiarCollection objects prior to
#' executing the method.
#' @export
slots = list(
# Name of the collection
name = "character",
# Name of the underlying data sets
data_sets = "character",
# Model outcome type
outcome_type = "character",
# Outcome info, such as class levels, mean values etc.
outcome_info = "ANY",
# Feature selection variable importance
fs_vimp = "ANY",
# Model variable importance
model_vimp = "ANY",
# Permutation variable importance
permutation_vimp = "ANY",
# Hyper-parameters
hyperparameters = "ANY",
# Hyperparameter data, e.g. for visualising the hyperparameter space.
hyperparameter_data = "ANY",
# Required features to update the data
required_features = "ANY",
# Important features, e.g. features that ended up in a signature
# individually or as part of a cluster
model_features = "ANY",
# Name of learner
learner = "character",
# Name of feature selection method
fs_method = "character",
# Model predictions for later reference
prediction_data = "ANY",
# Confusion matrix for categorical outcomes
confusion_matrix = "ANY",
# Data for decision curve analysis
decision_curve_data = "ANY",
# Calibration information, e.g. baseline survival
calibration_info = "ANY",
# Calibration test information
calibration_data = "ANY",
# Model performance metrics
model_performance = "ANY",
# Kaplan-Meier cut-offs
km_info = "ANY",
# Kaplan-Meier data
km_data = "ANY",
# AUC data (for plotting)
auc_data = "ANY",
# Information concerning the univariate importance of features
univariate_analysis = "ANY",
# Information concerning feature expression for individual samples
feature_expressions = "ANY",
# Information concerning mutual correlations between features
feature_similarity = "ANY",
# Information concerning similarity between samples.
sample_similarity = "ANY",
# Information on individual conditional expectation
ice_data = "ANY",
# Label and order of data names
data_set_labels = "ANY",
# Label and order of learners
learner_labels = "ANY",
# Label and order of feature selection methods
fs_method_labels = "ANY",
# Label and order of features
feature_labels = "ANY",
# Label and order of kaplan-meier groups
km_group_labels = "ANY",
# Label and order of outcome classes
class_labels = "ANY",
# Project identifier
project_id = "ANY",
# Package version for backward compatibility
familiar_version = "ANY"),
prototype = list(
name = character(0),
data_sets = character(0),
outcome_type = NA_character_,
outcome_info = NULL,
fs_vimp = NULL,
model_vimp = NULL,
permutation_vimp = NULL,
hyperparameters = NULL,
hyperparameter_data = NULL,
required_features = NULL,
model_features = NULL,
learner = NA_character_,
fs_method = NA_character_,
prediction_data = NULL,
confusion_matrix = NULL,
decision_curve_data = NULL,
calibration_info = NULL,
calibration_data = NULL,
model_performance = NULL,
km_info = NULL,
km_data = NULL,
auc_data = NULL,
univariate_analysis = NULL,
feature_expressions = NULL,
feature_similarity = NULL,
sample_similarity = NULL,
ice_data = NULL,
data_set_labels = NULL,
learner_labels = NULL,
fs_method_labels = NULL,
feature_labels = NULL,
km_group_labels = NULL,
class_labels = NULL,
project_id = NULL,
familiar_version = NULL)
# dataObject object ------------------------------------------------------------
#' Data object
#' The dataObject class is used to resolve the issue of keeping track of
#' pre-processing status and data loading inside complex workflows, e.g. nested
#' predict functions inside a calibration function.
#' @slot data NULL or data table containing the data. This is the data which
#' will be read and used.
#' @slot preprocessing_level character indicating the level of pre-processing
#' already conducted.
#' @slot outcome_type character, determines the outcome type.
#' @slot data_column_info Object containing column information.
#' @slot delay_loading logical. Allows delayed loading data, which enables data
#' parsing downstream without additional workflow complexity or memory
#' utilisation.
#' @slot perturb_level numeric. This is the perturbation level for data which
#' has not been loaded. Used for data retrieval by interacting with the run
#' table of the accompanying model.
#' @slot load_validation logical. This determines which internal data set will
#' be loaded. If TRUE, the validation data will be loaded, whereas FALSE loads
#' the development data.
