
context("in-memory compression")

# Sample raw vector
raw_vector <- function(length) {
  as.raw(sample(1:10, length, replace = TRUE))

raw_vec <- raw_vector(100)  # vector size less than single block

test_that("interface for compressing raw vectors", {
  y <- compress_fst(raw_vec)
  expect_equal(typeof(y), "raw")

  expect_error(compress_fst(5), "Parameter x is not set to a raw vector")

  expect_error(compress_fst(raw_vec, 4), "Parameter compressor should be set")

  expect_error(compress_fst(raw_vec, compression = TRUE), "Parameter compression should be a numeric value")

  expect_error(compress_fst(raw_vec[0], compressor = "LZ4", compression = 0), "Source contains no data")

# rest write / read cycle for single vector and compression settings
test_round_cycle <- function(vec, compressor, compression) {
  y <- compress_fst(raw_vec, compressor, compression)
  z <- decompress_fst(y)

  expect_equal(raw_vec, z, info = paste("compressor:", compressor, "compression:", compression))  # return type


# rest write / read cycle for multiple compression settings
test_vec <- function(raw_vec) {
  y1 <- test_round_cycle(raw_vec, "LZ4", 0)
  y2 <- test_round_cycle(raw_vec, "LZ4", 100)
  y3 <- test_round_cycle(raw_vec, "ZSTD", 0)
  y4 <- test_round_cycle(raw_vec, "ZSTD", 100)

  list(y1, y2, y3, y4)

test_that("compress round cycle small vector", {
  # single core
  comp_result1 <- test_vec(raw_vec)

  # dual core (max on CRAN)
  comp_result2 <- test_vec(raw_vec)

  # result independent of the number of blocks used
  expect_equal(comp_result1, comp_result2)

test_that("compress round cycle single block", {
  # compress_fst prefers 48 block of at least 16384 bytes (16 kB)
  raw_vec <- raw_vector(16384)  # exactly single block

  # single core single block
  comp_result1 <- test_vec(raw_vec)

  # only 1 core will be active on a single block
  comp_result2 <- test_vec(raw_vec)

  # result independent of the number of blocks used
  expect_equal(comp_result1, comp_result2)

test_that("compress round cycle around single block", {
  # compress_fst prefers 48 block of at least 16384 bytes (16 kB)
  raw_vec <- raw_vector(16383)  # exactly single block minus 1

  # single core single block
  comp_result1 <- test_vec(raw_vec)

  # only 1 core will be active on a single block
  comp_result2 <- test_vec(raw_vec)

  # result independent of the number of blocks used
  expect_equal(comp_result1, comp_result2)

  raw_vec <- raw_vector(16385)  # exactly single block plus 1

  # single core single block
  comp_result1 <- test_vec(raw_vec)

  # 2 cores will be active on two blocks
  comp_result2 <- test_vec(raw_vec)

  # result independent of the number of blocks used
  expect_equal(comp_result1, comp_result2)

test_that("compress round cycle multiple blocks per thread", {
  raw_vec <- raw_vector(100000)

  comp_result1 <- test_vec(raw_vec)

  comp_result2 <- test_vec(raw_vec)

  # result independent of the number of blocks used
  expect_equal(comp_result1, comp_result2)

test_that("compress round cycle blocksize larger than 16kB", {
  raw_vec <- raw_vector(1000000)

  comp_result1 <- test_vec(raw_vec)

  comp_result2 <- test_vec(raw_vec)

  # result independent of the number of blocks used
  expect_equal(comp_result1, comp_result2)

raw_vec <- raw_vector(50000)  # 4 blocks

test_that("erroneous compressed data", {
  # Test LZ4 compressor
  z <- compress_fst(raw_vec, compressor = "LZ4", compression = 100)  # note: very bad compression ratio

  y <- z
  y[41:48] <- as.raw(0L)  # mess up second block offset
  expect_error(decompress_fst(y), "Incorrect header information found")

  y <- z
  y[17:24] <- as.raw(0L)  # set vector length to zero
  expect_error(decompress_fst(y), "Incorrect header information found")

  y <- decompress_fst(z)
  expect_equal(raw_vec, y)  # return type

  # Test ZSTD compressor
  y <- compress_fst(raw_vec, compressor = "ZSTD", compression = 0)
  z <- decompress_fst(y)
  expect_equal(raw_vec, z)  # return type

  y <- compress_fst(raw_vec, compressor = "ZSTD", compression = 100)  # maximum compression
  z <- decompress_fst(y)
  expect_equal(raw_vec, z)  # return type

  # Mess up compressed data block
  # Header has length 76, so data of first block starts at byte 77

  # This error is catched by ZSTD
  y[77] <- as.raw(0L)  # set vector length to zero
  expect_error(decompress_fst(y), "An error was detected in the compressed data stream")

  # If using block hashes, erro is catched by fst
  y <- compress_fst(raw_vec, compressor = "ZSTD", compression = 100, hash = TRUE)  # hash data blocks
  y[77] <- as.raw(0L)  # set vector length to zero
  expect_error(decompress_fst(y), "Incorrect input vector")

test_that("hash can use custom seed", {
  hash1 <- hash_fst(raw_vec)
  hash2 <- hash_fst(raw_vec, 345345)

  # alter vector in two places
  raw_vec[100] <- as.raw((as.integer(raw_vec[100]) + 2) %% 256)  ## nolint
  raw_vec[200] <- as.raw((as.integer(raw_vec[200]) + 2) %% 256)  ## nolint
  hash3 <- hash_fst(raw_vec)

  expect_true(sum(hash1 != hash2) == 2)
  expect_true(sum(hash1 != hash3) == 2)

test_that("block_hash can be set", {
  hash1 <- hash_fst(raw_vec)

  # larger than 1 block raw vectors give different results
  hash4 <- hash_fst(raw_vec, block_hash = FALSE)  # single threaded hash
  expect_true(sum(hash1 != hash4) == 2)

  small_raw_vec <- as.raw(rep(0, 10))
  hash1 <- hash_fst(small_raw_vec)

  # smaller than 1 block raw vectors give identical results
  hash4 <- hash_fst(small_raw_vec, block_hash = FALSE)  # single threaded hash
  expect_true(sum(hash1 != hash4) == 0)

test_that("argument error", {
  expect_error(compress_fst(1), "Parameter x is not set to a raw vector")

  expect_error(hash_fst(as.raw(1), "no integer"), "Please specify an integer value for the hash seed")

  expect_error(hash_fst(1), "Please specify a raw vector as input parameter x")

  expect_error(hash_fst(as.raw(1), block_hash = 1), "Please specify a logical value for parameter block_hash")


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fst documentation built on Feb. 8, 2022, 9:06 a.m.