Man pages for freesurferformats
Read and Write 'FreeSurfer' Neuroimaging File Formats

adjust.face.indices.toAdjust integer matrix to target min value.
annot.max.region.idxGet max region index of an fs.annot instance.
annot.uniqueMake the region names and indices unique across hemispheres...
assert.surfaceStop unless surf is an fs.surface
bvsmpCreate new bvsmp instance encoding morph data for...
cdataCreate CDATA element string from string.
check_data_and_settings_consistencyWarn about common errors in combining data and datatype.
check.dtype.for.dataCheck whether the dtype is suitable for the data. vertex index closest to given query coordinate using...
colortable.from.annotExtract color lookup table (LUT) from annotation. coordinate vector into string.
delete_all_opt_dataDelete all data in the package cache.
doapply.transform.mtxApply a spatial transformation matrix to the given...
download_opt_dataDownload optional data for the freesurferformats package.
euclidian.distCompute Euclidean distance. quadrangular faces or polygons to triangular ones. tris faces to quad faces by simple merging.
fileopen.gz.or.notGet connection to a binary file, gz or not.
filepath.ends.withCheck whether filepath ends with extension.
fixed.vec.format.intWrite fixed width integers to one or several lines.
flip2DFlip a 2D matrix.
flip3DFlip a 3D array along an axis.
fread3Read 3-byte integer.
fs.get.morph.file.ext.for.formatDetermine morphometry file extension from format
fs.get.morph.file.format.from.filenameDetermine morphometry file format from filename
fs.patchConstructor for fs.patch an rgl tmesh3d instance from a brain surface mesh.
fwrite3Write 3-byte integer.
get.dti.trk.endiannessDetermine endianness of TRK file.
get_opt_data_filepathAccess a single file from the package cache by its file name.
get.slice.orientationCompute MGH orientation string and direction
gifti_writerWrite data to a gifti file.
gifti_xmlGet GIFTI XML representation of data.
gifti_xml_add_global_metadataAdd metadata to GIFTI XML tree.
giftixml_add_labeltable_from_annotAdd a label tabel from an annotation to a GIFTI XML tree.
giftixml_add_labeltable_posnegAdd a standard label tabel for to a GIFTI XML tree.
gifti_xml_writeWrite XML tree to a gifti file. whether a file is gzipped.
has_pandocCheck for pandoc availability on system. 32 bit integer to RGB color as described in...
is.bvsmpCheck whether object is a bvsmp instance.
is.fs.annotCheck whether object is an fs.annot
is.fs.labelCheck whether object is an fs.label
is.fs.surfaceCheck whether object is an fs.surface
is.fs.volumeCheck whether object is an fs.volume
is.mghheaderCheck whether object is an mghheader
linesplit.fixedSplit a string into fixed-length parts.
list_opt_dataGet file names available in package cache.
mghheaderConstructor to init MGH header instance.
mghheader.centervoxelRAS.from.firstvoxelRASCompute RAS coords of center voxel. MGH volume orientation string. whether an MGH volume is conformed. whether header contains valid ras information
mghheader.primary.slice.directionCompute MGH primary slice direction
mghheader.ras2voxCompute ras2vox matrix from basic MGH header fields.
mghheader.ras2vox.tkregCompute ras2vox-tkreg matrix from basic MGH header fields.
mghheader.scanner2tkregCompute scanner-RAS 2 tkreg-RAS matrix from basic MGH header...
mghheader.tkreg2scannerCompute tkreg-RAS to scanner-RAS matrix from basic MGH header...
mghheader.update.from.vox2rasUpdate mghheader fields from vox2ras matrix.
mghheader.vox2rasCompute vox2ras matrix from basic MGH header fields.
mghheader.vox2ras.tkregCompute vox2ras-tkreg matrix from basic MGH header fields.
mghheader.vox2voxCompute vox2vox matrix between two volumes. whether an MGH volume is conformed.
mni152regGet fsaverage (MNI305) to MNI152 transformation matrix.
mri_dtype_numbytesGet size of MRI dtype in bytes.
ni1header.for.dataCreate NIFTI v1 header suitable for given data.
ni1header.templateCreate a template NIFTI v1 header. You will have to adapt it...
ni2header.for.dataCreate NIFTI v2 header suitable for given data.
ni2header.templateCreate a template NIFTI v2 header. You will have to adapt it...
nifti.datadim.from.dimfieldCompute data dimensions from the 'dim' field of the NIFTI (v1... NIFTI dim field for data dimension.
nifti.dtype.infoCompute NIFTI v1 data type info from datatype and bitpix...
nifti.field.check.lengthCheck whether vector has expected length.
nifti.field.check.nchar.maxCheck whether character string fields have less than or equal...
