
Defines functions is_utf8_output is_latex_output box_chars pc dir_tree

Documented in dir_tree

#' Print contents of directories in a tree-like format
#' @param path A path to print the tree from
#' @inheritParams dir_ls
#' @inheritDotParams dir_ls -recursive
#' @export
dir_tree <- function(path = ".", recurse = TRUE, ...) {
  files <- dir_ls(path, recurse = recurse, ...)
  by_dir <- split(files, path_dir(files))

  ch <- box_chars()

  get_coloured_name <- function(x) {
    coloured <- colourise_fs_path(x)
    sub(x, path_file(x), coloured, fixed = TRUE)

  print_leaf <- function(x, indent) {
    leafs <- by_dir[[x]]
    for (i in seq_along(leafs)) {
      if (i == length(leafs)) {
        cat(indent, pc(ch$l, ch$h, ch$h, " "), get_coloured_name(leafs[[i]]), "\n", sep = "")
        print_leaf(leafs[[i]], paste0(indent, "    "))
      } else {
        cat(indent, pc(ch$j, ch$h, ch$h, " "), get_coloured_name(leafs[[i]]), "\n", sep = "")
        print_leaf(leafs[[i]], paste0(indent, pc(ch$v, "   ")))

  cat(colourise_fs_path(path), "\n", sep = "")
  print_leaf(path_expand(path), "")


pc <- function(...) {
  paste0(..., collapse = "")

# These are derived from https://github.com/r-lib/cli/blob/e9acc82b0d20fa5c64dd529400b622c0338374ed/R/tree.R#L111
box_chars <- function() {
  if (is_utf8_output()) {
      "h" = "\u2500",                   # horizontal
      "v" = "\u2502",                   # vertical
      "l" = "\u2514",
      "j" = "\u251C"
  } else {
      "h" = "-",                        # horizontal
      "v" = "|",                        # vertical
      "l" = "\\",
      "j" = "+"

is_latex_output <- function() {
  if (!("knitr" %in% loadedNamespaces())) return(FALSE)
  get("is_latex_output", asNamespace("knitr"))()

is_utf8_output <- function() {
  opt <- getOption("cli.unicode", NULL)
  if (! is.null(opt)) {
  } else {
    l10n_info()$`UTF-8` && !is_latex_output()

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fs documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:28 p.m.