## Copyright (C) Brodie Gaslam
## This file is part of "fansi - ANSI Control Sequence Aware String Functions"
## This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 or 3 of the License.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## Go to <> for copies of the licenses.
unitizer_sect("Basic wrap", {
# We do not want to use `base::strwrap` because it triggers the pcre valgrind
# error on heap allocations (this is not a fansi problem)
hello.0 <- "hello world this is a lovely day"
# identical(strwrap_ctl(hello.0, width=10), strwrap(hello.0, width=10))
strwrap_ctl(hello.0, width=10)
hello.1 <- "hello world this is. a lovely day."
# identical(strwrap_ctl(hello.1, width=10), strwrap(hello.1, width=10))
strwrap_ctl(hello.1, width=10)
hello.2 <- "hello\rworld\rthis is. a lovely day."
# identical(strwrap(hello.2, width=10), strwrap_ctl(hello.2, width=10))
strwrap_ctl(hello.2, width=10)
hello.3 <- "hello\rworld\nthis is. a lovely\n day."
# identical(strwrap(hello.3, width=10), strwrap_ctl(hello.3, width=10))
strwrap_ctl(hello.3, width=10)
hello.4 <- " hello world this is a lovely day."
# identical(strwrap(hello.4, width=10), strwrap_ctl(hello.4, width=10))
strwrap_ctl(hello.4, width=10)
hello.5 <- "hello.\n\n\nworld"
# identical(strwrap(hello.5, width=10), strwrap_ctl(hello.5, width=10))
strwrap_ctl(hello.5, width=10)
hello.5a <- "hello.\n \n \nworld"
# identical(strwrap(hello.5a, width=10), strwrap_ctl(hello.5a, width=10))
strwrap_ctl(hello.5a, width=10)
# special preserve of double space
hello.6a <- 'hello." there'
# identical(strwrap(hello.6a, width=40), strwrap_ctl(hello.6a, width=40))
strwrap_ctl(hello.6a, width=40)
hello.6b <- 'hello.\' there'
# identical(strwrap(hello.6b, width=40), strwrap_ctl(hello.6b, width=40))
strwrap_ctl(hello.6b, width=40)
hello.6c <- 'hello.) there'
# identical(strwrap(hello.6c, width=40), strwrap_ctl(hello.6c, width=40))
strwrap_ctl(hello.6c, width=40)
unitizer_sect("Basic Ansi", {
hello2.0 <-
paste0("hello ", red, "world ",, " this is a lovely", end, "day.")
strwrap_ctl(hello2.0, 10)
# identical(
# strwrap_ctl(strip_ctl(hello2.0, "sgr"), 10),
# strwrap(strip_ctl(hello2.0, "sgr"), 10)
# )
strwrap_ctl(strip_ctl(hello2.0, "sgr"), 10)
# turn off tag generic
hello2.1 <- paste0("hello \033[41mworld\033[m how are you today")
hello2.2 <- paste0("hello \033[41mworld\033[0m how are you today")
strwrap_ctl(hello2.1, 15)
# Specific turn off tags - turn off bold and faint
hello.bold.faint <- paste0(
"hello \033[1mbolded once upon a time\033[22m ",
"normal \033[2mfainting in faintness oh no\033[22m normal"
strwrap_ctl(hello.bold.faint, 10)
# Specific turn off tags - blinking
hello.blinky <- paste0(
"hello \033[5mbliking slowly oh my\033[25m ",
"normal \033[6mblinking quickly oh my\033[25m normal"
strwrap_ctl(hello.blinky, 10)
strwrap_ctl(hello.blinky, 10, terminate=FALSE)
# simplify
hello2.3 <- c(hello2.1, hello2.2)
strwrap_ctl(hello2.3, 10, simplify=FALSE)
strwrap2_ctl(hello2.3, 10, simplify=FALSE)
# closed at end
strwrap_ctl("aliquip \033[31mex ea commodo consequat\033[0m\n", 25)
unitizer_sect("Long Wrap", {
# wrap.nrm <- strwrap(strip_ctl(lorem.r.thanks, "sgr"), 40)
wrap.csi <- strwrap_ctl(lorem.r.thanks, 40)
# # this would take forever under valgrind
# identical(
# strwrap(strip_ctl(lorem.r.thanks, "sgr"), 40),
# strip_ctl(strwrap_ctl(lorem.r.thanks, 40), "sgr")
# )
# If this changes run the `identical` check above!
nchar(strip_ctl(wrap.csi, "sgr"))