#' @slot aggregate_on_load logical. Determines whether data is aggregated after
#' loading.
#' @slot sample_set_on_load NULL or vector of sample identifiers to be loaded.
slots = list(
# Data
data = "ANY",
# Level to which pre-processing has been conducted.
preprocessing_level = "character",
# Outcome type
outcome_type = "character",
# Outcome info, such as class levels, mean values etc.
outcome_info = "ANY",
# Info related to the columns in the dataset.
data_column_info = "ANY",
# Flag for delayed loading. This can only be meaningfully set using internal
# data.
delay_loading = "logical",
# Perturbation level for data which has not been loaded. Used for data
# retrieval in combination with the run table of the accompanying model.
perturb_level = "numeric",
# Determines which data should be loaded.
load_validation = "logical",
# Flag for aggregation after loading and pre-processing
aggregate_on_load = "logical",
# Samples to be loaded
sample_set_on_load = "ANY"),
prototype = list(
data = NULL,
preprocessing_level = "none",
outcome_type = NA_character_,
outcome_info = NULL,
delay_loading = FALSE,
perturb_level = NA_integer_,
load_validation = TRUE,
aggregate_on_load = FALSE,
sample_set_on_load = NULL)
# featureInfo object -----------------------------------------------------------
#' Feature information object.
#' A featureInfo object contains information for a single feature. This
#' information is used to check data prospectively for consistency and for data
#' preparation. These objects are, for instance, attached to a familiarModel
#' object so that data can be pre-processed in the same way as the development
#' data.
#' @slot name Name of the feature, which by default is the column name of the
#' feature.
#' @slot set_descriptor Character string describing the set to which the feature
#' belongs. Currently not used.
#' @slot feature_type Describes the feature type, i.e. `factor` or `numeric`.
#' @slot levels The class levels of categorical features. This is used to check
#' prospective datasets.
#' @slot ordered Specifies whether the
#' @slot distribution Five-number summary (numeric) or class frequency
#' (categorical).
#' @slot data_id Internal identifier for the dataset used to derive the feature
#' information.
#' @slot run_id Internal identifier for the specific subset of the dataset used
#' to derive the feature information.
#' @slot in_signature Specifies whether the feature is included in the model
#' signature.
#' @slot in_novelty Specifies whether the feature is included in the novelty
#' detector.
#' @slot removed Specifies whether the feature was removed during
#' pre-processing.
#' @slot removed_unknown_type Specifies whether the feature was removed during
#' pre-processing because the type was neither factor nor numeric..
#' @slot removed_missing_values Specifies whether the feature was removed during
#' pre-processing because it contained too many missing values.
#' @slot removed_no_variance Specifies whether the feature was removed during
#' pre-processing because it did not contain more than 1 unique value.
#' @slot removed_low_variance Specifies whether the feature was removed during
#' pre-processing because the variance was too low. Requires applying
#' `low_variance` as a `filter_method`.
#' @slot removed_low_robustness Specifies whether the feature was removed during
#' pre-processing because it lacks robustness. Requires applying `robustness`
#' as a `filter_method`, as well as repeated measurement.
#' @slot removed_low_importance Specifies whether the feature was removed during
#' pre-processing because it lacks relevance. Requires applying
#' `univariate_test` as a `filter_method`.
#' @slot fraction_missing Specifies the fraction of missing values.
#' @slot robustness Specifies robustness of the feature, if measured.
#' @slot univariate_importance Specifies the univariate p-value of the feature,
#' if measured.
#' @slot transformation_parameters Details parameters for power transformation
#' of numeric features.
#' @slot normalisation_parameters Details parameters for (global) normalisation
#' of numeric features.
#' @slot batch_normalisation_parameters Details parameters for batch
#' normalisation of numeric features.
#' @slot imputation_parameters Details parameters or models for imputation of
#' missing values.
#' @slot cluster_parameters Details parameters for forming clusters with other
#' features.
#' @slot required_features Details features required for clustering or
#' imputation.
#' @slot familiar_version Version of the familiar package.
