trade: Trade data sample

tradeR Documentation

Trade data sample


This data reports trade information between countries of the European Union (EU15).




trade is a data frame with 38,325 observations and 6 variables named Destination, Origin, Product, Year, dist_km and Euros.

  • Origin: 2-digits codes of the countries of origin of the trade flow.

  • Destination: 2-digits codes of the countries of destination of the trade flow.

  • Products: Number representing the product categories (from 1 to 20).

  • Year: Years from 2007 to 2016

  • dist_km: Geographic distance in km between the centers of the countries of origin and destination.

  • Euros: The total amount in euros of the trade flow for the specific year/product category/origin-destination country pair.


This data has been extrated from Eurostat on October 2017.

fixest documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:12 a.m.