# If this changes run the `identical` check above!
unitizer_sect("Other Escapes", {
strwrap_ctl("hello \033kworld yohoo", 12)
strwrap_ctl("hello \033\nworld yohoo", 12)
# c0 escapes should be treated as zero width
c0 <- "hello\x1F\x1F\x1F\x1F\x1F\x1F world yohoo"
Encoding(c0) <- "UTF-8"
strwrap_ctl(c0, 12)
# Various different types of warnings
strwrap_ctl("hello \033[999mworld", 6)
strwrap_ctl("hello \033[31#31mworld", 6)
strwrap_ctl("hello \033[999nworld", 6)
strwrap_ctl("hello \033[999mworld", 6, warn=FALSE)
strwrap_ctl("hello \033[31#31mworld", 6, warn=FALSE)
strwrap_ctl("hello \033[999nworld", 6, warn=FALSE)
unitizer_sect("prefix / initial simple", {
# a version of lorem with paragraphs
lorem.sentence <- unlist(strsplit_ctl(lorem, "[.]\\K ", perl=TRUE))
lorem.sentence <- gsub(",", ",\n", lorem.sentence, fixed=TRUE)
lorem.para <- c(
paste0(lorem.sentence[1:2], collapse="\n\n"),
paste0(lorem.sentence[3:4], collapse="\n\t\n\t \n")
# identical(
# strwrap_ctl(lorem.para, indent=2), strwrap(lorem.para, indent=2)
# )
# identical(
# strwrap_ctl(lorem.para, exdent=2), strwrap(lorem.para, exdent=2)
# )
# identical(
# strwrap_ctl(lorem.para, indent=4, exdent=2),
# strwrap(lorem.para, indent=4, exdent=2)
# )
strwrap_ctl(lorem.para, indent=2)
strwrap_ctl(lorem.para, exdent=2)
strwrap_ctl(lorem.para, indent=4, exdent=2)
unitizer_sect("prefix / initial with ESC", {
pre <- "\033[32m+ \033[0m"
ini <- "\033[33m> \033[0m"
hello.8a <- "hello world yohoo"
wrap.csi.2 <- strwrap_ctl(hello.8a, 14, prefix=pre, initial=ini)
# wrap.nrm.2 <- strwrap(hello.8a, 14, prefix="+ ", initial="> ")
# identical(strip_ctl(wrap.csi.2, "sgr"), wrap.nrm.2)
hello.8b <- c(hello.8a, "oh my this has 2 elements")
wrap.csi.3 <- strwrap_ctl(hello.8b, 14, prefix=pre, initial=ini)
# wrap.nrm.3 <- strwrap(hello.8b, 14, prefix="+ ", initial="> ")
# identical(strip_ctl(wrap.csi.3, "sgr"), wrap.nrm.3)
unitizer_sect("wrap2", {
# Examples
hello.9a <- "hello\t\033[41mred\033[49m\tworld"
strwrap2_ctl(hello.9a, 12)
strwrap2_ctl(hello.9a, 12,
strwrap2_ctl(hello.9a, 13,
strwrap2_ctl(hello.9a, 12,, tab.stops=c(6, 12))
r.thanks <- lorem.r.thanks.2
## Generate colors from the 256 color palette
bg <- ceiling(seq_along(r.thanks) / length(r.thanks) * 215) + 16
fg <- ifelse((((bg - 16) %/% 18) %% 2), 30, 37)
tpl <- "\033[%d;48;5;%dm%s\033[49m"
## Apply colors to strings and collapse
nz <- nzchar(r.thanks)
r.thanks[nz] <- sprintf(tpl, fg[nz], bg[nz], r.thanks[nz])
r.col <- paste0(r.thanks, collapse="\n")
## Wrap and display
r.wrap <- strwrap2_ctl(r.col, 35, pad.end=" ", wrap.always=TRUE)
# writeLines(c("", paste(" ", r.wrap[1:27], " ", r.wrap[28:54]), ""))
## Pad paragraph break line when it is colored
hello.9b <- "\033[41mhello\n\nworld."
strwrap2_ctl(hello.9b, 8, pad.end=" ")
strwrap2_ctl(hello.9b, 8, pad.end=0)
## Leading spaces
hello.9b <- " \033[41mhello world."
strwrap2_ctl(hello.9b, 8, strip.spaces=FALSE)
hello.9c <- "\033[41m hello world."