#' @export
slots = list(
name = "character",
set_descriptor = "character",
feature_type = "character",
levels = "ANY",
ordered = "logical",
distribution = "ANY",
data_id = "integer",
run_id = "integer",
in_signature = "logical",
in_novelty = "logical",
removed = "logical",
removed_unknown_type = "logical",
removed_missing_values = "logical",
removed_no_variance = "logical",
removed_low_variance = "logical",
removed_low_robustness = "logical",
removed_low_importance = "logical",
fraction_missing = "numeric",
robustness = "ANY",
univariate_importance = "ANY",
transformation_parameters = "ANY",
normalisation_parameters = "ANY",
batch_normalisation_parameters = "ANY",
imputation_parameters = "ANY",
cluster_parameters = "ANY",
required_features = "ANY",
familiar_version = "ANY"),
prototype = list(
name = NA_character_,
set_descriptor = NA_character_,
feature_type = NA_character_,
levels = NULL,
ordered = FALSE,
distribution = NULL,
data_id = NA_integer_,
run_id = NA_integer_,
in_signature = FALSE,
in_novelty = FALSE,
removed = FALSE,
removed_unknown_type = FALSE,
removed_missing_values = FALSE,
removed_no_variance = FALSE,
removed_low_variance = FALSE,
removed_low_robustness = FALSE,
removed_low_importance = FALSE,
fraction_missing = NA_real_,
robustness = NULL,
univariate_importance = NULL,
transformation_parameters = NULL,
normalisation_parameters = NULL,
batch_normalisation_parameters = NULL,
imputation_parameters = NULL,
cluster_parameters = NULL,
required_features = NULL,
familiar_version = NULL)
# featureInfoParameters object -------------------------------------------------
#' Feature information parameters object.
#' A featureInfo object contains information for a single feature. Some
#' information, for example concerning clustering and transformation contains
#' various parameters that allow for applying the data transformation correctly.
#' These are stored in featureInfoParameters objects.
#' @slot name Name of the feature, which by default is the column name of the
#' feature. Typically used to correctly assign the data.
#' @slot complete Flags whether the parameters have been completely set.
#' @slot familiar_version Version of the familiar package.
#' @details featureInfoParameters is normally a parent class for specific
#' classes, such as featureInfoParametersTransformation.
#' @export
slots = list(
name = "character",
complete = "logical",
familiar_version = "ANY"),
prototype = list(
name = NA_character_,
complete = FALSE,
familiar_version = NULL)
# vimpTable object -------------------------------------------------------------
#' Variable importance table
#' A vimpTable object contains information concerning variable importance of one
#' or more features. These objects are created during feature selection.
#' @slot vimp_table Table containing features with corresponding scores.
#' @slot vimp_method Method used to compute variable importance scores for each
#' feature.
#' @slot run_table Run table for the data used to compute variable importances
#' from. Used internally.
#' @slot score_aggregation Method used to aggregate the score of contrasts for
#' each categorical feature, if any,
#' @slot encoding_table Table used to relate categorical features to their
#' contrasts, if any. Not used for all variable importance methods.
#' @slot cluster_table Table used to relate original features with features
#' after clustering. Variable importance is determined after feature
#' processing, which includes clustering.
#' @slot invert Determines whether increasing score corresponds to increasing
#' (`FALSE`) or decreasing rank (`TRUE`). Used internally to determine how
#' ranks should be formed.
#' @slot project_id Identifier of the project that generated the vimpTable
#' object.
#' @slot familiar_version Version of the familiar package used to create this
#' table.
#' @slot state State of the variable importance table. The object can have the
#' following states:
#' * `initial`: initial state, directly after the variable importance table is
#' filled.
#' * `decoded`: depending on the variable importance method, the initial
#' variable importance table may contain the scores of individual contrasts
#' for categorical variables. When decoded, data in the `encoding_table`
#' attribute has been used to aggregate scores from all contrasts into a
#' single score for each feature.
#' * `declustered`: variable importance is determined from fully processed
#' features, which includes clustering. This means that a single feature in
#' the variable importance table may represent multiple original features.
