plot.jointSurroMed: Plot Method for a joint surrogate mediation analysis model.

plot.jointSurroMedR Documentation

Plot Method for a joint surrogate mediation analysis model.


Plots the estimated functions associated with the mediation analysis, i.e. g(s), R(t) as well as the natural direct, indirect and total effects. An option to plot the confidence bands of the function g(s) is available. This option is also implemented for the confidence bands of the functions R(t) and of the natural effects if these confidence bands are available.


## S3 method for class 'jointSurroMed'
legend.pos = "topleft",...)



An object of class jointSurroMed from a joint surrogate model with a mediation analysis for longitudinal outcome and a terminal event, i.e., an output from calling jointSurroPenal function with the option 'mediation' set to TRUE.


A character string specifying the desired plot. Possible values are "All", "g","Rt" or "Effects". The default is "All" which displays all three plots.


A character string specifying the type of curve for the baseline hazards functions. Possible value are "Hazard", or "Survival".


Logical value. Determines whether confidence bands should be plotted. The default is to do so if the confidence bands are available.


An integer specifying for which endpoint should the baseline curves be plotted. Possible values are 0 for the surrogate endpoint only and 1 for the final endpoint or 2 for both. Default is 2.


The location of the legend can be specified by setting this argument to a single keyword from the list '"bottomright"', '"bottom"', '"bottomleft"', '"left"', '"topleft"', '"top"', '"topright"', '"right"' and '"center"'. The default is '"topleft"'


other unused arguments.


Print one or several plots for the mediation analysis of a joint surrogate model

See Also


frailtypack documentation built on June 27, 2024, 5:08 p.m.