#' R6 class for Analyzing Fitbit Data
#' FitAnalyzer is an R6 class for analyzing Fitbit data. It is an opinionated implementation of a particular workflow for analysis.
#' For people attempting to conduct their own analysis in a different fashion you should use the more generic functions implemented in FitUtil. \cr \cr
#' The workflow implemented for FitAnalyzer is the following: \cr
#' 1. Create the FitAnalyzer with the goal variable for analysis. Eg: Calories or steps or distance. The goal variable is your personal goal that you are trying to analyze better. \cr
#' 2. Call \code{findImportantVariables} to understand the most important variables unique to you that enable meeting your goal. \cr
#' 3. Call \code{showMostImportantCharts} to get relevant charts that are unique to your data \cr
#' 4. Call \code{predictGoal} to get a prediction on performance of the goal \cr \cr
#' You can conduct two types of analysis based on the type of dataset in consideration. \code{analysis.type} can be '' or 'daily' analysis.
#' @docType class
#' @format A \code{\link{R6Class}} generator object
#' @keywords data
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @importFrom dplyr arrange
#' @importFrom caret varImp
#' @importFrom gbm gbm predict.gbm gbm.perf relative.influence
#' @export FitAnalyzer
#' @section Methods:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{getAnalysisFrame(folder, analysis.type)}}{This method uses \code{analysis.type} as an argument to return a data.frame that is clean and augmented with additional features like weekend.}
#' \item{\code{findImportantVariables(tsDataFrame, seed = 12345)}}{Finds the most important variables that are enabling meeting the goals for the person, by creating a `glm` model and ranking the variables based on the coefficients of the model.}
#' \item{\code{getFit()}}{Returns the `glm` fit object.}
#' \item{\code{showMostImportantCharts(tsDataFrame)}}{Plots charts for the most relevant goals, with actual data and moving average using \code{geom_smooth()}.
#' \cr \code{tsDataFrame}: a data.frame containing the fitibit activities.}
#' \item{\code{predictGoal(x)}}{Gives a prediction on the goal performance, based on `glm` (daily) or `gbm` (intraday).}
#' }
## Begin niraj9@ code
FitAnalyzer <- R6::R6Class (
public = list (
initialize = function (goal = "calories") {
private$goal <- goal
# Get Analysis frame
getAnalysisFrame = function (folder = NA, analysis.type) {
private$folder <- folder
private$analysis.type <- analysis.type
master <- NULL
if (analysis.type == "") {
master <-
master <-
} else {
master <-
master <-
master <-
master[master$valid == TRUE, ]
master <- augmentData(master)
return (master)
# Find important variables
findImportantVariables = function (tsDataFrame, seed = 12345) {
if (!is.null(private$fit)){
return (private$imp.vars)
ifelse(private$analysis.type == "",
return (private$imp.vars)
# Get fit
getFit = function () {
return (private$fit)
## End niraj9@ code
## Begin lassence@ code
# Plot most important charts
showMostImportantCharts = function (tsDataFrame) {
# Intraday plot
if (private$analysis.type == "") {
# Get important variables
intra.vars <- names(sort(private$imp.vars, decreasing = TRUE))
intra.vars <- intra.vars[grep('intra.', intra.vars)]
# Plot chart for 4 most important variables
buildChartIntra(data = tsDataFrame,
y.axes = intra.vars[1:4])
# Day time series plot
} else {
data = tsDataFrame,
y.axes = unlist(private$imp.vars$name)[1:4])
## End lassence@ code
## Begin niraj9@ code
# Predict goals
predictGoal = function (x) {
response <- NULL
response <-
ifelse (private$analysis.type == "",
gbm::predict.gbm(private$fit, newdata = x,
n.trees = private$,
newdata =,
type = "response"))
return (response)
# Private variables
private = list (
folder = NULL,
goal = NULL,
imp.vars = NULL,
analysis.type = NULL,
fit = NULL, = NULL,
createDailyFrameFit = function (master) {
y <-
createGoalVariableVector(master, goal = private$goal)
x <-
createDependentVariableFrame(master, goal = private$goal) <-
glm(y ~ ., data = x, family = "gaussian")
imp <- caret::varImp(, scale = TRUE)
imp$name <- rownames(imp)
imp <- dplyr::arrange(imp, -Overall)
private$fit <-
private$imp.vars <- imp
createIntraFit = function (master, cv.folds) {
master$date <- NULL
gbm.txt <- paste("gbm::gbm(formula = " ,
private$goal ,
"~ .,data = master,
distribution = 'gaussian',
n.trees = 500,
shrinkage = .05,
interaction.depth = 5,
bag.fraction = .5,
train.fraction = .8,
verbose = FALSE)", sep = "") <- eval(parse(text = gbm.txt))
private$fit <-
private$ <-
gbm::gbm.perf(, method = "test", = FALSE)
private$imp.vars <-
gbm::relative.influence(, n.trees = 500, scale = TRUE)
private$imp.vars <- sort(private$imp.vars, decreasing = TRUE)
## End niraj9@ code
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