
Defines functions getIC print.cwm.IC whichBest getBestModel getCluster getPosterior getSize getParPrior getParConcomitant getSize getParXmult getParXpois getParXnorm getParXbin .mygrep getPar getParGLM .ICnames .familyY

Documented in getBestModel getCluster getIC getPar getParConcomitant getParGLM getParPrior getParXbin getParXmult getParXnorm getParXpois getPosterior getSize print.cwm.IC whichBest

getIC <- function(object,criteria){
  if(missing(criteria)) criteria <- .ICnames()
  else criteria <- match.arg(criteria, .ICnames(),several.ok =TRUE) 
  lc <- length(criteria)
  lm <- length(object$models)
  res <- matrix(NA,lm,lc,dimnames=list(1:length(object$models),criteria))
  df <- data.frame(k=1:lm)
  for(i in 1:lm){
    obj <- object$models[[i]]
    df$normal.model[i] <-df$familyY[i] <-NA
      res[i,] <- sapply(1:lc, FUN=function(j) obj$IC[[criteria[j]]])
      if(!is.null(obj$concomitant$normal.model)) df$normal.model[i] <- as.character(obj$concomitant$normal.model)
      fam <- .getFamily(object,i)
      if(!is.null(fam)) df$familyY[i] <-.getFamily(object,i)
    df$k[i] <- obj$k
  attributes(res) <- c(attributes(res),df)
  class(res) <- "cwm.IC"
.getFamily <- function (object,i){
  if (length(object$models[[i]]$GLModel)>0){
    fam <- family(object$models[[i]]$GLModel[[1]]$model)   
    paste0(fam$family, "(",fam$link,")")}
print.cwm.IC <- function(x, digits = max(3L, getOption("digits") - 2L),...){
  class(x) <-"matrix"
  d <- data.frame(x)
  if (!is.null(attributes(x)$normal.model)){
    d <- data.frame(model= attributes(x)$normal.model,d)
  if (!is.null(attributes(x)$familyY)){
    d <- data.frame(familyY= attributes(x)$familyY,d)
  d <- data.frame(k = attributes(x)$k,d)
whichBest <- function(object, criteria=NULL, k=NULL, modelXnorm=NULL, familyY=NULL){
#returns the best model(s) according to one or more information criteria.
  if(is.null(criteria)) criteria <- .ICnames()
  else criteria <- match.arg(criteria, .ICnames(),several.ok =TRUE)
  if (!is.null(familyY)){
    familyY <- .familyY(familyY)
    familyY <- sapply(1:length(familyY),function(i) paste0(familyY[[i]]$family,"(",familyY[[i]]$link,")"))
  a   <- getIC(object,criteria)
  w <- TRUE
  if(!is.null(k))  w <- w & attr(a,"k") %in% k
  if(!is.null(modelXnorm))  w <- w & attr(a,"normal.model") %in% modelXnorm
  if(!is.null(familyY))  w <- w & attr(a,"familyY") %in% familyY
  a <-a[w,,drop=FALSE]
  if (!any(w)) stop("No model matches the conditions specified.")
  foo <- integer(length(criteria))
  for(i in 1:length(criteria)) {
    roo <- which(t(a[,i])==max(a[,i], na.rm = TRUE))
    if (length(roo) ==0) {
      foo[i]  <- NaN 
    }else { foo[i]  <-roo}
  best <- strtoi(rownames(a)[foo])
  names(best) <- criteria
getBestModel <- function(object,criterion="BIC",k=NULL,modelXnorm=NULL, familyY=NULL){
  if(!class(object)=="cwm") stop("object is not a class cwm object")
  criterion <- match.arg(criterion,.ICnames())
  n <- whichBest(object=object,criteria=criterion,k=k,modelXnorm=modelXnorm,familyY=familyY)
  if (length(n)>1) stop("More than one model matches the conditions specified.")
  foo <- object$models[[n]]
  object$models <- NULL
  object$models[[1]] <- foo
getCluster <- function(object, ...){
  best <- getBestModel(object,...)
getPosterior<- function(object, ...){
  best <- getBestModel(object,...)
getSize<- function(object, ...){
  best <- getBestModel(object,...)
getParPrior<- function(object, ...){
  best <- getBestModel(object,...)
getParConcomitant<- function(object,name=NULL, ...){
  m <- getBestModel(object,...)$models[[1]]$concomitant
  if (!is.null(name)) name <- match.arg(name,c("multinomial","poisson","normal","binomial"),several.ok = TRUE)
  else name <- c("multinomial","poisson","normal","binomial") 
  res <- list()
  if ("normal" %in% name & !is.null(m[["normal.mu"]])) res <- c(res,m["normal.mu"], m["normal.Sigma"])
  if ("binomial" %in% name & !is.null(m[["binomial.p"]])) res <- c(res, m["binomial.p"])
  if ("poisson" %in% name & !is.null(m[["poisson.lambda"]])) res <- c(res, m["poisson.lambda"])
  if ("multinomial" %in% name & !is.null(m[["multinomial.probs"]])) res <- c(res, m["multinomial.probs"])
getSize<- function(object, ...){
getParXmult <- function(object, ...)getParConcomitant(object, name="multinomial",...)
getParXpois <- function(object, ...)getParConcomitant(object, name="poisson",...)
getParXnorm <- function(object, ...)getParConcomitant(object, name="normal",...)
getParXbin <- function(object, ...)getParConcomitant(object, name="binomial",...)
.mygrep <- function(string,name) {
  substring(string, 1, 2) %in% substring(name,1,2)
getPar <- function(object, ...){
  best <- getBestModel(object,...)
getParGLM <- function(object, ...){
  best <- getBestModel(object,...)
  obj  <- best$models[[1]]
  if (!is.null(obj$GLModel)){
  lr <- lapply(seq_len(obj$k), function(i){
    par <- obj$GLModel[[i]]
  names(lr) <- paste0("GLMComp.",seq_len(obj$k))
  } else NULL

