
print.fptl <-
function (x, ...) 
    if (!is.fptl(x)) 
        stop(paste(sQuote("x"), "is not of class", shQuote("fptl")))
    cutoff <- options()$deparse.cutoff
    options(deparse.cutoff = 175)
    cat("\nAn object of class", shQuote("fptl"), "containing")
    cat("\n   $ x: a sequence of ", length(x$x), " values from ", 
        format(x$x[1], ...), " to ", format(x$x[length(x$x)], 
            ...), sep = "")
    cat("\n   $ y: the values of the FPTL function on x")
    print(attr(x, "Call"))
    dp <- attr(x, "Call")[["dp"]]
    if (is.name(dp)) 
        cat("\n", dp, ":", sep = "")
    else cat("\ndp:")
    print(attr(x, "dp"))
    v <- attr(x, "vars")
    if (!is.null(v)) {
        cat("Values of names which occur in Call (except in dp argument):\n")
    options(deparse.cutoff = cutoff)

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fptdApprox documentation built on Nov. 2, 2023, 5:07 p.m.