
Defines functions MakeResultFPCA

# This function creates the output object for FPCA

# Input:
#  optns: options for FPCA function
#  smcObj: smooth mean curve object
#  scsObj: smooth cov surface object
#  eigObj: eigen analysis object
#  scoresObj: FPC scores object
#  obsGrid: observed time grid
#  workGrid: time grid for smoothed covariance surface
#  rho: regularization parameter for sigma2
#  fitLambda: eigenvalues by least squares fit method
#  timestamps: time-stamps on how much time specific parts of FPCA needed
#  inputData: input data to return (if lean: FALSE)
# Output: 
#  ret: FPCA output object

MakeResultFPCA <- function(optns, smcObj, mu, scsObj, eigObj, 
                           scoresObj, obsGrid, workGrid, rho=NULL, fitLambda=NULL, inputData, timestamps = NULL){
    xiEst <- t(do.call(cbind, scoresObj[1, ])) 
    xiVar <- scoresObj[2, ]
    xiEst <- NULL 
    xiVar <- NULL
  if(optns$usergrid == TRUE){
    ret <- list(sigma2 = scsObj$sigma2, 
                lambda = eigObj$lambda, 
                phi = ConvertSupport(workGrid, obsGrid, phi=eigObj$phi), 
                xiEst = xiEst, 
                xiVar = xiVar, 
                obsGrid = obsGrid, 
                workGrid = obsGrid, 
                mu = mu, 
                smoothedCov = ConvertSupport(workGrid, obsGrid, Cov=scsObj$smoothCov), 
                FVE = eigObj$cumFVE[eigObj$kChoosen], 
                cumFVE =  eigObj$cumFVE, 
                fittedCov = ConvertSupport(workGrid, obsGrid, Cov=eigObj$fittedCovUser),
                fittedCorr = ConvertSupport(workGrid, obsGrid, Cov=eigObj$fittedCorrUser),
                optns = optns, 
                bwMu = smcObj$bw_mu, 
                bwCov = scsObj$bwCov)
    ret <- list(sigma2 = scsObj$sigma2, 
              lambda = eigObj$lambda, 
              phi = eigObj$phi, 
              xiEst = xiEst, 
              xiVar = xiVar, 
              obsGrid = obsGrid, 
              workGrid = workGrid, 
              mu = spline(x= obsGrid, y= mu, xout=  workGrid)$y, 
              smoothedCov = scsObj$smoothCov, 
              FVE = eigObj$cumFVE[eigObj$kChoosen], 
              cumFVE =  eigObj$cumFVE, 
              fittedCov = eigObj$fittedCovUser, 
              fittedCorr = eigObj$fittedCorrUser, 
              optns = optns, 
              bwMu = smcObj$bw_mu, 
              bwCov = scsObj$bwCov)
  if (optns$methodXi == 'CE') {
    ret$rho <- rho
  if (optns$fitEigenValues) {
    ret$fitLambda <- fitLambda
  ret$inputData <- inputData; # This will be potentially be NULL if `lean`
  class(ret) <- 'FPCA'
  # select number of components based on specified criterion # This should be move within MakeResultFPCA
  selectedK <- SelectK(fpcaObj = ret, criterion = optns$methodSelectK, FVEthreshold = optns$FVEthreshold)  
    ret$inputData <- inputData;
  } else {
    ret$inputData <- NULL

  ret <- append(ret, list(selectK = selectedK$K, criterionValue = selectedK$criterion))
  class(ret) <- 'FPCA'
  ret <- SubsetFPCA(fpcaObj = ret, K = ret$selectK)
  if(is.null(timestamps)) {
    timings = NULL;
  } else {
    timestamps = c(Sys.time(), timestamps)
    timings = round(digits=3, timestamps[1:4]-timestamps[5:8]);
    names(timings) <- c('total','mu','cov','pace')
  ret$timings = timings;

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fdapace documentation built on July 3, 2024, 5:08 p.m.