
Defines functions migrate

Documented in migrate

#' @title Range Estimation
#' @description  Practical range estimation of birds using methods in Pennycuick (1998)
#' and Pennycuick (2008).
#' @author Brian Masinde
#' @name migrate
#' @param file The name of the file which the data are to read from
#' @param header Logical. If TRUE use first row as column headers
#' @param sep separator
#' @param quote The set of quoting characters. see read.csv
#' @param dec The character used in the file for decimal points
#' @param fill See read.csv
#' @param comment.char For more details see read.csv
#' @param ... further arguments see read.csv
#' @param data A data frame
#' @param settings A list for re-defining constants. See details
#' @param method Methods for fuel management
#' @param speed_control One of two speed control methods. By default
#'        \emph{constant_speed} is used. \emph{vvmp_constant} is the alternative.
#'        The former holds the true airspeed constant while the latter holds the
#'        ratio of true airspeed and minimum power speed constant
#' @param protein_met Percentage of energy attributed to protein and metabolism
#' @details The option *control takes the folowing arguments
#' \itemize{
#'    \item ppc: Profile power constant
#'    \item eFat: Energy content of fuel from fat
#'    \item eProtein: Energy content of protein
#'    \item g: Accelaration due to gravity
#'    \item mce: Mechanical conversion efficiency [0,1]
#'    \item ipf: Induced power factor
#'    \item vcp: Ventilation and circulation power
#'    \item airDensity: Air density at cruising altitude
#'    \item bdc: Body drag coefficient
#'    \item alpha: Basal metabolism factors in passerines and non passerines
#'    \item delta: Basal metabolism factors in passerines and non passerines
#'    alpha*bodyMass^delta
#'    \item invPower
#'    \item speedRatio: True air speed to minimum power speed ratio
#'    \item muscDensity: Density of the flight muscles.
#'    \item phr: Protein hydration ratio
#' @include control.R input_match.R misc_functions.R constant_muscle_mass.R
#' @return S3 class object with range estimates based on methods defined and
#'        settings
#' \itemize{
#'    \item data as a data frame
#'    \item range estimates (Km)
#'    \item fuel
#'    \item settings (named vector)
#' }
#' @import Rcpp
#' @export migrate
#' @examples
#' migrate(data = birds, settings = list(eFat = 3.89*10^7))
#' migrate(data = birds,  method = "cmm", settings = list(airDensity = 0.905))
#' @usage migrate(file, header = TRUE, sep = ",", quote = "\"", dec = ".",
#'                fill = TRUE, comment.char = "", ...,
#'                data = NULL, settings = list(), method = "cmm",
#'                speed_control = "constant_speed", protein_met = 0)

migrate <- function(file, header = TRUE, sep = ",", quote = "\"", dec = ".",
                    fill = TRUE, comment.char = "", ...,
                    data = NULL, settings = list(), method = "cmm",
                    speed_control = "constant_speed", protein_met = 0) {

  # object with results
  results <- list(
    range = vector(),
    #dist = data.frame(), not req (increment by same amount)
    bodyMass = list(),
    fatMass = list(),
    muscleMass = list(),
    mechPow = list(),
    chemPow = list()

  # both file and data not given throw an error
  if (missing(file) == TRUE & is.null(data) == TRUE) {
    stop("Data not found \n", call. = TRUE)

  if (missing(file) == FALSE & is.null(data) == FALSE) {
    stop("Both path and data given. Function needs only one of the two \n", call. = TRUE)

  if(speed_control != "constant_speed" & speed_control != "vvmp_constant") {
    stop("Wrong speed control  argument \n", call. = TRUE)

  # min_protein < 0 or > 1 throw error
  if(protein_met < 0 || protein_met > 1) {
    stop("min_protein within [0,1] \n", call. = TRUE)

  # process data
  if(missing(file) == FALSE) {
    dataRead <- read.csv(file = file, header = header, sep = sep,quote = quote,
                         dec = dec, fill = fill, comment.char,
                         stringsAsFactors = FALSE, ...)
    data <- .colnames.match(dataRead)
  } else {
    data <- .colnames.match(data)

  # control constants using default vs supplied
  if(missing(settings) == TRUE) {
    cons <- .control()
  } else {
    cons <- .control(settings)

  if(method == "cmm") {
    simulation <- .constant.muscle.mass(data, cons, speed_control, protein_met)
  } else if(method == "csw") {
    simulation <- .constant.specific.work(data, cons, speed_control, protein_met)
  } else if(method == "csp") {
    simulation <-  .constant.specific.power(data, cons, speed_control, protein_met)

  # aggregate dist from simulation to get range in Km
  results$range <- sapply(simulation$dist, function(x) sum(x)/1000)

  # range as named vectors
  if (!is.null(data$name)) {
    names(results$range) <- as.vector(data$name)
    for(i in 1:length(simulation)) {
        names(simulation[[i]]) <- as.vector(data$name)
  } else {
    names(results$range) <- as.vector(data$ID)
    for(i in 1:length(simulation)) {
      names(simulation[[i]]) <- as.vector(data$ID)

  # store the rest of results
  results$mechPow <- simulation$mechPow
  results$bodyMass <- simulation$bm
  results$fatMass <- simulation$fm
  results$chemPow <- simulation$E

  # return object of class migrate
  class(results) <- append(class(results), "migrate")


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flying documentation built on Feb. 13, 2020, 5:07 p.m.