## complex white-space
ws.0 <- "hello worldza"
ws.1 <- "hello \t worldza"
ws.2 <- "hello \n worldza"
strwrap2_sgr(ws.0, 7, strip.spaces=FALSE)
strwrap2_sgr(ws.0, 7, strip.spaces=FALSE, wrap.always=TRUE)
strwrap2_sgr(ws.0, 6, strip.spaces=FALSE)
strwrap2_sgr(ws.0, 6, strip.spaces=FALSE, wrap.always=TRUE)
strwrap2_sgr(ws.1, 7, strip.spaces=FALSE)
strwrap2_sgr(ws.1, 7, strip.spaces=FALSE, wrap.always=TRUE)
strwrap2_sgr(ws.1, 6, strip.spaces=FALSE)
strwrap2_sgr(ws.1, 6, strip.spaces=FALSE, wrap.always=TRUE)
strwrap2_sgr(" hello world ", 7, strip.spaces=FALSE)
strwrap2_sgr("\thello\tworld\t", 7, strip.spaces=FALSE)
strwrap2_sgr("\nhello\nworld\n", 7, strip.spaces=FALSE)
unitizer_sect("_sgr", {
hello.9e <- c(
"hello\t\033[91mworld\033[m\t\033[38;2;31;42;4mworld boohaythere",
## primarily testing that all args are used correctly.
strwrap_sgr(hello.9e, 12, term.cap='256')
hello.9f <- "hello \033[91mworld boohaythereyowza"
hello.9f, 12, prefix="++", initial=">>",
wrap.always=TRUE, pad.end="~", strip.spaces=FALSE
hello.9e, 12,, tab.stops=c(6, 12), warn=FALSE,
indent=2, exdent=1, prefix="++", initial=">>", term.cap="256",
wrap.always=TRUE, simplify=FALSE, pad.end="~", strip.spaces=FALSE
hello.9e, 12, warn=FALSE,
indent=2, exdent=1, prefix="++", initial=">>", term.cap="256",
hello.9e, 12, indent=2, exdent=1, prefix="++", initial=">>",
term.cap="256", simplify=FALSE
unitizer_sect("long words", {
hello.long <- "\033[31mhelloworld\033[mlongword"
strwrap_ctl(hello.long, 8)
strwrap2_ctl(hello.long, 8, wrap.always=TRUE)
unitizer_sect("rare escapes", {
hello.border <- c(
"hello \033[51mworld woohoo\033[54m woohoo",
"hello \033[52mworld woohoo\033[54m woohoo",
"hello \033[53mworld woohoo\033[55m woohoo"
strwrap_ctl(hello.border, 12)
strwrap_ctl(hello.border, 12, terminate=FALSE)
hello.ideogram <- c(
"hello \033[60mworld woohoo\033[65m woohoo",
"hello \033[61mworld woohoo\033[65m woohoo",
"hello \033[62mworld woohoo\033[65m woohoo",
"hello \033[63mworld woohoo\033[65m woohoo",
"hello \033[64mworld woohoo\033[65m woohoo"
strwrap_ctl(hello.ideogram, 12, terminate=FALSE)
hello.font <- c(
"hello \033[10mworld woohoo\033[10m woohoo",
"hello \033[11mworld woohoo\033[10m woohoo",
"hello \033[12mworld woohoo\033[10m woohoo",
"hello \033[13mworld woohoo\033[10m woohoo",
"hello \033[14mworld woohoo\033[10m woohoo",
"hello \033[15mworld woohoo\033[10m woohoo",
"hello \033[16mworld woohoo\033[10m woohoo",
"hello \033[17mworld woohoo\033[10m woohoo",
"hello \033[18mworld woohoo\033[10m woohoo",
"hello \033[19mworld woohoo\033[10m woohoo"
strwrap_ctl(hello.font, 12, terminate=FALSE)
unitizer_sect("term cap and bright", {
# default term cap should recognize bright and 256, but not true color.
getOption('fansi.term.cap', dflt_term_cap())
hello.bright <- '\033[42mhello \033[103mworld wowza\033[49m'
strwrap_ctl(hello.bright, 13)
strwrap_ctl(hello.bright, 13, term.cap=character())
hello.255 <- '\033[42mhello \033[48;5;47mworld wowza\033[49m'
strwrap_ctl(hello.255, 13)
strwrap_ctl(hello.255, 13, term.cap=character())
hello.tru <- '\033[42mhello \033[48;2;7;41;4mworld wowza\033[m'
strwrap_ctl(hello.tru, 13, term.cap='truecolor')
strwrap_ctl(hello.tru, 13)
unitizer_sect("corner cases", {
strwrap_ctl("a", -1)
strwrap2_ctl("a", -1)
strwrap2_ctl("a", Inf)
strwrap2_ctl("a", NA_real_)
strwrap2_ctl("a", NA_integer_)
strwrap2_ctl("a", -1, wrap.always=TRUE)
strwrap2_ctl("a", 0, wrap.always=TRUE)
strwrap2_ctl("a", 1, wrap.always=TRUE)
strwrap_ctl("hello world", 6, prefix="\033p"),
suppressWarnings(strwrap_ctl("hello world", 6, prefix="\033p"))
# Invalid inputs (checks in C)
strwrap2_ctl("hello world", 8, pad.end='\t'), error=conditionMessage
strwrap2_ctl("hello world", 8, pad.end=' '), error=conditionMessage
strwrap2_ctl("goodbye moon", 8, indent=5, prefix='> hello >')
