Man pages for fat2Lpoly
Two-Locus Family-Based Association Test with Polytomous Outcome

design.1locusSetting-up design matrices for a polytomous model with a...
design.dichotomousSetting-up the design matrix for a logistic model with two...
design.endo2diseaseSetting-up design matrices for the endophenotype-to-disease...
design.fullSetting-up design matrices for a full polytomous model with...
fat2LpolyTwo-locus Family-based Association Test with Polytomous...
fat2Lpoly.allSNPsExample results output by the function 'fat2Lpoly.withinR'
fat2Lpoly-internalInternal fat2Lpoly Functions
fat2Lpoly.withinRTwo-locus Family-based Association Test with Polytomous...
get.scores.pvaluesfunction to compute scores and p-values
ped.x.allExample dataset returned by the function 'read.merlin.files'
read.merlin.filesfunction to read input files in Merlin format
fat2Lpoly documentation built on Jan. 4, 2022, 5:08 p.m.