

message("*** Globals w/ non-standard evaluation (NSE) ...")

data <- data.frame(x = 1:5, y = 1:5)
v0 <- subset(data, x < 3)$y

for (strategy in supportedStrategies()) {
  ## Speed up CRAN checks: Skip on CRAN Windows 32-bit
  if (!fullTest && isWin32) next
  message(sprintf("- Strategy: %s ...", strategy))

  ## Assert option is passed on to future
  options(future.globals.onMissing = "error")
  opt1 %<-% getOption("future.globals.onMissing")
  stopifnot(identical(opt1, "error"))

  options(future.globals.onMissing = "ignore")
  opt2 %<-% getOption("future.globals.onMissing")
  stopifnot(identical(opt2, "ignore"))

  options(future.globals.onMissing = "error")
  res <- try({ v1 %<-% subset(data, x < 3)$y }, silent = TRUE)
  stopifnot(inherits(res, "try-error"))

  options(future.globals.onMissing = "ignore")
  v2 %<-% subset(data, x < 3)$y
  stopifnot(identical(v2, v0))

  ## Nested futures (requires option is passed on to future)
  plan(list(sequential, strategy))
  options(future.globals.onMissing = "ignore")
  v3 %<-% {
    a %<-% subset(data, x < 3)$y
  } %lazy% TRUE
  stopifnot(identical(v3, v0))

  message(sprintf("- Strategy: %s ... DONE", strategy))

message("*** Globals w/ non-standard evaluation (NSE) ... DONE")


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future documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:38 a.m.