
context("Old unit tests")

parallel <- TRUE

# prevents funcitons from spamming the the console with unrequestted output
silent <- function(expr) {
  null <- capture.output(result <- expr)

methods <- c("fitfclust", "distclust", "iterSubspace", "funHDDC", "fscm", "waveclust")
k <- 5
ds <- sampleFuncy(obsNr = 100, timeNr = 20, reg = TRUE, k = k, sd = 0.4)

test_that("All Cluster algorithms work", {
  res1 <- silent(funcit(
    methods = methods, data = ds@data, k = k,
    clusters = ds@clusters, seed = 2405,
    save.data = TRUE, parallel = parallel

ds <- sampleFuncy(reg = FALSE, timeNrMin = 5, timeNrMax = 10, k = k, sd = 0.3)

test_that("Making an irregular data set regular", {
  data <- expect_silent(regFuncy(ds@data, timeNr = 10, nbasis = 5,
                                 method = "interpolate"))
  data <- expect_silent(regFuncy(ds@data, baseType = "splines", timeNr = 10, 
                                 nbasis = 10, method = "project")$data)
  # to save time, maybe don't cluster again
  # Test all cluster methods again",
  res2 <- silent(funcit(methods = methods, seed = 2506, data = data, k = 4))    
  cl <- lapply(res2@models, class)
  # expected <- structure(
  #   c("funcyOutMbc-fitfclust", "funcyOut", "funcyOut-iterSubspace", 
  #     "funcyOutMbc", "funcyOutMbc", "funcyOutMbc-fscm", "funcyOutMbc"
  #   ), .Names = c("fitfclust", "distclust", "iterSubspace", "funclust", 
  #                 "funHDDC", "fscm", "waveclust"))
  expected <- structure(
    c("funcyOutMbc-fitfclust", "funcyOut", "funcyOut-iterSubspace", 
      "funcyOutMbc", "funcyOutMbc-fscm", "funcyOutMbc"
    ), .Names = c("fitfclust", "distclust", "iterSubspace", 
                  "funHDDC", "fscm", "waveclust"))
  expect_equal(object = unlist(cl), expected = expected)

test_that("Test control arguments", {
  k <- 4
  ds <- sampleFuncy(timeNrMin = 5, timeNrMax = 10, reg = FALSE, k = k, sd = 0.3)
  a <- list(coeffsCalc = "estimate", average = TRUE)
  fpcCtrl <- as(a, "fpcCtrl")
  b <- list(maxit = 5, baseType = "eigenbasis", flexDim = TRUE)
  funcyCtrlMbc <- as(b, "funcyCtrlMbc")
  res3 <- silent(funcit(
    methods = c(1, 2, 3), data = ds@data, k = k,
    clusters = ds@clusters,
    fpcCtrl = fpcCtrl,
    funcyCtrl = funcyCtrlMbc,
    save.data = TRUE,
    parallel = parallel

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funcy documentation built on May 2, 2019, 9:22 a.m.