#' When a variable importance table has been declustered, all clusters have
#' been turned into their constituent features.
#' * `reclustered`: When the table is reclustered, features are replaced by
#' their respective clusters. This is actually used when updating the cluster
#' table to ensure it fits to a local context. This prevents issues when
#' attempting to aggregate or apply variable importance tables in data with
#' different feature preprocessing, and as a result, different clusters.
#' * `ranked`: The scores have been used to create ranks, with lower ranks
#' indicating better features.
#' * `aggregated`: Score and ranks from multiple variable importance tables
#' were aggregated.
#' @details vimpTable objects exists in various states. These states are
#' generally incremental, i.e. one cannot turn a declustered table into the
#' initial version. Some methods such as aggregation internally do some state
#' reshuffling.
#' This object replaces the ad-hoc lists with information that were used in
#' versions prior to familiar 1.2.0.
#' @seealso \code{\link{get_vimp_table}}, \code{\link{aggregate_vimp_table}}
#' @export
slots = list(
# Variable importance table.
vimp_table = "ANY",
# Variable importance method that generated the current variable
# importance table.
vimp_method = "character",
# Run table for the current model
run_table = "ANY",
# Set how scores from encoded features should be aggregated.
score_aggregation = "character",
# Table that can be used to merge encoded features back into
# singleton features, if necessary.
encoding_table = "ANY",
# Table that can be used to decluster the current table.
cluster_table = "ANY",
# Whether scores should be inverted for ranking.
invert = "logical",
# Project identifier.
project_id = "ANY",
# Version of familiar used to create the object.
familiar_version = "ANY",
# State of the object.
state = "character"),
prototype = list(
vimp_table = NULL,
vimp_method = NA_character_,
run_table = NULL,
score_aggregation = NA_character_,
encoding_table = NULL,
cluster_table = NULL,
invert = FALSE,
project_id = NULL,
familiar_version = NULL,
state = "initial")
# outcomeInfo object -----------------------------------------------------------
#' Outcome information object.
#' An outcome information object stores data concerning an outcome. This is used
#' to prospectively check data.
#' @slot name Name of the outcome, inherited from the original column name by
#' default.
#' @slot outcome_type Type of outcome.
#' @slot outcome_column Name of the outcome column in data.
#' @slot levels Specifies class levels of categorical outcomes.
#' @slot ordered Specifies whether categorical outcomes are ordered.
#' @slot reference Class level used as reference.
#' @slot time Maximum time, as set by the `time_max` configuration parameter.
#' @slot censored Censoring indicators for survival outcomes.
#' @slot event Event indicators for survival outcomes.
#' @slot competing_risk Indicators for competing risks in survival outcomes.
#' @slot distribution Five-number summary (numeric outcomes), class frequency
#' (categorical outcomes), or survival distributions.
#' @slot data_id Internal identifier for the dataset used to derive the outcome
#' information.
#' @slot run_id Internal identifier for the specific subset of the dataset used
#' to derive the outcome information.
#' @slot transformation_parameters Parameters used for transforming a numeric
#' outcomes. Currently unused.
#' @slot normalisation_parameters Parameters used for normalising numeric
#' outcomes. Currently unused.
#' @export
slots = list(
# Name of the outcome
name = "character",
# Outcome type
outcome_type = "character",
# Outcome column
outcome_column = "ANY",
# Class levels of categorical outcomes.
levels = "ANY",
# Flag for ordinal categorical outcomes.
ordered = "logical",
# Reference class of categorical outcomes.
reference = "ANY",
# Max time for the outcome.
time = "numeric",
# Censor indicator for survival outcomes, e.g. alive.
censored = "character",
# Event indicator for survival outcomes, e.g. recurrent disease.
event = "character",
# Competing risk indicator(s) for survival outcomes, e.g. dead.
competing_risk = "character",
# Distribution information of outcome variables.
distribution = "ANY",
# Data id to which this outcome data belongs.
data_id = "integer",
# Run id to which this outcome data belongs.
run_id = "integer",
# Transformation parameters for the outcome data.
transformation_parameters = "ANY",
# Normalisation parameters for the outcome data.
normalisation_parameters = "ANY"),
prototype = list(
name = NA_character_,
outcome_type = NA_character_,
outcome_column = NULL,
levels = NULL,
ordered = FALSE,
reference = NA_character_,
time = Inf,
censored = NA_character_,
event = NA_character_,
competing_risk = NA_character_,
distribution = NULL,
data_id = NA_integer_,
run_id = NA_integer_,
transformation_parameters = NULL,
normalisation_parameters = NULL)
# familiarVimpMethod object ----------------------------------------------------
#' Variable importance method object.