.ModelNames <- function (model){
  type <- switch(EXPR = as.character(model), E = "univariate, equal variance", 
                 V = "univariate, unequal variance", EII = "spherical, equal volume", 
                 VII = "spherical, varying volume", EEI = "diagonal, equal volume and shape", 
                 VEI = "diagonal, equal shape", EVI = "diagonal, equal volume, varying shape", 
                 VVI = "diagonal, varying volume and shape", EEE = "ellipsoidal, equal volume, shape and orientation", 
                 VEE = "ellipsoidal, equal shape and orientation", EVE = "ellipsoidal, equal volume and orientation", 
                 VVE = "ellipsoidal, equal orientation", EEV = "ellipsoidal, equal volume and shape", 
                 VEV = "ellipsoidal, equal shape", EVV = "ellipsoidal, equal volume", 
                 VVV = "ellipsoidal, varying volume, shape, and orientation", 
                 X = "univariate normal", XII = "spherical multivariate normal", 
                 XXI = "diagonal multivariate normal", XXX = "ellipsoidal multivariate normal", 
                 warning("invalid model"))
  return(list(model = model, type = type))
.ICnames <- function(x=NULL){
  v <- c("AIC", "AICc", "AICu", "AIC3", "AWE","BIC", "CAIC", "ICL")
  if (is.null(x)) return(v)
  else return (v[x])

.familyY <- function(familyY){
  if (!is.list(familyY) || !is.null(familyY$family)) familyY <- list(familyY=familyY)
  for (i in 1:length(familyY))
    if (is.character(familyY[[i]])){
      familyYname <- match.arg(familyY[[i]],c("gaussian","poisson","binomial","Gamma","student.t","inverse.gaussian"))
      familyY[[i]] <- do.call(familyYname, list())
  else if (is.function(familyY[[i]])) familyY[[i]] <- familyY[[i]]()

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flexCWM documentation built on March 31, 2020, 5:22 p.m.