## Copyright (C) Brodie Gaslam
## This file is part of "fansi - ANSI Control Sequence Aware String Functions"
## This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 or 3 of the License.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## Go to <> for copies of the licenses.
#' Convert Control Sequences to HTML Equivalents
#' Interprets CSI SGR sequences and OSC hyperlinks to produce strings with
#' the state reproduced with SPAN elements, inline CSS styles, and A anchors.
#' Optionally for colors, the SPAN elements may be assigned classes instead of
#' inline styles, in which case it is the user's responsibility to provide a
#' style sheet. Input that contains special HTML characters ("<", ">", "&",
#' "'", and "\"") likely should be escaped with [`html_esc`], and `to_html` will
#' warn if it encounters the first two.
#' Only "observable" formats are translated. These include colors,
#' background-colors, and basic styles (CSI SGR codes 1-6, 8, 9). Style 7, the
#' "inverse" style, is implemented by explicitly switching foreground and
#' background colors, if there are any. Styles 5-6 (blink) are rendered as
#' "text-decoration" but likely will do nothing in the browser. Style 8
#' (conceal) sets the color to transparent.
#' Parameters in OSC sequences are not copied over as they might have different
#' semantics in the OSC sequences than they would in HTML (e.g. the "id"
#' parameter is intended to be non-unique in OSC).
#' Each element of the input vector is translated into a stand-alone valid HTML
#' string. In particular, any open tags generated by `fansi` are closed at the
#' end of an element and re-opened on the subsequent element with the same
#' style. This allows safe combination of HTML translated strings, for example
#' by [`paste`]ing them together. The trade-off is that there may be redundant
#' HTML produced. To reduce redundancy you can first collapse the input vector
#' into one string, being mindful that very large strings may exceed maximum
#' string size when converted to HTML.
#' `fansi`-opened tags are closed and new ones open anytime the "observable"
#' state changes. `to_html` never produces nested tags, even if at times
#' that might produce more compact output. While it would be possible to
#' match a CSI/OSC encoded state with nested tags, it would increase the
#' complexity of the code substantially for little gain.
#' @note Non-ASCII strings are converted to and returned in UTF-8 encoding.
#' @export
#' @family HTML functions
#' @inheritParams substr_ctl
#' @inherit substr_ctl seealso
#' @param classes FALSE (default), TRUE, or character vector of either 16,
#' 32, or 512 class names. Character strings may only contain ASCII
#' characters corresponding to letters, numbers, the hyphen, or the
#' underscore. It is the user's responsibility to provide values that are
#' legal class names.
#' * FALSE: All colors rendered as inline CSS styles.
#' * TRUE: Each of the 256 basic colors is mapped to a class in form
#' "fansi-color-###" (or "fansi-bgcol-###" for background colors)
#' where "###" is a zero padded three digit number in 0:255. Basic colors
#' specified with SGR codes 30-37 (or 40-47) map to 000:007, and bright ones
#' specified with 90-97 (or 100-107) map to 008:015. 8 bit colors specified
#' with SGR codes 38;5;### or 48;5;### map directly based on the value of
#' "###". Implicitly, this maps the 8 bit colors in 0:7 to the basic
#' colors, and those in 8:15 to the bright ones even though these are not
#' exactly the same when using inline styles. "truecolor"s specified with
#' 38;2;#;#;# or 48;2;#;#;# do not map to classes and are rendered as inline
#' styles.
#' * character(16): The eight basic colors are mapped to the string values in
#' the vector, all others are rendered as inline CSS styles. Basic colors
#' are mapped irrespective of whether they are encoded as the basic colors
#' or as 8-bit colors. Sixteen elements are needed because there must be
#' eight classes for foreground colors, and eight classes for background
#' colors. Classes should be ordered in ascending order of color number,
#' with foreground and background classes alternating starting with
#' foreground (see examples).
#' * character(32): Like character(16), except the basic and bright colors are
#' mapped.
#' * character(512): Like character(16), except the basic, bright, and all
#' other 8-bit colors are mapped.
#' @return A character vector of the same length as `x` with all escape
#' sequences removed and any basic ANSI CSI SGR escape sequences applied via
#' SPAN HTML tags.
#' @note `to_html` always terminates as not doing so produces
#' invalid HTML. If you wish for the last active SPAN to bleed into
#' subsequent text you may do so with e.g. `sub("</span>(?:</a>)?$", "", x)`
#' or similar. Additionally, unlike other functions, the default is
#' `carry = TRUE` for compatibility with semantics of prior versions of
#' `fansi`.