nifti.file.uses.fshackDetermine whether a NIFTI file uses the FreeSurfer hack.
nifti.file.versionDetermine NIFTI file version information and whether file is...
nifti.header.checkPerform basic sanity checks on NIFTI header data. These are... NIFTI space unit info from xyzt_units header field.
nifti.time.infoCompute NIFTI time unit info from xyzt_units header field.
nifti.transform.type.nameGet the name of the transform type from a form code.
parse.stl.ascii.faceParse a single ASCII STL face.
parse.transform.matrix.linesParse matrix from text file lines.
ply.header.linesGenerate PLY format header lines polygon soup into indexed mesh.
print.fs.annotPrint description of a brain atlas or annotation.
print.fs.labelPrint description of a brain surface label.
print.fs.patchPrint description of a brain surface patch.
print.fs.surfacePrint description of a brain surface.
print.fs.volumePrint description of a brain volume. RAS coordinates, as used in volumes by applying... MNI talairach coordinates from RAS coords.
readable.filesFind files with the given base name and extensions that...
readcolortableRead binary colortable in v2 format.
readcolortable_oldformatRead binary colortable in old format.
read.dti.tckRead DTI tracking data from file in MRtrix 'TCK' format.
read.dti.trkRead fiber tracks from Diffusion Toolkit in trk format.
read.dti.tsfRead DTI tracking per-coord data from file in MRtrix 'TSF'...
read.element.counts.ply.headerDetermine element counts from PLY file header.
read.fixed.char.binaryRead fixed length char, possibly containing embedded zeroes,...
read.fs.annotRead file in FreeSurfer annotation format
read.fs.annot.giiRead an annotation or label in GIFTI format.
read.fs.colortableRead colortable file in FreeSurfer ASCII LUT format.
read.fs.curvRead file in FreeSurfer curv format
read.fs.gcaRead FreeSurfer GCA file.
read.fs.labelRead a label file.
read.fs.label.giiRead a label from a GIFTI label/annotation file.
read.fs.label.nativeRead file in FreeSurfer label format
read.fs.mghRead file in FreeSurfer MGH or MGZ format
read.fs.morphRead morphometry data file in any FreeSurfer format.
read.fs.morph.ascRead morphometry data from ASCII curv format file
read.fs.morph.bvsmpRead Brainvoyager vertex-wise statistical surface data from...
read.fs.morph.ciftiRead surface morphometry data from CIFTI dscalar files.
read.fs.morph.giiRead morphometry data file in GIFTI format.
read.fs.morph.ni1Read morphometry data from FreeSurfer NIFTI v1 format files.
read.fs.morph.ni2Read morphometry data from FreeSurfer NIFTI v2 format files.
read.fs.morph.niiRead morphometry data from FreeSurfer NIFTI format files,...
read.fs.morph.txtRead morphometry data from plain text file
read.fs.patchRead FreeSurfer binary or ASCII patch file.
read.fs.patch.ascRead FreeSurfer ASCII format patch.
read.fs.surfaceRead file in FreeSurfer surface format or various mesh...
read.fs.surface.ascRead FreeSurfer ASCII format surface.
read.fs.surface.bvsrfRead Brainvoyager srf format (.srf) mesh as surface.
read.fs.surface.byuRead mesh in BYU format.
read.fs.surface.geoRead GEO format mesh as surface.
read.fs.surface.giiRead GIFTI format mesh as surface.
read.fs.surface.icoRead ICO format mesh as surface.
read.fs.surface.mz3Read surface mesh in mz3 format, used by Surf-Ice.
read.fs.surface.objRead OBJ format mesh as surface.
read.fs.surface.offRead Object File Format (OFF) mesh as surface.
read.fs.surface.plyRead Stanford PLY format mesh as surface.
read.fs.surface.stlRead mesh in STL format, auto-detecting ASCII versus binary...
read.fs.surface.stl.asciiRead surface mesh in STL ASCII format.
read.fs.surface.stl.binRead surface mesh in STL binary format.
read.fs.surface.vtkRead VTK ASCII format mesh as surface.
read.fs.transformLoad transformation matrix from a file.
read.fs.transform.datLoad transformation matrix from a tkregister dat file.
read.fs.transform.ltaLoad transformation matrix from a FreeSurfer linear transform...
read.fs.transform.xfmLoad transformation matrix from an XFM file.
read.fs.volumeRead volume file in MGH, MGZ or NIFTI format
read.fs.volume.niiTurn a 3D or 4D 'oro.nifti' instance into an 'fs.volume'...
read.fs.weightRead file in FreeSurfer weight or w format
read.fs.weight.ascRead ASCII version of FreeSurfer weight file.
read.mesh.brainvoyagerRead Brainvoyager srf format (.srf) mesh.