#' The familiarVimpMethod class is the parent class for all variable importance
#' methods in familiar.
#' @slot outcome_type Outcome type of the data to be evaluated using the object.
#' @slot hyperparameters Set of hyperparameters for the variable importance
#' method.
#' @slot vimp_method The character string indicating the variable importance
#' method.
#' @slot multivariate Flags whether the variable importance method is
#' multivariate vs. univariate.
#' @slot outcome_info Outcome information object, which contains additional
#' information concerning the outcome, such as class levels.
#' @slot feature_info List of objects containing feature information, e.g.,
#' name, class levels, transformation, normalisation and clustering
#' parameters.
#' @slot required_features The set of features to be assessed by the variable
#' importance method.
#' @slot package Name of the package(s) required to execute the variable
#' importance method.
#' @slot run_table Run table for the data to be assessed by the variable
#' importance method. Used internally.
#' @slot project_id Identifier of the project that generated the
#' familiarVimpMethod object.
#' @export
slots = list(
# Outcome type
outcome_type = "character",
# Hyper-parameters (typically stored in the model as well)
hyperparameters = "ANY",
# Name of variable importance method
vimp_method = "character",
# Indicates whether the method is a univariate or multivariate
# method.
multivariate = "logical",
# Outcome info, such as class levels, mean values etc.
outcome_info = "ANY",
# Data required for feature pre-processing
feature_info = "ANY",
# Required features for complete reconstruction, including imputation
required_features = "ANY",
# Name of the package required to perform variable importance.
package = "ANY",
# Run table for the current vimp method
run_table = "ANY",
# Project identifier for consistency tracking
project_id = "ANY"),
prototype = list(
outcome_type = NA_character_,
hyperparameters = NULL,
vimp_method = NA_character_,
multivariate = FALSE,
outcome_info = NULL,
feature_info = NULL,
required_features = NULL,
package = NULL,
run_table = NULL,
project_id = NULL)
# familiarNoveltyDetector object -----------------------------------------------
#' Novelty detector.
#' A familiarNoveltyDetector object is a self-contained model that can be
#' applied to generate out-of-distribution predictions for instances in a
#' dataset.
#' @slot name Name of the familiarNoveltyDetector object.
#' @slot learner Learning algorithm used to create the novelty detector.
#' @slot model The actual novelty detector trained using a specific algorithm,
#' e.g. a isolation forest from the `isotree` package.
#' @slot feature_info List of objects containing feature information, e.g.,
#' name, class levels, transformation, normalisation and clustering
#' parameters.
#' @slot data_column_info Data information object containing information
#' regarding identifier column names.
#' @slot conversion_parameters Parameters used to convert raw output to
#' statistical probability of being out-of-distribution. Currently unused.
#' @slot hyperparameters Set of hyperparameters used to train the detector.
#' @slot required_features The set of features required for complete
#' reproduction, i.e. with imputation.
#' @slot model_features The set of features that is used to train the detector.
#' @slot run_table Run table for the data used to train the detector. Used
#' internally.
#' @slot is_trimmed Flag that indicates whether the detector, stored in the
#' `model` slot, has been trimmed.
#' @slot trimmed_function List of functions whose output has been captured prior
#' to trimming the model.
#' @slot project_id Identifier of the project that generated the
#' familiarNoveltyDetector object.
#' @slot familiar_version Version of the familiar package.
#' @slot package Name of package(s) required to executed the detector itself,
#' e.g. `isotree`.
#' @slot package_version Version of the packages mentioned in the `package`
#' attribute.
