#' @title Read Brainvoyager statistical surface results from v4 or v5 SMP file.
#' @inheritParams read.smp.brainvoyager
#' @note Do not call this, call \code{read.smp.brainvoyager} instead, which will figure out the version and call the appropriate function.
#' @return named list of file contents
#' @keywords internal
read.smp.brainvoyager.v4or5 <- function(filepath, version) {
endian = "little";
fh = file(filepath, "rb");
on.exit({ close(fh) }, add=TRUE);
ret_list = list();
ret_list$smp_version = readBin(fh, integer(), size = 2, n = 1, endian = endian);
if(! (ret_list$smp_version %in% c(4L, 5L))) {
stop(sprintf("Found SMP file in file format version %d, only version 4 or 5 is supported by this function.\n", ret_list$smp_version));
ret_list$num_mesh_vertices = readBin(fh, integer(), size = 4, n = 1, endian = endian);
ret_list$num_maps = readBin(fh, integer(), size = 2, n = 1, endian = endian);
ret_list$srf_file_name = readBin(fh, character(), n = 1);
ret_list$vertex_maps = list();
if(ret_list$num_maps > 0L) {
for(map_index in$num_maps)) {
vm = list();
vm$map_type = readBin(fh, integer(), size = 4, n = 1, endian = endian);
vm$num_lags = readBin(fh, integer(), size = 4, n = 1, endian = endian);
vm$min_lag = readBin(fh, integer(), size = 4, n = 1, endian = endian);
vm$max_lag = readBin(fh, integer(), size = 4, n = 1, endian = endian);
vm$cc_overlay = readBin(fh, integer(), size = 4, n = 1, endian = endian);
vm$cluster_size = readBin(fh, integer(), size = 4, n = 1, endian = endian);
vm$enable_cluster_check = readBin(fh, integer(), size = 1, n = 1, endian = endian);
vm$stat_threshold_critical = readBin(fh, numeric(), size = 4, n = 1, endian = endian);
vm$stat_threshold_max = readBin(fh, numeric(), size = 4, n = 1, endian = endian);
vm$includes_val_greater_threshold_max = readBin(fh, integer(), size = 4, n = 1, endian = endian);
vm$degrees_of_freedom_1_fnom = readBin(fh, integer(), size = 4, n = 1, endian = endian);
vm$degrees_of_freedom_2_fdenom = readBin(fh, integer(), size = 4, n = 1, endian = endian);
if(ret_list$smp_version == 5L) {
vm$pos_neg_flag = readBin(fh, integer(), size = 4, n = 1, endian = endian);
vm$cortex_bonferroni_correct = readBin(fh, integer(), size = 4, n = 1, endian = endian);
vm$color_min_rgb = readBin(fh, integer(), size = 1, n = 3, endian = endian);
vm$color_max_rgb = readBin(fh, integer(), size = 1, n = 3, endian = endian);
vm$color_negative_min_rgb = readBin(fh, integer(), size = 1, n = 3, endian = endian);
vm$color_negative_max_rgb = readBin(fh, integer(), size = 1, n = 3, endian = endian);
vm$enable_smp_color = readBin(fh, integer(), size = 1, n = 1, endian = endian);
if(ret_list$smp_version == 5L) {
vm$map_lut_name = readBin(fh, character(), n = 1);
vm$transparent_color_factor = readBin(fh, numeric(), size = 4, n = 1, endian = endian);
vm$map_name = readBin(fh, character(), n = 1);
ret_list$vertex_maps[[map_index]] = vm;
# header done, now read the data
for(map_index in$num_maps)) {
ret_list$vertex_maps[[map_index]]$data = readBin(fh, numeric(), size = 4, n = ret_list$num_mesh_vertices, endian = endian);
class(ret_list) = c("bvsmp", class(ret_list));
#' @title Read Brainvoyager statistical surface results from v3 SMP file.
#' @inheritParams read.smp.brainvoyager
#' @note Do not call this, call \code{read.smp.brainvoyager} instead, which will figure out the version and call the appropriate function.
