
#' Fast and User-Friendly Fixed-Effects Estimations
#' The package \pkg{fixest} provides a family of functions to perform estimations 
#' with multiple fixed-effects. Standard-errors can be easily and intuitively clustered. 
#' It also includes tools to seamlessly export the results of various estimations.
#' * To get started, look at the [introduction](https://cran.r-project.org/package=fixest/vignettes/fixest_walkthrough.html).
#' The main features are:
#' * Estimation. The core functions are: [`feols`], [`feglm`] and [`femlm`] to 
#' estimate, respectively, linear models, generalized linear models and maximum likelihood 
#' models with multiple fixed-effects. The function [`feNmlm`] allows the inclusion of 
#' non-linear in parameters right hand sides. Finally [`fepois`][fixest::feglm] 
#' and [`fenegbin`][fixest::femlm] are shorthands to estimate Poisson and Negative 
#' Binomial models.
#' * Multiple estimations: You can perform multiple estimations at once with 
#' the [`stepwise`] functions. It's then very easy to manipulate multiple results 
#' with the associated methods. See an introduction in the dedicated vignette: 
#' [Multiple estimations](https://cran.r-project.org/package=fixest/vignettes/multiple_estimations.html)
#' * Easy and flexible clustering of standard-errors. By using the arguments `vcov` 
#' and `ssc` (see [`summary.fixest`]). To have a sense of how the standard errors are computed, 
#' see the vignette [On standard-errors](https://lrberge.github.io/fixest/articles/standard_errors.html).
#' * Visualization and exportation of results. You can visualize the results of 
#' multiple estimations in R, or export them in Latex using the function [`etable`]. 
#' This vignette details how to customize the Latex tables: [Exporting estimation tables](https://lrberge.github.io/fixest/articles/exporting_tables.html).
#' * Plot multiple results. You can plot the coefficients and confidence intervals of 
#' estimations easily with the function [`coefplot`]. This function also offers a specific 
#' layout for interactions.
#' @references
#' Berge, Laurent, 2018, "Efficient estimation of maximum likelihood models 
#' with multiple fixed-effects: the R package FENmlm." CREA Discussion Papers, 
#' 13 ([](https://github.com/lrberge/fixest/blob/master/_DOCS/FENmlm_paper.pdf)).
#' @keywords internal

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fixest documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:12 a.m.