read.nifti1.dataRead raw NIFTI v1 data from file (which may contain the...
read.nifti1.headerRead NIFTI v1 header from file (which may contain the...
read.nifti1.header.internalRead NIFTI v1 header from file (which may contain the...
read.nifti2.dataRead raw data from NIFTI v2 file.
read.nifti2.headerRead NIFTI v2 header from file.
read.nifti2.header.internalRead NIFTI v2 header from file.
read_nisurfaceRead a surface, based on the file path without extension.
read_nisurfacefileS3 method to read a neuroimaging surface file.
read_nisurfacefile.fsasciiRead a FreeSurfer ASCII surface file.
read_nisurfacefile.fsnativeRead a FreeSurfer ASCII surface file.
read_nisurfacefile.giftiRead a gifti file as a surface.
read.smp.brainvoyagerRead Brainvoyager statistical surface results from SMP file.
read.smp.brainvoyager.v1or2Read Brainvoyager statistical surface results from v1 or v2...
read.smp.brainvoyager.v3Read Brainvoyager statistical surface results from v3 SMP...
read.smp.brainvoyager.v4or5Read Brainvoyager statistical surface results from v4 or v5...
rotate2DRotate a 2D matrix in 90 degree steps.
rotate3DRotate a 3D array in 90 degree steps.
rotate90Rotate 2D matrix clockwise in 90 degree steps.
scannScan exactly n values from source string.
sm0to1Adapt spatial transformation matrix for 1-based indices.
sm1to0Adapt spatial transformation matrix for 0-based indices. whether a mesh file in STL format is the ASCII or the... surface RAS coordinates, as used in surface... Talairach RAS for surface RAS (e.g., vertex... MNI talairach coordinates from RAS coords.
translate.mri.dtypeTranslate between code and name of MRI data types. Euclidean distance from all mesh vertices to given...
vertex.euclid.distCompute Euclidean distance between two vertices v1 and v2.
write.fs.annotWrite annotation to binary file.
write.fs.annot.giiWrite annotation to GIFTI file.
write.fs.colortableWrite colortable file in FreeSurfer ASCII LUT format.
write.fs.curvWrite file in FreeSurfer curv format
write.fs.labelWrite vertex indices to file in FreeSurfer label format
write.fs.label.giiWrite a binary surface label in GIFTI format.
write.fs.mghWrite file in FreeSurfer MGH or MGZ format
write.fs.morphWrite morphometry data in a format derived from the given...
write.fs.morph.ascWrite file in FreeSurfer ASCII curv format
write.fs.morph.giiWrite morphometry data in GIFTI format.
write.fs.morph.ni1Write morphometry data in NIFTI v1 format.
write.fs.morph.ni2Write morphometry data in NIFTI v2 format.
write.fs.morph.smpWrite morphometry data in Brainvoyager SMP format.
write.fs.morph.txtWrite curv data to file in simple text format
write.fs.patchWrite a surface patch
write.fs.surfaceWrite mesh to file in FreeSurfer binary surface format
write.fs.surface.ascWrite mesh to file in FreeSurfer ASCII surface format
write.fs.surface.bvsrfWrite surface to Brainvoyager SRF file.
write.fs.surface.byuWrite mesh to file in BYU ASCII format.
write.fs.surface.giiWrite mesh to file in GIFTI surface format
write.fs.surface.mz3Write mesh to file in mz3 binary format.
write.fs.surface.objWrite mesh to file in Wavefront object (.obj) format
write.fs.surface.offWrite mesh to file in Object File Format (.off) mesh to file in Object File Format (.off) or PLY2...
write.fs.surface.plyWrite mesh to file in PLY format (.ply)
write.fs.surface.ply2Write mesh to file in PLY2 File Format (.ply2)
write.fs.surface.vtkWrite mesh to file in VTK ASCII format
write.fs.weightWrite file in FreeSurfer weight format
write.fs.weight.ascWrite file in FreeSurfer weight ASCII format
write.nifti1Write header and data to a file in NIFTI v1 format.
write.nifti2Write header and data to a file in NIFTI v2 format.
write.smp.brainvoyagerWrite a brainvoyager SMP file.
write.smp.brainvoyager.v2Write a brainvoyager v2 SMP file.
write.smp.brainvoyager.v3or4or5Write a brainvoyager v3, v4 or v5 SMP file.
xml_node_gifti_coordtransformCreate XML GIFTI CoordinateSystemTransformMatrix node.
xml_node_gifti_labelCreate XML GIFTI Label node.
xml_node_gifti_label_tableCreate XML GIFTI LabelTable node.
xml_node_gifti_label_table_from_annotCompute LabelTable node from annotation.
xml_node_gifti_MDCreate XML GIFTI metadata node.
freesurferformats documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:29 a.m.