#' @return named list of file contents
#' @keywords internal
read.smp.brainvoyager.v3 <- function(filepath) {
endian = "little";
fh = file(filepath, "rb");
on.exit({ close(fh) }, add=TRUE);
ret_list = list();
ret_list$smp_version = readBin(fh, integer(), size = 2, n = 1, endian = endian);
if(ret_list$smp_version != 3L) {
stop(sprintf("Found SMP file in file format version %d, only version 3 is supported by this function.\n", ret_list$smp_version));
ret_list$num_mesh_vertices = readBin(fh, integer(), size = 4, n = 1, endian = endian);
ret_list$num_maps = readBin(fh, integer(), size = 2, n = 1, endian = endian);
ret_list$srf_file_name = readBin(fh, character(), n = 1);
ret_list$vertex_maps = list();
if(ret_list$num_maps > 0L) {
for(map_index in$num_maps)) {
vm = list();
vm$map_type = readBin(fh, integer(), size = 4, n = 1, endian = endian);
vm$num_lags = readBin(fh, integer(), size = 4, n = 1, endian = endian);
vm$min_lag = readBin(fh, integer(), size = 4, n = 1, endian = endian);
vm$max_lag = readBin(fh, integer(), size = 4, n = 1, endian = endian);
vm$cc_overlay = readBin(fh, integer(), size = 4, n = 1, endian = endian);
vm$cluster_size = readBin(fh, integer(), size = 4, n = 1, endian = endian);
vm$enable_cluster_check = readBin(fh, integer(), size = 1, n = 1, endian = endian);
vm$stat_threshold_critical = readBin(fh, numeric(), size = 4, n = 1, endian = endian);
vm$stat_threshold_max = readBin(fh, numeric(), size = 4, n = 1, endian = endian);
vm$degrees_of_freedom_1_fnom = readBin(fh, integer(), size = 4, n = 1, endian = endian);
vm$degrees_of_freedom_2_fdenom = readBin(fh, integer(), size = 4, n = 1, endian = endian);
vm$cortex_bonferroni_correct = readBin(fh, integer(), size = 4, n = 1, endian = endian);
vm$color_critical_rgb = readBin(fh, integer(), size = 1, n = 3, endian = endian);
vm$color_max_rgb = readBin(fh, integer(), size = 1, n = 3, endian = endian);
vm$enable_smp_color = readBin(fh, integer(), size = 1, n = 1, endian = endian);
vm$transparent_color_factor = readBin(fh, numeric(), size = 4, n = 1, endian = endian);
vm$map_name = readBin(fh, character(), n = 1);
ret_list$vertex_maps[[map_index]] = vm;
# header done, now read the data
for(map_index in$num_maps)) {
ret_list$vertex_maps[[map_index]]$data = readBin(fh, numeric(), size = 4, n = ret_list$num_mesh_vertices, endian = endian);
class(ret_list) = c("bvsmp", class(ret_list));
#' @title Read Brainvoyager statistical surface results from v1 or v2 SMP file.
#' @inheritParams read.smp.brainvoyager
#' @note Do not call this, call \code{read.smp.brainvoyager} instead, which will figure out the version and call the appropriate function.
#' @return named list of file contents
#' @keywords internal
read.smp.brainvoyager.v1or2 <- function(filepath, version) {
endian = "little";
fh = file(filepath, "rb");
on.exit({ close(fh) }, add=TRUE);
ret_list = list();
ret_list$smp_version = readBin(fh, integer(), size = 2, n = 1, endian = endian);
if(!(ret_list$smp_version %in% c(1L, 2L))) {
stop(sprintf("Found SMP file in file format version %d, only version 1 or 2 is supported by this function.\n", ret_list$smp_version));
ret_list$num_mesh_vertices = readBin(fh, integer(), size = 4, n = 1, endian = endian);
ret_list$num_maps = readBin(fh, integer(), size = 2, n = 1, endian = endian);
ret_list$map_type = readBin(fh, integer(), size = 2, n = 1, endian = endian);
ret_list$num_lags = readBin(fh, integer(), size = 2, n = 1, endian = endian);
ret_list$srf_file_name = readBin(fh, character(), n = 1);
ret_list$vertex_maps = list();