#' @details Note that these objects do not contain any data concerning outcome,
#' as this not relevant for (prospective) out-of-distribution detection.
#' @export
slots = list(
# Model name.
name = "character",
# Detector
learner = "character",
# Model container
model = "ANY",
# Info related to the columns in the dataset.
data_column_info = "ANY",
# Parameters needed to convert raw novelty scores into p-values.
conversion_parameters = "ANY",
# Hyperparameters used to create the novelty detector.
hyperparameters = "ANY",
# Data required for feature pre-processing
feature_info = "ANY",
# Required features for complete reconstruction, including
# imputation.
required_features = "ANY",
# Features that are required for novelty detection.
model_features = "ANY",
# Run table for the current model
run_table = "ANY",
# Flags trimming of the novelty detector.
is_trimmed = "logical",
# Restores functions lost due to model trimming, such as coef or
# vcov.
trimmed_function = "list",
# Project identifier for consistency tracking
project_id = "ANY",
# Package version for backward compatibility.
familiar_version = "ANY",
# Name of the package required to train the learner.
package = "ANY",
# Version of the learner for reproducibility.
package_version = "ANY"),
prototype = list(
name = character(0),
learner = NA_character_,
model = NULL,
data_column_info = NULL,
conversion_parameters = NULL,
hyperparameters = NULL,
feature_info = NULL,
required_features = NULL,
model_features = NULL,
run_table = NULL,
is_trimmed = FALSE,
trimmed_function = list(),
project_id = NULL,
familiar_version = NULL,
package = NULL,
package_version = NULL)
# familiarHyperparameterLearner object -----------------------------------------
#' Hyperparameter learner.
#' A familiarHyperparameterLearner object is a self-contained model that can be
#' applied to predict optimisation scores for a set of hyperparameters.
#' @slot name Name of the familiarHyperparameterLearner object.
#' @slot learner Algorithm used to create the hyperparameter learner.
#' @slot target_learner Algorithm for which the hyperparameters are being
#' learned.
#' @slot target_outcome_type Outcome type of the learner for which
#' hyperparameters are being modeled. Used to determine the target
#' hyperparameters.
#' @slot optimisation_metric One or metrics used to generate the optimisation
#' score.
#' @slot optimisation_function Function used to generate the optimisation score.
#' @slot model The actual model trained using the specific algorithm, e.g. a
#' isolation forest from the `isotree` package.
#' @slot target_hyperparameters The names of the hyperparameters that are used
#' to train the hyperparameter learner.
#' @slot project_id Identifier of the project that generated the
#' familiarHyperparameterLearner object.
#' @slot familiar_version Version of the familiar package.
#' @slot package Name of package(s) required to executed the hyperparameter
#' learner itself, e.g. `laGP`.
#' @slot package_version Version of the packages mentioned in the `package`
#' attribute.
#' @details Hyperparameter learners are used to infer the optimisation score for
#' sets of hyperparameters. These are then used to either infer utility using
#' acquisition functions or to generate summary scores to identify the optimal
#' model.
#' @export
slots = list(
# Model name.
name = "character",
# Hyperparameter learner
learner = "character",
# Learner for which the hyperparameters are being learned.
target_learner = "character",
# Outcome type for the above learner.
target_outcome_type = "character",
# Metric(s) used to generate the input data for optimisation score
# that is being learned.
optimisation_metric = "character",
# Function used to generate the optimisation score.
optimisation_function = "character",
# Model container
model = "ANY",
# Names of the hyperparameters that are being learned.
target_hyperparameters = "ANY",
# Project identifier for consistency tracking
project_id = "ANY",
# Package version for backward compatibility.
familiar_version = "ANY",
# Name of the package required to train the learner.
package = "ANY",
# Version of the learner for reproducibility.
package_version = "ANY"),
prototype = list(
name = character(0),
learner = NA_character_,
target_learner = NA_character_,
target_outcome_type = NA_character_,
optimisation_metric = NA_character_,
optimisation_function = NA_character_,
model = NULL,
target_hyperparameters = NULL,
project_id = NULL,
familiar_version = NULL,
package = NULL,
package_version = NULL)
# familiarMetric object --------------------------------------------------------
#' Model performance metric.
