
Defines functions minus.freqdom plus.timedom plus.freqdom

Documented in plus.freqdom

#' Frequency-wise sum of freqdom objects
#' @title Frequency-wise sum of freqdom objects
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
plus.freqdom = function(e1,e2){
  R = e1
  lags = freqdom.lags(e1)
  for (i in 1:length(lags))
    R$operators[,,i] = e1$operators[,,i] + e2$operators[,,i]

plus.timedom = function(e1,e2){
  R = e1
  lags = freqdom.lags(e1)
  for (i in 1:length(lags))
    R$operators[,,i] = e1$operators[,,i] + e2$operators[,,i]

#' Frequency-wise sum of freqdom objects
#' @title Frequency-wise sum of freqdom objects
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
"+.freqdom" = function (e1,e2) plus.freqdom(e1,e2)

#' Time-wise sum of freqdom objects
#' @title Time-wise sum of freqdom objects
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
"+.timedom" = function (e1,e2) plus.freqdom(e1,e2)

minus.freqdom = function(e1,e2){
  R = e1
  R$lags = union(e1$lags,e2$lags)
  R$operators = array(0,c(dim(R$operators)[1:2],length(R$lags)))
  for (i in 1:length(R$lags)){
    lag = R$lags[i]
    i1 = which(e1$lags == lag)
    i2 = which(e2$lags == lag)
    if (sum(i1)==0)
      R$operators[,,i] = - e2$operators[,,i2]
    else if (sum(i2)==0)
      R$operators[,,i] = e1$operators[,,i1]
      R$operators[,,i] = e1$operators[,,i1] - e2$operators[,,i2]

#' Frequency-wise difference of freqdom objects
#' @title Frequency-wise difference of freqdom objects
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
"-.freqdom" = function (e1,e2) minus.freqdom(e1,e2)

#' Time-wise sum of freqdom objects
#' @title Time-wise difference of freqdom objects
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
"-.timedom" = function (e1,e2) minus.freqdom(e1,e2)

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freqdom documentation built on Oct. 4, 2022, 5:05 p.m.