if(ret_list$num_maps > 0L) {
for(map_index in$num_maps)) {
vm = list();
vm$cluster_size = readBin(fh, integer(), size = 4, n = 1, endian = endian);
if(ret_list$smp_version == 2L) {
vm$enable_cluster_check = readBin(fh, integer(), size = 1, n = 1, endian = endian);
} else {
vm$enable_cluster_check = 1L;
vm$stat_threshold_critical = readBin(fh, numeric(), size = 4, n = 1, endian = endian);
vm$stat_threshold_max = readBin(fh, numeric(), size = 4, n = 1, endian = endian);
vm$degrees_of_freedom_1_fnom = readBin(fh, integer(), size = 4, n = 1, endian = endian);
vm$degrees_of_freedom_2_fdenom = readBin(fh, integer(), size = 4, n = 1, endian = endian);
vm$cortex_bonferroni_correct = readBin(fh, integer(), size = 4, n = 1, endian = endian);
if(ret_list$smp_version == 2L) {
vm$color_critical_rgb = readBin(fh, integer(), size = 1, n = 3, endian = endian); # called min rgb in latest documentation
vm$color_max_rgb = readBin(fh, integer(), size = 1, n = 3, endian = endian);
vm$enable_smp_color = readBin(fh, integer(), size = 1, n = 1, endian = endian);
if(ret_list$smp_version == 2L) {
vm$transparent_color_factor = readBin(fh, numeric(), size = 4, n = 1, endian = endian);
} else {
vm$transparent_color_factor = 1.0;
vm$map_name = readBin(fh, character(), n = 1);
ret_list$vertex_maps[[map_index]] = vm;
# header done, now read the data
for(map_index in$num_maps)) {
ret_list$vertex_maps[[map_index]]$data = readBin(fh, numeric(), size = 4, n = ret_list$num_mesh_vertices, endian = endian);
class(ret_list) = c("bvsmp", class(ret_list));
#' @title Read Brainvoyager statistical surface results from SMP file.
#' @param filepath character string, path to file in Brainvoyager SMP file format
#' @references see \url{} for the spec
#' @note Currently only SMP file versions 1 to 5 are supported, as these are the only ones for which a spec is available. The version is encoded in the file header.
#' @return named list of file contents
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Surface mesh, requires BV demo dataset from website:
#' sf = read.fs.surface.bvsrf("~/data/BrainTutorData/CG_LHRH_D65534.srf");
#' # Surface map of cortical thickness. Needs to be created in BV.
#' smp_file = "~/data/BrainTutorData/CG_LHRH_D65534_Thickness.smp";
#' smp = read.smp.brainvoyager(smp_file);
#' smp_data = read.fs.morph.bvsmp(smp); # could also pass smp_file.
#' fsbrain::vis.fs.surface(sf, per_vertex_data = smp_data);
#' }
#' @export
read.smp.brainvoyager <- function(filepath) {
endian = "little";
fh = file(filepath, "rb");
smp_version = readBin(fh, integer(), size = 2, n = 1, endian = endian);
if(smp_version == 5L) {
return(invisible(read.smp.brainvoyager.v4or5(filepath, version = 5L)));
} else if(smp_version == 4L) {
return(invisible(read.smp.brainvoyager.v4or5(filepath, version = 4L)));
} else if(smp_version == 3L) {
} else if(smp_version == 2L) {
return(invisible(read.smp.brainvoyager.v1or2(filepath, version = 2L)));
} else if(smp_version == 1L) {
return(invisible(read.smp.brainvoyager.v1or2(filepath, version = 1L)));
} else {
stop(sprintf("Found SMP file in file format version %d, only versions 1 to 5 are supported.\n", smp_version));
#' @title Check whether object is a bvsmp instance.
#' @param x any `R` object
#' @return TRUE if its argument is an bvsmp instane (that is, has "bvsmp" amongst its classes) and FALSE otherwise.
#' @export
is.bvsmp <- function(x) inherits(x, "bvsmp")
#' @title Write a brainvoyager v3, v4 or v5 SMP file.
#' @inheritParams write.smp.brainvoyager
#' @note Called by \code{\link{write.smp.brainvoyager}}.
