
  requireNamespace("lightgbm", quietly = TRUE),
  requireNamespace("xgboost", quietly = TRUE)

# Use one of the available (imputed) versions of the Titanic data
titanic <- fastshap::titanic_mice[[1L]]

# Packages 'lightgbm' and 'xgboost' require numeric values
titanic$survived <- ifelse(titanic$survived == "yes", 1, 0)
titanic$sex <- ifelse(titanic$sex == "male", 1, 0)
# Matrix of only predictor values
X <- data.matrix(subset(titanic, select = -survived))

# Passenger who's survival prediction we want to estimate and explain
jack.dawson <- data.matrix(data.frame(
  #survived = 0L,  # in case you haven't seen the movie
  pclass = 3L,  # using `3L` instead of `3` to treat as integer
  age = 20.0,
  # sex = factor("male", levels = c("female", "male")),
  sex = 1L,
  sibsp = 0L,  
  parch = 0L  

# Package: lightgbm

# lightgbm params
params.lgb <- list(
  num_leaves = 4L,
  learning_rate = 0.1,
  objective = "binary",
  force_row_wise = TRUE

set.seed(1420)  # for reproducibility
bst.lgb <- lightgbm::lightgbm(X, label = titanic$survived, params = params.lgb, 
                              nrounds = 50, verbose = 0)

# Prediction wrapper for computing predicted probability of surviving
pfun.lgb <- function(object, newdata) {  # prediction wrapper
  predict(object, data = newdata, rawscore = TRUE)

# Estimates Jack's survival probability
jack.logit.lgb <- pfun.lgb(bst.lgb, newdata = jack.dawson)

# Compute baseline prediction
baseline.lgb <- mean(pfun.lgb(bst.lgb, newdata = X))

diff.lgb <- jack.logit.lgb - baseline.lgb

# Compute per-feature contributions using Tree SHAP
(ex.lgb <- predict(bst.lgb, data = jack.dawson, predcontrib = TRUE))

# Compute feature contributions using MC SHAP using the fastshap package
set.seed(1306)  # for reproducibility
ex.fastshap <- fastshap::explain(bst.lgb, X = X, nsim = 1000, 
                                 pred_wrapper = pfun.lgb, newdata = jack.dawson, 
                                 adjust = TRUE)

# Expectations
expect_equal(sum(ex.fastshap), jack.logit.lgb - baseline.lgb, tolerance = 1e-06)

# Explain a few rows of the training data <- X[1L:5L, ]
set.seed(2033)  # for reproducibility <- fastshap::explain(bst.lgb, X = X, nsim = 2, pred_wrapper = pfun.lgb,
                            newdata =, adjust = TRUE)  # `nsim = 2` here ONLY for speed

# Expectations
expect_equal(rowSums(, pfun.lgb(bst.lgb, newdata = - baseline.lgb,
             tolerance = 1e-06)

# Package: xgboost

for (obj in c("binary:logistic", "binary:logitraw")) {
  # xgboost params
  params.xgb <- list(
    max_depth = 2L,
    eta = 0.1,
    objective = obj,
    eval_metric = "logloss"
  # Fit model
  set.seed(2020)  # for reproducibility
  bst.xgb <- xgboost::xgboost(X, label = titanic$survived, params = params.xgb, 
                              nrounds = 50, verbose = 0)
  # Prediction wrapper for ''xgboost'; output depend on user-specified objective
  pfun.xgb <- function(object, newdata) {  # prediction wrapper
    predict(object, newdata = newdata)
  # Estimates Jack's survival probability
  jack.logit.xgb <- pfun.xgb(bst.xgb, newdata = jack.dawson)
  # Compute baseline prediction
  baseline.xgb <- mean(pfun.xgb(bst.xgb, newdata = X))
  # Compute per-feature contributions using Tree SHAP
  (ex.xgb <- predict(bst.xgb, newdata = jack.dawson, predcontrib = TRUE))
  # Compute feature contributions using MC SHAP using the fastshap package
  set.seed(2026)  # for reproducibility
  ex.fastshap <- fastshap::explain(bst.xgb, X = X, nsim = 1000, 
                                   pred_wrapper = pfun.xgb, 
                                   newdata = jack.dawson, adjust = TRUE)
  # Expectations
  expect_equal(sum(ex.fastshap), jack.logit.xgb - baseline.xgb, 
               tolerance = 1e-06)

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fastshap documentation built on June 7, 2023, 5:48 p.m.