Man pages for flexrsurv
Flexible Relative Survival Analysis

FlexrsurvFit Relative Survival Model
flexrsurv-internalInternal Objects and functions for the 'flexrsurv ' package
FlexrsurvLTFit Relative Survival Model and Correct Life Tables
FlexrsurvpackagePackage for flexible relative survival analyses
getBrassHazardFromTableCompute expected hazards with respect to a corrected...
getHazardFromTablecomputes expected hazards with respect to a reference life...
getPseudoHazardFromTableComputes expected hazards with respect to a reference life...
logLikLog-Likelihood and the number of observations for a...
NLLNon Log-Linear effect
NLLbetaNPHalphaNon Log-Linear effect and non proportional effect
NPHNon Proportional Hazard effect
NPHNLLNon Proportional Hazard and Non Log-Linear effect
predictCLTPredictions for relational life table model
predict.flexrsurvPredictions for a relative survival model
predictSplineGeneric method for prediction of spline function
print.flexrsurvPrint a Short Summary of a Relative Survival Model
summary.flexrsurvSummarizing Flexible Relative Survival Model Fits
WCEIWeighted cumulative exposure index
flexrsurv documentation built on June 7, 2023, 5:09 p.m.