sub-.fixest_panel: Method to subselect from a 'fixest_panel'

[.fixest_panelR Documentation

Method to subselect from a fixest_panel


Subselection from a fixest_panel which has been created with the function panel. Also allows to create lag/lead variables with functions l/f if the fixest_panel is also a data.table::data.table.


## S3 method for class 'fixest_panel'
x[i, j, ...]



A fixest_panel object, created with the function panel.


Row subselection. Allows data.table::data.table style selection (provided the data is also a data.table).


Variable selection. Allows data.table::data.table style selection/variable creation (provided the data is also a data.table).


Other arguments to be passed to ⁠[.data.frame⁠ or data.table::data.table (or whatever the class of the initial data).


If the original data was also a data.table, some calls to ⁠[.fixest_panel⁠ may dissolve the fixest_panel object and return a regular data.table. This is the case for subselections with additional arguments. If so, a note is displayed on the console.


It returns a fixest_panel data base, with the attributes allowing to create lags/leads properly bookkeeped.


Laurent Berge

See Also

Alternatively, the function panel changes a data.frame into a panel from which the functions l and f (creating leads and lags) can be called. Otherwise you can set the panel 'live' during the estimation using the argument (see for example in the function feols).



# Creating a fixest_panel object
pdat = panel(base_did, ~id+period)

# Subselections of fixest_panel objects bookkeeps the leads/lags engine
pdat_small = pdat[!pdat$period %in% c(2, 4), ]
a = feols(y~l(x1, 0:1), pdat_small)

# we obtain the same results, had we created the lags "on the fly"
base_small = base_did[!base_did$period %in% c(2, 4), ]
b = feols(y~l(x1, 0:1), base_small, = ~id+period)
etable(a, b)

# Using data.table to create new lead/lag variables
  pdat_dt = panel(, ~id+period)

  # Variable creation
  pdat_dt[, x_l1 := l(x1)]
  pdat_dt[, c("x_l1", "x_f1_2") := .(l(x1), f(x1)**2)]

  # Estimation on a subset of the data
  #  (the lead/lags work appropriately)
  feols(y~l(x1, 0:1), pdat_dt[!period %in% c(2, 4)])

fixest documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:12 a.m.