#' Superclass for model performance objects.
#' @slot metric Performance metric.
#' @slot outcome_type Type of outcome being predicted.
#' @slot name Name of the performance metric.
#' @slot value_range Range of the performance metric. Can be half-open.
#' @slot baseline_value Value of the metric for trivial models, e.g. models that
#' always predict the median value, the majority class, or the mean hazard,
#' etc.
#' @slot higher_better States whether higher metric values correspond to better
#' predictive model performance (e.g. accuracy) or not (e.g. root mean squared
#' error).
#' @export
slots = list(
# The metric itself.
metric = "character",
# The outcome type associated with the metric.
outcome_type = "character",
# The name of the metric, e.g. for plotting.
name = "character",
# The potential value range of the metric.
value_range = "numeric",
# The baseline value of the metric, e.g. to derive an objective
# function from.
baseline_value = "ANY",
# Flag that sets whether higher values denote better performance.
higher_better = "logical"),
prototype = list(
metric = NA_character_,
outcome_type = NA_character_,
name = NA_character_,
value_range = c(NA_real_, NA_real_),
baseline_value = NULL,
higher_better = TRUE)
# familiarDataElement object ---------------------------------------------------
#' Data container for evaluation data.
#' Most attributes of the familiarData object are objects of the
#' familiarDataElement class. This (super-)class is used to allow for
#' standardised aggregation and processing of evaluation data.
#' @slot data Evaluation data, typically a data.table or list.
#' @slot identifiers Identifiers of the data, e.g. the generating model name,
#' learner, etc.
#' @slot detail_level Sets the level at which results are computed and
#' aggregated.
#' * `ensemble`: Results are computed at the ensemble level, i.e. over all
#' models in the ensemble. This means that, for example, bias-corrected
#' estimates of model performance are assessed by creating (at least) 20
#' bootstraps and computing the model performance of the ensemble model for
#' each bootstrap.
#' * `hybrid` (default): Results are computed at the level of models in an
#' ensemble. This means that, for example, bias-corrected estimates of model
#' performance are directly computed using the models in the ensemble. If
#' there are at least 20 trained models in the ensemble, performance is
#' computed for each model, in contrast to `ensemble` where performance is
#' computed for the ensemble of models. If there are less than 20 trained
#' models in the ensemble, bootstraps are created so that at least 20 point
#' estimates can be made.
#' * `model`: Results are computed at the model level. This means that, for
#' example, bias-corrected estimates of model performance are assessed by
#' creating (at least) 20 bootstraps and computing the performance of the
#' model for each bootstrap.
#' Note that each level of detail has a different interpretation for bootstrap
#' confidence intervals. For `ensemble` and `model` these are the confidence
#' intervals for the ensemble and an individual model, respectively. That is,
#' the confidence interval describes the range where an estimate produced by a
#' respective ensemble or model trained on a repeat of the experiment may be
#' found with the probability of the confidence level. For `hybrid`, it
#' represents the range where any single model trained on a repeat of the
#' experiment may be found with the probability of the confidence level. By
#' definition, confidence intervals obtained using `hybrid` are at least as
#' wide as those for `ensemble`. `hybrid` offers the correct interpretation if
#' the goal of the analysis is to assess the result of a single, unspecified,
#' model.
#' Some child classes do not use this parameter.
#' @slot estimation_type Sets the type of estimation that should be possible.
#' This has the following options:
#' * `point`: Point estimates.
#' * `bias_correction` or `bc`: Bias-corrected estimates. A bias-corrected
#' estimate is computed from (at least) 20 point estimates, and `familiar` may
#' bootstrap the data to create them.
#' * `bootstrap_confidence_interval` or `bci` (default): Bias-corrected
#' estimates with bootstrap confidence intervals (Efron and Hastie, 2016). The
#' number of point estimates required depends on the `confidence_level`
#' parameter, and `familiar` may bootstrap the data to create them.
#' Some child classes do not use this parameter.