#' @examples
#' to_html("hello\033[31;42;1mworld\033[m")
#' to_html("hello\033[31;42;1mworld\033[m", classes=TRUE)
#' ## Input contains HTML special chars
#' x <- "<hello \033[42m'there' \033[34m &\033[m \"moon\"!"
#' writeLines(x)
#' \dontrun{
#' in_html(
#' c(
#' to_html(html_esc(x)), # Good
#' to_html(x) # Bad (warning)!
#' ) )
#' }
#' ## Generate some class names for basic colors
#' classes <- expand.grid(
#' "myclass",
#' c("fg", "bg"),
#' c("black", "red", "green", "yellow", "blue", "magenta", "cyan", "white")
#' )
#' classes # order is important!
#' classes <-, c(classes, sep="-"))
#' ## We only provide 16 classes, so Only basic colors are
#' ## mapped to classes; others styled inline.
#' to_html(
#' "\033[94mhello\033[m \033[31;42;1mworld\033[m",
#' classes=classes
#' )
#' ## Create a whole web page with a style sheet for 256 colors and
#' ## the colors shown in a table.
#' class.256 <-, c(expand.grid(c("fg", "bg"), 0:255), sep="-"))
#' sgr.256 <- sgr_256() # A demo of all 256 colors
#' writeLines(sgr.256[1:8]) # SGR formatting
#' ## Convert to HTML using classes instead of inline styles:
#' html.256 <- to_html(sgr.256, classes=class.256)
#' writeLines(html.256[1]) # No inline colors
#' ## Generate different style sheets. See `?make_styles` for details.
#' default <- make_styles(class.256)
#' mix <- matrix(c(.6,.2,.2, .2,.6,.2, .2,.2,.6), 3)
#' desaturated <- make_styles(class.256, mix)
#' writeLines(default[1:4])
#' writeLines(desaturated[1:4])
#' ## Embed in HTML page and diplay; only CSS changing
#' \dontrun{
#' in_html(html.256) # no CSS
#' in_html(html.256, css=default) # default CSS
#' in_html(html.256, css=desaturated) # desaturated CSS
#' }
to_html <- function(
x, warn=getOption('fansi.warn', TRUE),
term.cap=getOption('fansi.term.cap', dflt_term_cap()),
carry=getOption('fansi.carry', TRUE)
to_html_int(x=x, warn=warn, term.cap=term.cap, classes=classes, carry=carry)
to_html_int <- function(
x, warn=getOption('fansi.warn', TRUE),
term.cap=getOption('fansi.term.cap', dflt_term_cap()),
carry=getOption('fansi.carry', FALSE),
) {
## modifies / creates NEW VARS in fun env
VAL_IN_ENV(x=x, warn=warn, term.cap=term.cap, carry=carry)
classes <- if(isTRUE(classes)) {
} else if (identical(classes, FALSE)) {
} else if (is.character(classes)) {
} else
stop("Argument `classes` must be TRUE, FALSE, or a character vector.")
FANSI_esc_to_html, x, WARN.INT, TERM.CAP.INT, classes, carry, warn.unescaped
#' Convert Control Sequences to HTML Equivalents
#' This function is a wrapper around [`to_html`] and is kept around for legacy
#' reasons. When we added capabilities for handling OSC hyperlinks, the `sgr_`
#' part of the name became an incomplete description of what the function
#' does. The only substantive difference with the new function is this one does
#' not warn when the input contains unescaped "<" or ">".
#' @note Unlike other functions, the default is `carry = TRUE` for compatibility
#' with semantics of prior versions of `fansi`.
#' @export
#' @inheritParams to_html
#' @inherit to_html return
#' @keywords internal
sgr_to_html <- function(
x, warn=getOption('fansi.warn', TRUE),
term.cap=getOption('fansi.term.cap', dflt_term_cap()),
carry=getOption('fansi.carry', TRUE) # different from other functions
x=x, warn=warn, term.cap=term.cap, classes=classes, carry=carry,
#' Generate CSS Mapping Classes to Colors
#' Given a set of class names, produce the CSS that maps them to the default
#' 8-bit colors. This is a helper function to generate style sheets for use
#' in examples with either default or remixed `fansi` colors. In practice users
#' will create their own style sheets mapping their classes to their preferred
#' styles.
#' @family HTML functions
#' @importFrom grDevices col2rgb rgb
#' @export
#' @param classes a character vector of either 16, 32, or 512 class names. The
#' character vectors are described in [`to_html`].
#' @param rgb.mix 3 x 3 numeric matrix to remix color channels. Given a N x 3
#' matrix of numeric RGB colors `rgb`, the colors used in the style sheet will
#' be `rgb %*% rgb.mix`. Out of range values are clipped to the nearest bound
#' of the range.
#' @return A character vector that can be used as the contents of a style sheet.