"goodbye moon", 16, indent=5, prefix='> hello >', wrap.always=TRUE
"goodbye moon", 15, indent=5, prefix='> hello >', wrap.always=TRUE
## Test mixing of SGR with non SGR escapes; non-SGR should not be
## dropped, and _trailing_ SGR should be dropped.
strwrap_ctl("hello world\033[31m\033A", 12)
strwrap_ctl("hello world\033A\033[31m", 12)
# Islanded SGR escape sequence
strwrap_ctl("hello \033[44m world", 5)
strwrap_ctl("hello \033[44m world", 6)
strwrap_ctl("hello \033[44m world", 5, terminate=FALSE)
strwrap_ctl("hello \033[44m world", 6, terminate=FALSE)
strwrap_ctl("hello\n\033[44m\nworld", 5)
strwrap_ctl("hello \n\033[44m\n world", 5)
strwrap_ctl("hello \n \033[44m\n world", 5)
strwrap_ctl("hello \n \n\033[44mworld", 5)
strwrap_ctl("hello \n \n\033[44m world", 5)
strwrap_ctl("hello \n \n\033[44m\nworld", 5)
strwrap_ctl("hello \033[44m\n\n world", 5)
strwrap("hello \n\n world", 5)
## Trailing SGR followed by word break
strwrap_ctl("\033[33mAB\033[44m CD", 3)
## New paragraph with wrap.always and trailing SGR
strwrap2_ctl("AB\033[44m\n\nCD", 3, wrap.always=TRUE)
strwrap2_ctl("AB\033[44m\n\nCD", 3, wrap.always=TRUE, pad.end="#")
strwrap2_ctl("AB\033[44m\n\nCD", 3, wrap.always=TRUE, terminate=FALSE)
## Don't omit trail SGR when there is padding
strwrap2_ctl("AB\033[44m CD", 4, pad.end="#")
strwrap2_ctl("AB\033[44m CD", 3, pad.end="#")
## Combine Leading SGR without stripping spaces
strwrap2_sgr("\033[43mAB \033[34mCD", strip.spaces=FALSE, 4)
## Nothing bug sgrs
strwrap_ctl("\033[31m\033[43m", 5)
## Hard wrap with trailing SGR
strwrap2_ctl("a\033[31mb", 2, wrap.always = TRUE)
## Correctly strip trailing space
strwrap_ctl("A \033[31mB\033[39m", 3)
## Don't double warn w/ leading strip
strwrap2_ctl("\033[35phello \033[35p world", 5, strip.spaces=FALSE)
## NA treatment
strwrap(c(NA, "a b"), 4, prefix=">"),
strwrap_ctl(c(NA, "a b"), 4, prefix=">")
identical(strwrap("a b", 4, prefix=NA), strwrap_ctl("a b", 4, prefix=NA))
unitizer_sect("bad inputs", {
strwrap_ctl(hello2.0, width="35")
strwrap_ctl(hello2.0, width=NA_integer_)
strwrap_ctl(hello2.0, indent=NA_integer_)
strwrap_ctl(hello2.0, indent=-3)
strwrap_ctl(hello2.0, exdent=-3)
strwrap_ctl(hello2.0, exdent=1:3)
strwrap_ctl(hello2.0, prefix=1:3)
strwrap_ctl(hello2.0, initial=1:3)
strwrap_ctl(hello2.0, warn=NULL)
strwrap_ctl(hello2.0, term.cap=1:3)
strwrap_ctl(hello2.0, term.cap="bananas")
strwrap_ctl(hello2.0, ctl=1:3)
strwrap_ctl(hello2.0, ctl="bananas")
strwrap2_ctl(hello2.0, wrap.always=1:3)
strwrap2_ctl(hello2.0, wrap.always=NA)
strwrap2_ctl(hello2.0, tab.stops=-(1:3))
strwrap2_ctl(hello2.0, tab.stops=0)
strwrap2_ctl(hello2.0, strip.spaces=1:3)
strwrap2_ctl(hello2.0,, strip.spaces=TRUE)
strwrap2_ctl(hello2.0, pad.end=letters)
bytes <- "\xf0\xe3"
Encoding(bytes) <- "bytes"
strwrap_ctl(hello2.0, prefix=bytes)
strwrap_ctl(hello2.0, initial=bytes)
strwrap2_ctl(hello2.0, pad.end=bytes)
strwrap_ctl(c(hello2.0, bytes))
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