
Defines functions find_files

Documented in find_files

#' Find Files on Disk
#' Look for files on disk, either scanning a vector of names or searching for
#' files with \code{\link{list.files}} and throw an error if no files are found.
#' This is a wrapper to either \code{\link{file.exists}} or
#' \code{\link{list.files}}, that ensures that (some) files exists. This may
#' come handy if you want to perform some kind of file manipulation e.g. with
#' one of the functions listed under \cr
#' \strong{See Also} \emph{Other file utilities:}.
#' @param file_names character vector of file names (to be checked if the files
#'        exist).
#' @param select A named list of numerical vectors of maximum length 2 named
#' \code{min} and/or \code{max}.
#' If given, file searching will be restricted to file attributes corresponding
#' to the names in the list ranging between \code{min} and \code{max}. See
#' \emph{examples}.
#' @param path see \code{\link{list.files}}.
#' @param pattern see \code{\link{list.files}}.
#' @param all_files see \code{\link{list.files}}, argument \code{all.files}.
#' @param recursive see \code{\link{list.files}}.
#' @param ignore_case see \code{\link{list.files}}, argument \code{ignore.case}.
#' @param find_all Throw an error if not all files (given by \emph{file_names})
#' are found?
#' @note This is merely a wrapper around \code{\link{file.exists}} or
#'       \code{\link{list.files}}, depending on whether \emph{file_names} is
#'       given.
#' @export
#' @family searching functions
#' @family file utilities
#' @return A character vector of file names.
#' @examples
#' #% create some files
#' files <- unname(sapply(file.path(tempdir(), paste0(sample(letters, 10),
#'                                               ".", c("R", "Rnw", "txt"))),
#'                        touch))
#' print(files)
#' print(list.files(tempdir(), full.names = TRUE)) # same as above
#' #% file names given
#' find_files(file_names = files[1:3])
#' ##% some do not exist:
#' find_files(file_names = c(files[1:3], replicate(2, tempfile())))
#' try(find_files(file_names = c(files[1:3], replicate(2, tempfile())),
#'                find_all = TRUE))
#' ##% all do not exist:
#' try(find_files(file_names = replicate(2, tempfile())))
#' #% path given
#' find_files(path = tempdir())
#' ##% change pattern
#' find_files(path = tempdir(),
#'            pattern = ".*\\.[RrSs]$|.*\\.[RrSs]nw$|.*\\.txt")
#' ##% find a specific file by it's basename
#' find_files(path = tempdir(), pattern = paste0("^", basename(files[1]), "$"))
#' #% file_names and path given: file_names beats path
#' try(find_files(file_names = tempfile(), path = tempdir()))
#' #% select by file size:
#' write.csv(mtcars, file.path(tempdir(), "mtcars.csv"))
#' find_files(path = tempdir())
#' find_files(path = tempdir(),
#'            select = list(size = c(min = 1000))
#'            )
find_files <- function(path = ".", pattern = NULL,
                       file_names = NA, all_files = TRUE, recursive = FALSE,
                       ignore_case = FALSE, find_all = FALSE, select = NA) {
    if (isTRUE(is.na(file_names))) {
        # BEWARE: Strangely, `pattern` is not hardened on windows,
        # so we use grep afterwards
        file_paths <- list.files(path = path, pattern = NULL,
                                  all.files = all_files,
                                  recursive = recursive,
                                  ignore.case = ignore_case,
                                  full.names = TRUE,
                                  include.dirs = FALSE, no.. = TRUE)
        if (!is.null(pattern)) {
            file_paths <- file_paths[grep(pattern, basename(file_paths),
                                          ignore.case = ignore_case)]
        if (!all(sapply(select, is.na))) {
            selection <- lapply(select,
                                function(x) {
                                    if (!"min" %in% names(x)) x["min"] <- -Inf
                                    if (!"max" %in% names(x)) x["max"] <- Inf
            fi <- file.info(file_paths)
            index <- rep(TRUE, length(file_paths))
            for (i in seq(along = selection)) {
                col <- names(selection[i])
                index <- fi[[col]] >= selection[[i]][["min"]] &
                    fi[[col]] <= selection[[i]][["max"]] & index

            file_paths <- row.names(fi)[index]
    } else {
        files_exist <- file.exists(file_names)
        msg <- paste(paste("File", file_names[! files_exist], " not found."),
                      collapse = "\n\t")

        if (! all(files_exist)) {
            if (isTRUE(find_all)) {
            } else {
                file_paths <- file_names[files_exist]
        } else {
            file_paths <- file_names[files_exist]

    if (length(file_paths) == 0) throw("No matching files found.")

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fritools documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:03 a.m.