


df <- create_test_data()

df_ci <- df %>%
        filter(IndicatorName %in% c("Indicator 1", "Indicator 3")) %>%
        select(IndicatorName, AreaCode, Value) %>%
        pivot_wider(names_from = IndicatorName,
                    values_from = Value) %>%
        rename(Ind1 = `Indicator 1`,
               Ind3 = `Indicator 3`) %>%
        mutate(Ind2 = runif(nrow(.), min = Ind1 * 0.5, max = Ind1 * 1.5))
p <- compare_indicators(df_ci,
                        x = Ind1,
                        y = Ind3,
                        xlab = "Indicator 1 label",
                        ylab = "Indicator 3 label",
                        highlight_area = c("C001", "AC172"),
                        area = AreaCode,
                        add_R2 = TRUE)
test_that("compare indicators example draws correctly", {
        vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("compare indicators example",


df <- create_test_data()

df_trend <- df %>%
        arrange(IndicatorName) %>%
        mutate(Timeperiod = rep(c("2011", "2012", "2013", "2014", "2015", "2016"),
                                each = 111))
p <- trends(df_trend,
            timeperiod = Timeperiod,
            value = Value,
            area = AreaCode,
            comparator = "C001",
            area_name = "AC142",
            fill = Significance,
            lowerci = LCI,
            upperci = UCI,
            title = "Trend compared to country",
            subtitle = "For area AC142",
            xlab = "Year",
            ylab = "Value (%)")

test_that("trends example draws correctly", {
        vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("trends example",

agelevels <- c("0-4", "5-9","10-14","15-19",
areas <- c("Area 1", "Area 2", "Area 3")
pops <- data.frame(Age = factor(rep(agelevels, length(areas) * 2),
                                levels = agelevels),
                   Value = rep(sample(1000:3000, length(agelevels), replace = TRUE),
                               length(areas) * 2),
                   Sex = rep(rep(c("Male", "Female"),
                                 each = length(agelevels)), length(areas)),
                   AreaName = rep(areas, each = length(agelevels) * 2))

p <- population(pops,
                value = Value,
                sex = Sex,
                age = Age,
                area = AreaName,
                area_name = "Area 1",
                comparator_1 = "Area 3",
                comparator_2 = "Area 2",
                title = "Age Profile",
                subtitle = "2015/16",
                xlab = "% of total population")
test_that("population example draws correctly", {
        vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("population example",

df <- create_test_data()

df_box <- df %>%
        filter(AreaType == "Local") %>%
        arrange(IndicatorName) %>%
        mutate(Timeperiod = rep(c("2011", "2012", "2013", "2014", "2015", "2016"),
                                each = 100))
p <- box_plots(df_box,
               timeperiod = Timeperiod,
               value = Value,
               title = "Title of chart",
               subtitle = "Boxplot over time",
               ylab = "Proportion (%)")
test_that("box plot example draws correctly", {
        vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("box plot example",


test_that("map example draws correctly", {
        ons_api <- "https://opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/687f346f5023410ba86615655ff33ca9_4.geojson"

        p <- fingertipscharts::map(mapdata,
                                   ons_api = ons_api,
                                   area_code = AreaCode,
                                   fill = Significance,
                                   title = "Map example",
                                   subtitle = "An indicator for Upper Tier Local Authorities England",
                                   copyright_year = 2019)
        vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("map example",

df <- create_test_data() %>%
mutate(Value = case_when(
        grepl("2$|4$|6$", IndicatorName) ~ round(Value,1),
        TRUE ~ round(Value, 0)))
full_p <- area_profiles(df,
                        value = Value,
                        count = Count,
                        area_code = AreaCode,
                        local_area_code = "AC122",
                        indicator = IndicatorName,
                        timeperiod = Timeperiod,
                        trend = Trend,
                        polarity = Polarity,
                        significance = Significance,
                        area_type = AreaType,
                        median_line_area_code = "C001",
                        comparator_area_code = "PAC12",
                        datatable = TRUE,
                        relative_domain_text_size = 0.75,
                        relative_text_size = 1.2,
                        bar_width = 0.68,
                        indicator_label_nudgex = -0.1,
                        show_dividers = "outer",
                        header_positions = c(-1, -0.7, -0.44, -0.35, -0.25,
                                             -0.15, -0.05, 1.08),
                        dps = NA)
## An example with domains and non-default indicator ordering

df <- create_test_data()
label_order <- c(1, 2, 4, 3, 6, 5)
df <- df %>%
        mutate(IndicatorName = factor(IndicatorName,
                                      levels = paste("Indicator", label_order)))

p <- area_profiles(df,
                   value = Value,
                   count = Count,
                   area_code = AreaCode,
                   local_area_code = "AC122",
                   indicator = IndicatorName,
                   timeperiod = Timeperiod,
                   trend = Trend,
                   polarity = Polarity,
                   significance = Significance,
                   area_type = AreaType,
                   median_line_area_code = "C001",
                   comparator_area_code = "PAC12",
                   datatable = TRUE,
                   relative_domain_text_size = 0.75,
                   relative_text_size = 1.2,
                   bar_width = 0.68,
                   indicator_label_nudgex = -0.1,
                   show_dividers = "outer",
                   header_positions = c(-1, -0.7, -0.53, -0.35, -0.25,
                                        -0.15, -0.05, 1.05),
                   domain = Domain
test_that("area profiles example draws correctly", {
        vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("area profiles example",
        vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("area profiles full example",

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fingertipscharts documentation built on July 2, 2020, 2:59 a.m.