#' @slot confidence_level (*optional*) Numeric value for the level at which
#' confidence intervals are determined. In the case bootstraps are used to
#' determine the confidence intervals bootstrap estimation, `familiar` uses
#' the rule of thumb \eqn{n = 20 / ci.level} to determine the number of
#' required bootstraps.
#' @slot bootstrap_ci_method Method used to determine bootstrap confidence
#' intervals (Efron and Hastie, 2016). The following methods are implemented:
#' * `percentile` (default): Confidence intervals obtained using the percentile
#' method.
#' * `bc`: Bias-corrected confidence intervals.
#' Note that the standard method is not implemented because this method is
#' often not suitable due to non-normal distributions. The bias-corrected and
#' accelerated (BCa) method is not implemented yet.
#' @slot value_column Identifies column(s) in the `data` attribute presenting
#' values.
#' @slot grouping_column Identifies column(s) in the `data` attribute presenting
#' identifier columns for grouping during aggregation. Familiar will
#' automatically assign items from the `identifiers` attribute to the data and
#' this attribute when combining multiple familiarDataElements of the same
#' (child) class.
#' @slot is_aggregated Defines whether the object was aggregated.
#' @references 1. Efron, B. & Hastie, T. Computer Age Statistical Inference.
#' (Cambridge University Press, 2016).
#' @export
slots = list(
# The primary results.
data = "ANY",
# Identifiers of the data, e.g. the generating model name, the
# feature-selection method and learner.
identifiers = "ANY",
# The level of detail at which the data was computed.
detail_level = "character",
# The kind of estimation for which the data was computed, e.g.
# bias-corrected estimates.
estimation_type = "character",
# The confidence level for which data was computed. Only set if the
# correct estimation type is set.
confidence_level = "ANY",
# The method used to compute the bootstrap confidence intervals from
# the data.
bootstrap_ci_method = "character",
# The column that contains the relevant data. Useful for merging and
# identifying bootstraps.
value_column = "character",
# The column(s) required for grouping the data. Useful for determining confidence intervals.
grouping_column = "ANY",
# Flag that signals whether the data is aggregated, e.g. by computing
# confidence intervals and a bias-corrected value.
is_aggregated = "logical"),
prototype = list(
data = NULL,
identifiers = NULL,
detail_level = NA_character_,
estimation_type = NA_character_,
confidence_level = NULL,
bootstrap_ci_method = NA_character_,
value_column = NA_character_,
grouping_column = NULL,
is_aggregated = FALSE)
# experimentData object --------------------------------------------------------
#' Experiment data
#' An experimentData object contains information concerning the experiment.
#' These objects can be used to instantiate multiple experiments using the same
#' iterations, feature information and variable importance.
#' @slot experiment_setup Contains regarding the experimental setup that is used
#' to generate the iteration list.
#' @slot iteration_list List of iteration data that determines which instances
#' are assigned to training, validation and test sets.
#' @slot feature_info Feature information objects. Only available if the
#' experimentData object was generated using the `precompute_feature_info` or
#' `precompute_vimp` functions.
#' @slot vimp_table_list List of variable importance table objects. Only
#' available if the experimentData object was created using the
#' `precompute_vimp` function.
#' @slot project_id Identifier of the project that generated the experimentData
#' object.
#' @slot familiar_version Version of the familiar package used to create this
#' experimentData.
#' @details experimentData objects are primarily used to improve
#' reproducibility, since these allow for training models on a shared
#' foundation.
#' @seealso \code{\link{precompute_data_assignment}}
#' \code{\link{precompute_feature_info}}, \code{\link{precompute_vimp}}
#' @export
slots = list(
# Experimental design.
experiment_setup = "ANY",
# List of iteration data.
iteration_list = "ANY",
# List of feature information objects.
feature_info = "ANY",
# List of variable importance tables.
vimp_table_list = "ANY",
# Project identifier for consistency tracking
project_id = "ANY",
# Package version for backward compatibility
familiar_version = "ANY"),
prototype = list(
experiment_setup = NULL,
iteration_list = NULL,
feature_info = NULL,
vimp_table_list = NULL,
project_id = NULL,
familiar_version = NULL)
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