#' @keywords internal
write.smp.brainvoyager.v3or4or5 <- function(filepath, bvsmp, smp_version) {
endian = "little";
fh = file(filepath, "wb", blocking = TRUE);
if(!(smp_version %in% c(3L, 4L, 5L))) {
stop(sprintf("Found SMP file in file format version %d, only versions 3, 4 and 5 are supported by this function.\n", smp_version));
writeBin(as.integer(smp_version), fh, size = 2, endian = endian);
writeBin(as.integer(bvsmp$num_mesh_vertices), fh, size = 4, endian = endian);
writeBin(as.integer(bvsmp$num_maps), fh, size = 2, endian = endian);
writeChar(bvsmp$srf_file_name, fh);
if(bvsmp$num_maps > 0L) {
for(vm in bvsmp$vertex_maps) {
# set defaults
if(is.null(vm$enable_cluster_check)) {
vm$enable_cluster_check = 1L;
writeBin(as.integer(vm$map_type), fh, size = 4, endian = endian);
writeBin(as.integer(vm$num_lags), fh, size = 4, endian = endian);
writeBin(as.integer(vm$min_lag), fh, size = 4, endian = endian);
writeBin(as.integer(vm$max_lag), fh, size = 4, endian = endian);
writeBin(as.integer(vm$cc_overlay), fh, size = 4, endian = endian);
writeBin(as.integer(vm$cluster_size), fh, size = 4, endian = endian);
writeBin(as.integer(vm$enable_cluster_check), fh, size = 1, endian = endian);
writeBin(as.double(vm$stat_threshold_critical), fh, size = 4, endian = endian);
writeBin(as.double(vm$stat_threshold_max), fh, size = 4, endian = endian);
if(smp_version >= 4L) {
writeBin(as.integer(vm$includes_val_greater_threshold_max), fh, size = 4, endian = endian);
writeBin(as.integer(vm$degrees_of_freedom_1_fnom), fh, size = 4, endian = endian);
writeBin(as.integer(vm$degrees_of_freedom_2_fdenom), fh, size = 4, endian = endian);
if(smp_version >= 5L) {
writeBin(as.integer(vm$pos_neg_flag), fh, size = 4, endian = endian);
writeBin(as.integer(vm$cortex_bonferroni_correct), fh, size = 4, endian = endian);
writeBin(as.integer(vm$color_critical_rgb), fh, size = 1, endian = endian); # color_critical_rgb is vector of length 3
writeBin(as.integer(vm$color_max_rgb), fh, size = 1, endian = endian); # color_max_rgb is vector of length 3
if(smp_version >= 4L) {
writeBin(as.integer(vm$color_negative_min_rgb), fh, size = 1, endian = endian); # a vector of length 3
writeBin(as.integer(vm$color_negative_max_rgb), fh, size = 1, endian = endian); # a vector of length 3
writeBin(as.integer(vm$enable_smp_color), fh, size = 1, endian = endian);
if(smp_version >= 5L) {
writeChar(vm$map_lut_name, fh);
writeBin(as.double(vm$transparent_color_factor), fh, size = 4, endian = endian);
writeChar(vm$map_name, fh);
for(vm in bvsmp$vertex_maps) { # write data
writeBin(as.double(vm$data), fh, size = 4, endian = endian);
#' @title Write a brainvoyager v2 SMP file.
#' @inheritParams write.smp.brainvoyager
#' @note Called by \code{\link{write.smp.brainvoyager}}.
#' @note The map_type and num_lags of the first vertex map will be used for the top header,i.e., for all maps. The v2 format does not support per-map settings for these values. Also min_alg, max_lag and cc_overlay are ignored.
