

library("datasets") ## cars data set
library("stats")    ## lm(), poly(), xtabs()


## CRAN processing times:
## On Windows 32-bit, don't run these tests on batchtools
if (!fullTest && isWin32) plan(sequential)

message("*** Globals - formulas ...")

message("*** Globals - lm(<formula>) ...")

## From example("lm", package = "stats")
ctl <- c(4.17, 5.58, 5.18, 6.11, 4.50, 4.61, 5.17, 4.53, 5.33, 5.14)
trt <- c(4.81, 4.17, 4.41, 3.59, 5.87, 3.83, 6.03, 4.89, 4.32, 4.69)
group <- gl(2, 10, 20, labels = c("Ctl", "Trt"))
weight <- c(ctl, trt)

## Truth:
fit0 <- lm(weight ~ group - 1)

## Explicit future
f <- future({ lm(weight ~ group - 1) })
fit <- value(f)
stopifnot(all.equal(fit, fit0))

## Future assignment
fit %<-% { lm(weight ~ group - 1) }
stopifnot(all.equal(fit, fit0))

message("*** Globals - lm(<formula>) ... DONE")

message("*** Globals - one-side formulas, e.g. xtabs(~ x) ...")

x <- c(1, 1, 2, 2, 2)

## Truth:
tbl0 <- xtabs(~ x)

## Explicit future
f <- future({ xtabs(~ x) })
tbl <- value(f)
stopifnot(all.equal(tbl, tbl0))

## Future assignment
tbl %<-% { xtabs(~ x) }
stopifnot(all.equal(tbl, tbl0))

message("*** Globals - one-side formulas, e.g. xtabs(~ x) ... DONE")

message("*** Globals - lm(<formula>, data = cars) ...")

exprs <- list(
  # "remove-intercept-term" form of no-intercept
  a = substitute({ lm(dist ~ . - 1, data = cars) }),
  # "make-intercept-zero" form of no-intercept
  b = substitute({ lm(dist ~ . + 0, data = cars) }),
  # doesn't do what we want here
  c = substitute({ lm(dist ~ speed + speed ^ 2, data = cars) }),
  # gets us a quadratic term
  d = substitute({ lm(dist ~ speed + I(speed ^ 2), data = cars) }),
  # avoid potential multicollinearity
  e = substitute({ lm(dist ~ poly(speed, 2), data = cars) })

for (kk in seq_along(exprs)) {
  expr <- exprs[[kk]]
  name <- names(exprs)[kk]
  mprintf("- Globals - lm(<formula #%d (%s)>, data = cars) ...\n",
          kk, sQuote(name))

  fit0 <- eval(expr)

  f <- future(expr, substitute = FALSE)
  fit <- value(f)

  stopifnot(all.equal(fit, fit0))
} ## for (kk ...)

message("*** Globals - lm(<formula>, data = cars) ... DONE")

message("*** Globals - map(x, ~ expr) ...")

## A fake purrr::map() function with limited functionality
map <- function(.x, .f, ...) {
  if (inherits(.f, "formula")) {
    expr <- .f[[-1]]
    .f <- eval(bquote(function(...) {
  eval(lapply(.x, FUN = .f, ...))

inner_function <- function(x) { x + 1 }

outer_function <- function(x) {
  map(1:2, ~ inner_function(.x))

y0 <- outer_function(1L)

f <- future({ outer_function(1L) })
y <- value(f)
stopifnot(all.equal(y, y0))

y %<-% { outer_function(1L) }
stopifnot(all.equal(y, y0))

message("*** Globals - map(x, ~ expr) ... DONE")

message("*** Globals - formulas ... DONE")


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future.batchtools documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:18 a.m.