#' @examples
#' ## Generate some class strings; order matters
#' classes <-, c(expand.grid(c("fg", "bg"), 0:7), sep="-"))
#' writeLines(classes[1:4])
#' ## Some Default CSS
#' css0 <- "span {font-size: 60pt; padding: 10px; display: inline-block}"
#' ## Associated class strings to styles
#' css1 <- make_styles(classes)
#' writeLines(css1[1:4])
#' ## Generate SGR-derived HTML, mapping to classes
#' string <- "\033[43mYellow\033[m\n\033[45mMagenta\033[m\n\033[46mCyan\033[m"
#' html <- to_html(string, classes=classes)
#' writeLines(html)
#' ## Combine in a page with styles and display in browser
#' \dontrun{
#' in_html(html, css=c(css0, css1))
#' }
#' ## Change CSS by remixing colors, and apply to exact same HTML
#' mix <- matrix(
#' c(
#' 0, 1, 0, # red output is green input
#' 0, 0, 1, # green output is blue input
#' 1, 0, 0 # blue output is red input
#' ),
#' nrow=3, byrow=TRUE
#' )
#' css2 <- make_styles(classes, rgb.mix=mix)
#' ## Display in browser: same HTML but colors changed by CSS
#' \dontrun{
#' in_html(html, css=c(css0, css2))
#' }
make_styles <- function(classes, rgb.mix=diag(3)) {
if(!is.character(classes)) stop("Argument `classes` is not character.")
!is.matrix(rgb.mix) || !is.numeric(rgb.mix) ||
!identical(dim(rgb.mix), c(3L, 3L)) ||
stop("Argument `rgb.mix` must be a 3 x 3 numeric matrix with no NAs.")
classes <- check_classes(classes)
colors <- rep(seq_len(length(classes) / 2) - 1L, each=2)
colors.hex <- esc_color_code_to_html(rbind(8L, 5L, colors, 0L, 0L))
if(!identical(rgb.mix, diag(3))) {
color.vals <- t(col2rgb(colors.hex)) %*% rgb.mix
color.vals[color.vals > 255] <- 255
color.vals[color.vals < 0] <- 0
colors.hex <- rgb(color.vals, maxColorValue=255)
".", classes,
" {", c("color", "background-color"), ": ", colors.hex, ";}"
check_classes <- function(classes) {
class.len <- length(classes)
if(!class.len %in% c(16L, 32L, 512L)) {
"Argument `classes` must be length 16, 32, or 512 if it is a ",
"character vector (is ", class.len, ")."
stop("Argument `classes` contains NA values.")
if(!all(grepl("^[0-9a-zA-Z_\\-]*$", classes)))
"Argument `classes` contains charcters other than ASCII letters, ",
"numbers, the hyphen, and underscore."
#' Frame HTML in a Web Page And Display
#' Helper function that assembles user provided HTML and CSS into a temporary
#' text file, and by default displays it in the browser. Intended for use in
#' examples.
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils browseURL
#' @family HTML functions
#' @param x character vector of html encoded strings.
#' @param css character vector of css styles.
#' @param display TRUE or FALSE, whether to display the resulting page in a
#' browser window. If TRUE, will sleep for one second before returning, and
#' will delete the temporary file used to store the HTML.
#' @param clean TRUE or FALSE, if TRUE and `display == TRUE`, will delete the
#' temporary file used for the web page, otherwise will leave it.
#' @param pre TRUE (default) or FALSE, whether to wrap `x` in PRE tags.
#' @return character(1L) the file location of the page, invisibly, but keep in
#' mind it will have been deleted if `clean=TRUE`.
#' @seealso [make_styles()].
#' @examples
#' txt <- "\033[31;42mHello \033[7mWorld\033[m"
#' writeLines(txt)
#' html <- to_html(txt)
#' \dontrun{
#' in_html(html) # spawns a browser window
#' }
#' writeLines(readLines(in_html(html, display=FALSE)))
#' css <- "SPAN {text-decoration: underline;}"
#' writeLines(readLines(in_html(html, css=css, display=FALSE)))
#' \dontrun{
#' in_html(html, css)
#' }
in_html <- function(x, css=character(), pre=TRUE, display=TRUE, clean=display) {
html <- c(
"<!DOCTYPE html>",
if(any(nzchar(css))) c("<style>", css, "</style>"),
if(pre) "<pre>",
if(pre) "</pre>",
"</body>", "</html>"
f <- paste0(tempfile(), ".html")
writeLines(html, f)
if(display) browseURL(f) # nocov, can't do this in tests
if(clean) {
expand.grid('fansi', c('color', 'bgcol'), sprintf("%03d", 0:255)),
) )
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.