#' @keywords internal
write.smp.brainvoyager.v2 <- function(filepath, bvsmp) {
endian = "little";
fh = file(filepath, "wb", blocking = TRUE);
smp_version = 2L;
writeBin(as.integer(smp_version), fh, size = 2, endian = endian);
writeBin(as.integer(bvsmp$num_mesh_vertices), fh, size = 4, endian = endian);
writeBin(as.integer(bvsmp$num_maps), fh, size = 2, endian = endian);
writeBin(as.integer(bvsmp$vertex_maps[[1]]$map_type), fh, size = 2, endian = endian);
writeBin(as.integer(bvsmp$vertex_maps[[1]]$num_lags), fh, size = 2, endian = endian);
writeChar(bvsmp$srf_file_name, fh);
if(bvsmp$num_maps > 0L) {
for(vm in bvsmp$vertex_maps) {
writeBin(as.integer(vm$cluster_size), fh, size = 4, endian = endian);
writeBin(as.integer(vm$enable_cluster_check), fh, size = 1, endian = endian);
writeBin(as.double(vm$stat_threshold_critical), fh, size = 4, endian = endian);
writeBin(as.double(vm$stat_threshold_max), fh, size = 4, endian = endian);
writeBin(as.integer(vm$degrees_of_freedom_1_fnom), fh, size = 4, endian = endian);
writeBin(as.integer(vm$degrees_of_freedom_2_fdenom), fh, size = 4, endian = endian);
writeBin(as.integer(vm$cortex_bonferroni_correct), fh, size = 4, endian = endian);
writeBin(as.integer(vm$color_critical_rgb), fh, size = 1, endian = endian); # color_critical_rgb is vector of length 3
writeBin(as.integer(vm$color_max_rgb), fh, size = 1, endian = endian); # color_max_rgb is vector of length 3
writeBin(as.integer(vm$enable_smp_color), fh, size = 1, endian = endian);
writeBin(as.double(vm$transparent_color_factor), fh, size = 4, endian = endian);
writeChar(vm$map_name, fh);
for(vm in bvsmp$vertex_maps) { # write data
writeBin(as.double(vm$data), fh, size = 4, endian = endian);
#' @title Write a brainvoyager SMP file.
#' @description Write a brainvoyager SMP file, which contains one or more vertex-wise data maps (stats or morphometry data).
#' @param filepath character string, the output file
#' @param bvsmp bvsmp instance, a named list as returned by \code{\link{read.smp.brainvoyager}}.
#' @param smp_version integer, the SMP file format version to use when writing. Versions 2 to 5 are supported, but only versions 2 and 3 have been tested properly. Please report any problems you encounter. When converting between file versions (e.g., loading a v2 file and saving the result as a v5 file), some required fields may be missing, and for those without a default value according to the official spec, you will have to manually add the value you want in the bvsmp object before writing.
#' @seealso \code{\link{write.fs.morph.smp}}
#' @export
write.smp.brainvoyager <- function(filepath, bvsmp, smp_version = 3L) {
if(! is.bvsmp(bvsmp)) {
stop("Parameter 'bvsmp' must contain bvsmp instance.\n");
if(smp_version %in% c(3L, 4L, 5L)) {
return(write.smp.brainvoyager.v3or4or5(filepath, bvsmp, smp_version));
} else if(smp_version == 2L) {
return(write.smp.brainvoyager.v2(filepath, bvsmp));
} else {
stop(sprintf("Brainvoyager SMP file format version not supported, only versions 2 to 5 are supported.\n"));
#' @title Create new bvsmp instance encoding morph data for Brainvoyager.
#' @param morph_data numeric vector, the morphometry data to store in the bvsmp instance (one value per mesh vertex).
#' @return bvsmp instance, can be used to write Brainvoyager SMP format morphometry files using \code{\link{write.smp.brainvoyager}}. Modify as needed before writing.
#' @examples
#' morph_data = rnorm(100L, 3.0, 1.0);
#' mybvsmp = bvsmp(morph_data);
#' mybvsmp$smp_version;
#' @export
bvsmp <- function(morph_data) {
ret_list = list();
ret_list$smp_version = 3L;
ret_list$num_mesh_vertices = length(morph_data);
ret_list$num_maps = 1L;
ret_list$srf_file_name = "";
ret_list$vertex_maps = list();
vm = list();
vm$map_type = 13L;
vm$num_lags = 0L;
vm$min_lag = 0L;
vm$max_lag = 0L;
vm$cc_overlay = 0L;
vm$cluster_size = 300L;
vm$enable_cluster_check = 0L;
vm$stat_threshold_critical = 0.1;
vm$stat_threshold_max = 1.0;
vm$degrees_of_freedom_1_fnom = 200L;
vm$degrees_of_freedom_2_fdenom = 80L;
vm$cortex_bonferroni_correct = 2L;
vm$color_critical_rgb = c(100L, 50L, 50L);
vm$color_max_rgb = c(110L, 10L, 10L);
vm$enable_smp_color = 0L;
vm$transparent_color_factor = 0.0;
vm$map_name = "data"; # not very creative, I know.
vm$data = morph_data;
ret_list$vertex_maps[[1]] = vm;
class(ret_list) = c("bvsmp", class(ret_list));
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